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Short: | A simple and incomplete git client |
Author: | mail sebastianbauer.info (Sebastian Bauer) |
Uploader: | mail sebastianbauer info (Sebastian Bauer) |
Type: | dev/misc |
Version: | 0.535 |
Architecture: | ppc-amigaos |
Date: | 2016-01-02 |
Download: | dev/misc/sgit.lha - View contents | Readme: | dev/misc/sgit.readme |
Downloads: | 1958 |
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This is a very simple git client based on libgit2 with AmigaOS being the
major target operating system. However, other platforms are equally
important as this eases testing.
The program is currently called sgit to differentiate it from the
standard git command. If you start the sgit executable without any
arguments, a list of all supported commands will be printed. Note that
even if a command is listed there, it it likely a very crippled verison
of the original version.
The AmigaOS version of SimpleGit uses a statically linked OpenSSL
version. Even if it is not recommended in the general case, you can use
the GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY environment variable to skip the SSL verification.
E.g., enter
1.> setenv GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY 1
1.> sgit clone https://github.com/sba1/simplemail simplemail
to clone and the SimpleMail repository into the simplemail folder
ignoring any SSL relatated problems.
Generally note that this is software is in a very preliminary state. It
may be not usable at all in terms of functions it provides but also in
terms of bugs it contains. Consider it as a prototype and use it at your
own risk.
To display diff in color the normal sgit diff --color command can be
used. But if the output does not look good for you in the AmigaDOS
console, you can use the gitdiff script instead. Make sure it has the
Executable and Script bit set, and exists in the path. Edit the E[47m
and E[45m entries to your liking. Ref:
The script uses sed which is part of the SDK.
Usage: sgit <command>
Following plumbing commands are supported:
add Add contents of file to the index
branch Create, delete, or delete branches
checkout Copy a branch or paths to the working directory
cherry-pick Redo commits
clone Fetch and checkout a repository into a new directory
commit Create a new commit from the index
config Get and set repository or global options
diff Show differences between objects
fetch Fetch objects from another repository
init Create or reinitialize a git repository
log Show the commit logs
merge Join histories defined by commit together
push Update the remote references and push associated objects
rebase Reapply changes
reset Reset the HEAD or the index to a specific state
rm Remove files
show Show objects
stash Manage a separate stash of changes
status Summarize working directory changes
tag Manage tags
version Show version information
Following porcelaine commands are supported:
cat-file Show content of repository objects
checkout-index Copy files from the index
commit-tree Create a new commit object from a tree object
diff-files Show differences between files in the working directory and the index
help Show this help
index-pack Build the index file for an existing pack file
ls-files Show information about files in the index and the working directory
ls-remote Show information about remote references
ls-tree Show information about a tree object
mktag Create a tag object
read-tree Read a tree object into the index
rev-list Show information about commit objects
update-index Update the index with files from the working directory
write-tree Create a write object from the current index
Bug reports
Please use the GitHub Issue form for filing bug reports or enhancement
requests: https://github.com/sba1/simplegit/issues
Refer to the git log for changes.
Building SimpleGit for AmigaOS
Currently, it only is possible to compile SimpleGit via a cross compiler
and CMake. See http://sourceforge.net/projects/adtools/ or
https://github.com/sba1/adtools/ how to get the cross compiler
Once everything is set up, building SimpleGit is as easy as typing
$ make -f makefile.aos4
in the shell command prompt. Snapshot builds are available from
https://sonumina.de/jenkins/job/sgit.amiga/. That site's SHA1
fingerprint is
56 C7 52 5C 26 DB CE 89 AF 1D 20 EC AE 30 96 E8 88 D5 5B CA.
Building SimpleGit for other platforms
Among other stuff, CMake is needed to build the tool. Then type
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
$ make
Testing on other platforms
If you want to test git2 with the tests of the original git, run:
$ make test
on a POSIX-compatible operating system. This can take a lot of time (it
compiles git and then launch thousands of tests). As we are using the
git test framework, nearly all what can be done with git test can be
done with our test base (i.e. set GIT_SKIP_TESTS or GIT_TEST_OPTS).
You can run a particular test by giving its name:
$ make -C tests t0000-basic.sh
Its code base derived from https://github.com/vfr-nl/git2/ (thanks to
Vincent van Ravesteijn and Motiejus Jak¨tys), from which it was forked
to https://github.com/Romain-Geissler/git2.git. It was then forked by
Chris Young to https://github.com/chris-y/git2.git, which is the direct
parent of SimpleGit.
It is currently developed at https://github.com/sba1/simplegit.git with
https://git.gitorious.org/amiga-ports/git2-amiga.git being a mirror. The
sources contains work from the examples included within libgit2.
Thanks for testing
Hubert Maier
Contents of dev/misc/sgit.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
drwxr-xr-x 1000/1000 0 0 ****** -lhd- 0000 Dec 31 04:15 sgit-20151231-000535/
-rw-r--r-- 1000/1000 2661 6211 42.8% -lh5- 45a5 Dec 31 04:15 sgit-20151231-000535/ReadMe
-rw-r--r-- 1000/1000 80 112 71.4% -lh5- fc96 Dec 31 04:15 sgit-20151231-000535/gitdiff
-rwxr-xr-x 1000/1000 1030144 2649244 38.9% -lh5- e1f4 Dec 31 04:15 sgit-20151231-000535/sgit
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
Total 4 files 1032885 2655567 38.9% Jan 1 22:09
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