MathString is a subclass of the String class that adds mathematical
abilities to its superclass.
A MathString object can accept complex floating-point expressions,
including algebraic operators, functions, measuring units, and
return to the application only the value of the expression, giving
the user the freedom to express a value as (S)HE feels it's easier,
without burdening the application. For most things, handling
a MathString object is as easy as a traditional String object via
the MUIA_String_Integer tag.
The language accepted by a MathString object is as follows:
id ::= 1-to-4-character (like IFF's IDs)
num ::= signed floating point, simple or exponential notation
mnum ::= num
| num id /* id is measuring unit */
mexp ::= mnum
| mexp*mnum
| mexp/mnum
| (aexp)
| id(aexp) /* id is function name */
| id /* id is a constant */
aexp ::= mexp
| aexp+mexp
| aexp-mexp
Spaces are not significant, except between digits, in an id, or
between an id and a "(".
Some example:
3.4 m / (1e10+3Km)
1 in - 12 pt
MathString supports custom measuring units, custom functions,
custom constants, single- or double-precision IEEE and FFP modes,
automatic error handling, several built-in measuring systems
and more.
MathString is (C) 1996 V. Gervasi, but freely distributable as long
as the following conditions are met:
1. If you use MathString in a commercial or shareware product, you
have to send me a full (registered) package (copy) of the product,
including any update that still uses MathString.mcc.
Also, the text "MathString (C) 1996 V. Gervasi" should go in your
printed documentation, if any.
2. If you use MathString in a PD product, you only have to put the text
"MathString (C) 1996 V. Gervasi" in your "About" window OR in the same
place where the "MUI (C) Stefan Stuntz" text is OR in the documentation.
In any case, I would appreciate an e-mail announcing the product.
Provided that the above mentioned conditions are met, you can distribute
MathString with your product, having care not to overwrite any later
MathString.mcc the user could have already installed.
Vincenzo Gervasi
Dipartimento di Informatica
Corso Italia, 40
I-56125 PISA