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Short:V15.8 - \'Tip of the day\' class (SRC)
Author:"Marcin Orlowski" carlos at
Uploader:Marcin Orlowski <carlos amiga com pl>
Download:dev/mui/MCC_TipOfDay_S.lha - View contents


  Many programs on other operating systems often offer so called
  "Tip of the day" stickers.  It's mostly small window opened on
  program startup, showing valuable (more or less) information about
  the program, some useful information, keyboard shortcuts or just
  neat tips or quick how-to solutions...

  I think, that from the user's point of view it's good idea to have
  such feature, especially Tips can be turned off if you felt bored.
  As you probably guessed, this class is supposed to handle such
  tips for your MUI based application almost in fully automatic manner
  (you just need to add 3 lines of code to have fully functional Tip
  Of The Day implemented!  See the enclosed demonstration for more

  You like the class?  Feel free to use it in your programs.

  Tip Of The Day class is freeware software, but it's copyrighted
  © 1999-2000 by Marcin Orlowski <>

  Source code:

  The complete source tree of TipOfTheDay is now available.  See
  the source.readme file for details about using them.

  Software using this class:

  Let me know about your!


  15.0 (Tue Nov 09 19:20:22 1999)
       - initial version

  15.1 (Thu Nov 11 23:02:00 1999)
       - now using installer script by Robert Reiswig
       - made Tipboard.mcc more bullet-proof, to better
         handle various errors (e.g.  "no tips file")

  15.2 (Fri Nov 12 21:32:28 1999)
       - added localized tips support
       - attempt to replace previous, ugly bulb image
       - localized Tipwindow.mcc

  15.3 (Sat Nov 13 23:42:49 1999)
       - fixed underscore being improperly handled in
         checkmark label (Oleg Sergeev)
       - added MUIV_Tip_Show_Random support
       - added bubble help to the Tipwindow.mcc objects
       - cleared typos in autodocs (a little bit ;-)

  15.4 (Wed Nov 24 22:47:28 1999)
       - added forgotten bubble help to the checkmark
       - expanded tip file pathes with two new entries:
         "PROGDIR:Tips/english/%s" and "PROGDIR:Tips/%s",
       - added QUIET switch to the tip_converter
       - source code released
       - português-brasil translation by Daniel Mealha
         Cabrita <>
       - russian translation by Andrew Boyarintsev
         <> and Oleg Sergeev
       - slovenian translation by Damir Arh

   15.5 (Sat Nov 27 15:08:39 1999)
       - fixed catalog handling bug, causing some strings
         to remain in english. Might also cause hits or so
         (Damir Arh)
       - tip_converter version is now equal classes'
       - slovenian translation is here for sure now

   15.6 (Mon Dec 20 21:32:40 1999)
       - this is minior update. no code change, just
         new translations.
       - updated slovenian translation by Damir Arh
       - deutsch translation by Andreas Kuerzinger
       - italian translation by Andrea Monni
         <> and Francesco Leoni
       - swedish translation and tips by Thomas Nordh
       - forgotten source tip file is now included

   15.7 (Fri Apr 21 21:12:24 2000)
       - MUIA_Version and MUIA_Revision are gettable now
       - finnish translation by Ilkka Lehtoranta
       - portuguese translation (catalog and Autodocs) by
         Alfredo Martins <>
         and Raul Silva <>

   15.8 (Fri Jun 30 16:43:43 2000)
       - added MUIA_Tip_WindowObject gettable atribute
         upon request of many ppl. Now you can play with
         the window object as you wish (Carlos)
       - you can now customize the bulb image with use
         of MUIA_Tip_BulbObject (Carlos)
       - added more comments to tip_demo.c source for
         all you people having problems with how to properly
         use this class (Carlos)
       - fixed bug causing "Show Tips on Startup" checkmark
         to be always "ON", no matter what the real setting
         was (Carlos)

        ___  ___  ___    ________    ___  ___  ___    ___  ___
       /   \/   \/   \  /        \  /   \/   \/   \  /   \/   \
      /    /    /    / /         / /    /    /    / /    /    /
     /    /    /    / /    _____/ /    /    /    / /    /    /
    /    /    /    / /        \  /    /    /    / /         /
   /    /    /    / /         / /    /    /    / /         /
  /    /    /    / /    _____/ /    /    /    / /    /    /
 /    /    /    / /    /      /    /    /    / /    /    /
 \___/\___/\___/ /    /       \___/\___/\___/  \___/\___/
                /    /
                \___/                    W.F.M.H. on-line

             Amiga software:

 $Id: MCC_TipOfDay.readme,v 1.11 2000/06/29 22:41:48 carlos Exp $

Contents of dev/mui/MCC_TipOfDay_S.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  738    1188  62.1% -lh5- a80d Jun 30  2000
[generic]                    5       5 100.0% -lh0- c681 Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/.revinfo
[generic]                 1581    5941  26.6% -lh5- b8aa Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/brush2c.c
[generic]                  143     324  44.1% -lh5- c49a Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/bumprev
[generic]                 1117    3410  32.8% -lh5- 42f4 Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/bumprev.rexx
[generic]                  691    1365  50.6% -lh5- c64a Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/catalogs/deutsch.ct
[generic]                  806    1673  48.2% -lh5- 7c77 Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/catalogs/italiano.ct
[generic]                  847    1681  50.4% -lh5- 4aa4 Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/catalogs/polski.ct
[generic]                  783    1512  51.8% -lh5- 08f8 Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/catalogs/português-brasil.ct
[generic]                  747    1530  48.8% -lh5- 21a7 Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/catalogs/português.ct
[generic]                  904    1581  57.2% -lh5- d00a Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/catalogs/russian.ct
[generic]                  872    1697  51.4% -lh5- f6fc Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/catalogs/slovensko.ct
[generic]                  526     922  57.0% -lh5- c312 Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/catalogs/suomi.ct
[generic]                  718    1380  52.0% -lh5- 1e89 Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/catalogs/svenska.ct
[generic]                  474     906  52.3% -lh5- 78d9 Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/catalogs/
[generic]                 1384    4970  27.8% -lh5- bac3 Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/catalogs/tipwindow_strings.h
[generic]                   67      73  91.8% -lh5- b110 Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/clean
[generic]                 1266    3522  35.9% -lh5- e0af Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/debug.h
[generic]                  969    1692  57.3% -lh5- 0f63 Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/example_tips.text
[generic]                   12      12 100.0% -lh0- 40fb Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/go
[generic]                  858    1370  62.6% -lh5- a0ce Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/images/bulb2.iff
[generic]                  858    1370  62.6% -lh5- a0ce Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/images/bulb3.iff
[generic]                 1498    7318  20.5% -lh5- 7bd7 Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/images/bulb3_img.h
[generic]                  439     618  71.0% -lh5- 8cd0 Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/images/tip.iff
[generic]                  843    3322  25.4% -lh5- 54ba Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/images/tip_img.h
[generic]                 2223    5254  42.3% -lh5- d3be Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/MCC_TipOfDay.readme
[generic]                 2291    5465  41.9% -lh5- 7846 Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/MCC_TipOfDay_S.readme
[generic]                 4595   18289  25.1% -lh5- 8a37 Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/mccheader.c
[generic]                 1976    8818  22.4% -lh5- 883a Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/muiundoc.h
[generic]                 1059    3471  30.5% -lh5- d1d7 Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/rel
[generic]                 1131    3037  37.2% -lh5- 9145 Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/smakefile
[generic]                  681    1296  52.5% -lh5- 9529 Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/source.readme
[generic]                 3059   11629  26.3% -lh5- 6c65 Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/tip.c
[generic]                  212     434  48.8% -lh5- c221 Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/tip.h
[generic]                 2913    9915  29.4% -lh5- e857 Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/tip_converter.c
[generic]                  120     239  50.2% -lh5- 36cc Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/tip_converter_revision.h
[generic]                 1778    4568  38.9% -lh5- 5cba Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/tip_demo.c
[generic]                  332     837  39.7% -lh5- 9149 Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/tip_include.h
[generic]                  125     146  85.6% -lh5- 1e32 Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/tip_macros.h
[generic]                  687    1982  34.7% -lh5- e78c Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/tip_misc.c
[generic]                  157     347  45.2% -lh5- 2775 Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/tip_protos.h
[generic]                  122     255  47.8% -lh5- 3cc6 Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/tip_revision.h
[generic]                 5357   23085  23.2% -lh5- f024 Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/tipb.c
[generic]                  140     237  59.1% -lh5- 905d Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/tipb.h
[generic]                  123     259  47.5% -lh5- dcb8 Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/tipb_revision.h
[generic]                  753    2016  37.4% -lh5- 781a Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/tipboard_mcc.h
[generic]                 1026    1597  64.2% -lh5- b973 Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/tips_trans/russian.text
[generic]                 1022    1746  58.5% -lh5- 71a0 Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/tips_trans/slovensko.text
[generic]                 1036    1885  55.0% -lh5- c970 Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/tips_trans/svenska.text
[generic]                  551    1367  40.3% -lh5- 12d5 Jun 30  2000 MCC_TipOfDay_S/tipwindow_mcc.h
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        50 files   52615  157556  33.4%            Jul  3  2000
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