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dev/mui/MUIPlusPlus-morphos.lha |
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Allows the use of MUI 3.8 through C++ classes.
This has only been tested with the GCC compiler although it has been
written so that it should compile with other compilers.
* Supports all attributes and methods of MUI 3.8
* Support for NList, NListview, and HTMLtext custom classes
* Template classes supplied for List, Listview, NList, NListview
* Methods and attributes can be inlined for efficiency or linked with a
link library for faster compilation.
* Ability to convert to and from BOOPSI objects
* Extra support for List classes including AddHead, AddTail, InsertTop,
InsertBottom, Length.
* Numeric classes have coercion to ints and longs
* Lists can be treated like arrays
* Strings and Texts have coercion to char *
* Includes ARexx macros for generating main header file and header files
for custom classes from autodocs.
* Includes documentation in guide format
* Is completely free!
Wersja Testowa - przeróbki z MUIPLUSPLUS - Tomasz Kaczanowski
Ewentualne uwagi: kaczus@wp.pl
Uwaga Doc jest oryginalny, natomiast nazwy niektórych metod musia³y ulec zmianie
(za przyczyn± lamersko zrobionych includów dla MOSa #define suxx)
04-09-2004 Dod³em Custom Clases
10-09-2004 Zebrane poprawki, które zauwa¿y³.miêdzy innymi inymi Sensei - thx :)
wersja 2.0
08-10-2004 Poprawki b³êdów spowodowanych przez nadu¿ywanie copy/paste
Contents of dev/mui/MUIPlusPlus-morphos.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 2748 9359 29.4% -lh5- 7b35 Oct 8 2004 MUIPlus_MOS/Examples/CustomClasses/myclass.cpp
[generic] 1832 5823 31.5% -lh5- 5248 Sep 5 2004 MUIPlus_MOS/Examples/HTMLtext/HTMLtext.cpp
[generic] 196 333 58.9% -lh5- 7f4a Sep 5 2004 MUIPlus_MOS/Examples/HTMLtext/makefile
[generic] 228 396 57.6% -lh5- 7045 Sep 5 2004 MUIPlus_MOS/Examples/TListView/makefile
[generic] 1586 4218 37.6% -lh5- 3031 Feb 25 2003 MUIPlus_MOS/Examples/TListView/SDI_compiler.h
[generic] 2176 8035 27.1% -lh5- 05f8 Feb 25 2003 MUIPlus_MOS/Examples/TListView/SDI_hook.h
[generic] 2542 6682 38.0% -lh5- ecde Sep 5 2004 MUIPlus_MOS/Examples/TListView/TListview.cpp
[generic] 216 372 58.1% -lh5- 7d78 Sep 5 2004 MUIPlus_MOS/Examples/TNListView/makefile
[generic] 1586 4218 37.6% -lh5- 3031 Feb 25 2003 MUIPlus_MOS/Examples/TNListView/SDI_compiler.h
[generic] 11647 38296 30.4% -lh5- 8a2e Mar 23 1997 MUIPlus_MOS/Docs/MUIPlusPlus.guide
[generic] 2176 8035 27.1% -lh5- 05f8 Feb 25 2003 MUIPlus_MOS/Examples/TNListView/SDI_hook.h
[generic] 53973 155160 34.8% -lh5- ef72 Feb 7 2004 MUIPlus_MOS/Examples/TNListView/TNListView
[generic] 2557 6936 36.9% -lh5- 0a1c Sep 5 2004 MUIPlus_MOS/Examples/TNListView/TNListview.cpp
[generic] 35853 297342 12.1% -lh5- 66b9 Oct 8 2004 MUIPlus_MOS/Inclide/libraries/mui.hpp
[generic] 1146 3667 31.3% -lh5- 16cd Oct 8 2004 MUIPlus_MOS/Inclide/mui/HTMLtext_mcc.hpp
[generic] 1469 8351 17.6% -lh5- fde2 Oct 8 2004 MUIPlus_MOS/Inclide/mui/NListview_mcc.hpp
[generic] 4909 24602 20.0% -lh5- 5396 Oct 8 2004 MUIPlus_MOS/Inclide/mui/NList_mcc.hpp
[generic] 183 300 61.0% -lh5- 4b03 Sep 5 2004 MUIPlus_MOS/libs/makefile
[generic] 4189 12228 34.3% -lh5- 00f1 Oct 8 2004 MUIPlus_MOS/libs/muipp.a
[generic] 1216 3831 31.7% -lh5- eb1c Oct 8 2004 MUIPlus_MOS/libs/muipp.cpp
[generic] 828 1484 55.8% -lh5- f30c Oct 8 2004 MUIPlus_MOS/MUIPlusPlus.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 21 files 133256 599668 22.2% Dec 13 2006
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