84782 packages online
dev/mui/mui38dev-storm.lha |
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Short: | MagicUserInterface 3.8, developer files. StormC diffs |
Author: | "Fredrik Rambris" fredrik.rambris amiga.nu |
Uploader: | Fredrik Rambris <fredrik rambris amiga nu> |
Type: | dev/mui |
Version: | 1.0 |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1998-12-08 |
Requires: | mui38dev.lha |
Download: | dev/mui/mui38dev-storm.lha - View contents | Readme: | dev/mui/mui38dev-storm.readme |
Downloads: | 1059 |
Demo sourcecodes modified to work with StormC
Version 1.0
(c) Copyright 1998, Fredrik Rambris
As noone develops SAS/C anymore and many start using StormC (as I) some
might get fustrated by the fact that their programs need a bit tweeking
to get it to compile under StormC. When I first wanted to learn how to
code MUI stuff I started compiling the sourcecodes that came with the
MUI developer package. They didn't compile and I hadn't the knowledge to
make the compile either...
...Now I have and has therefor made changes to them to make them compile
under StormC. All my changes are marked with /*FR* Comment */. I haven't
modified the psi files. There were too many failures and I didn't have
time to fix them.
I maybe will fix psi too some day. If you Storm users out there find
anything in the MUI include-files that Storm won't compile please send
me a mail telling me where or even better: Fix the file (as I have done
in these, making them compile both by SAS/C and StormC) and send it to
me and I will include it in the next version of this package.
I have nothing to do with the official MUI-development(??) team. This is
a separate package made for the benefit of the Amiga community
(especially those of you using StormC, want to learn MUI and get stuck
because the demos wont compile).
Email: fredrik.rambris@amiga.nu
www: http://www.amiga.nu
irc: Boost @ ircnet
brush2c.c | InputHandler.c
Class1.c | MUI-Demo.c
Class2.c | Popup.c
Class3.c | Subtask.c
demo.h | Virtual.c
DragnDrop.c | WbMan.c
Magic User Interface is copyrighted by Stefan Stuntz and can be obtained
from either Aminet or from SASG at http://www.sasg.com
Contents of dev/mui/mui38dev-storm.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 561 1359 41.3% -lh5- 2532 Dec 6 1998 MUI/Developer/C/Examples/AppWindow.¶
[generic] 561 1359 41.3% -lh5- fe89 Dec 6 1998 MUI/Developer/C/Examples/Balancing.¶
[generic] 559 1359 41.1% -lh5- 039a Dec 6 1998 MUI/Developer/C/Examples/BoopsiDoor.¶
[generic] 1560 3854 40.5% -lh5- 467e Dec 6 1998 MUI/Developer/C/Examples/brush2c.c
[generic] 495 1180 41.9% -lh5- f9ba Dec 6 1998 MUI/Developer/C/Examples/Brush2C.¶
[generic] 2323 5705 40.7% -lh5- accd Dec 6 1998 MUI/Developer/C/Examples/Class1.c
[generic] 551 1314 41.9% -lh5- 9868 Dec 6 1998 MUI/Developer/C/Examples/Class1.¶
[generic] 3124 8960 34.9% -lh5- 4a8e Dec 6 1998 MUI/Developer/C/Examples/Class2.c
[generic] 556 1332 41.7% -lh5- b69d Dec 6 1998 MUI/Developer/C/Examples/Class2.¶
[generic] 2833 8004 35.4% -lh5- b64e Dec 6 1998 MUI/Developer/C/Examples/Class3.c
[generic] 556 1332 41.7% -lh5- 210e Dec 6 1998 MUI/Developer/C/Examples/Class3.¶
[generic] 1090 3165 34.4% -lh5- 90cf Dec 6 1998 MUI/Developer/C/Examples/demo.h
[generic] 3628 10811 33.6% -lh5- c342 Dec 6 1998 MUI/Developer/C/Examples/DragnDrop.c
[generic] 556 1350 41.2% -lh5- 7575 Dec 6 1998 MUI/Developer/C/Examples/DragnDrop.¶
[generic] 559 1359 41.1% -lh5- 97ba Dec 6 1998 MUI/Developer/C/Examples/EnvBrowser.¶
[generic] 2924 8259 35.4% -lh5- 95ab Dec 6 1998 MUI/Developer/C/Examples/InputHandler.c
[generic] 560 1377 40.7% -lh5- 3afe Dec 6 1998 MUI/Developer/C/Examples/InputHandler.¶
[generic] 557 1332 41.8% -lh5- 8ebf Dec 6 1998 MUI/Developer/C/Examples/Layout.¶
[generic] 552 1314 42.0% -lh5- 4807 Dec 6 1998 MUI/Developer/C/Examples/Menus.¶
[generic] 7610 27825 27.3% -lh5- 9802 Dec 6 1998 MUI/Developer/C/Examples/MUI-Demo.c
[generic] 556 1341 41.5% -lh5- 5633 Dec 6 1998 MUI/Developer/C/Examples/MUI-Demo.¶
[generic] 552 1314 42.0% -lh5- b03c Dec 6 1998 MUI/Developer/C/Examples/Pages.¶
[generic] 1772 5068 35.0% -lh5- fb65 Dec 6 1998 MUI/Developer/C/Examples/Popup.c
[generic] 555 1323 42.0% -lh5- 7cc4 Dec 6 1998 MUI/Developer/C/Examples/Popup.¶
[generic] 557 1341 41.5% -lh5- 91b5 Dec 6 1998 MUI/Developer/C/Examples/ShowHide.¶
[generic] 494 1172 42.2% -lh5- 5a48 Dec 6 1998 MUI/Developer/C/Examples/Slidorama.¶
[generic] 7023 21139 33.2% -lh5- 02c9 Dec 6 1998 MUI/Developer/C/Examples/Subtask.c
[generic] 556 1332 41.7% -lh5- ef7d Dec 6 1998 MUI/Developer/C/Examples/SubTask.¶
[generic] 4203 13965 30.1% -lh5- 7609 Dec 6 1998 MUI/Developer/C/Examples/Virtual.c
[generic] 558 1341 41.6% -lh5- 8fe2 Dec 6 1998 MUI/Developer/C/Examples/Virtual.¶
[generic] 9332 36451 25.6% -lh5- efa2 Dec 6 1998 MUI/Developer/C/Examples/WbMan.c
[generic] 551 1314 41.9% -lh5- 182e Dec 6 1998 MUI/Developer/C/Examples/WBMan.¶
[generic] 1006 2041 49.3% -lh5- 5f75 Dec 6 1998 MUI/Developer/C/StormC-ReadMe
[generic] 1341 1851 72.4% -lh5- dc62 Dec 6 1998 MUI/Developer/C/StormC-ReadMe.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 34 files 60771 183543 33.1% Dec 7 1998
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