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dev/src/cantstop_src.lha |
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Hi, and welcome to the next instalment of sourcecode by me (Axiom).
What you have before you is the sourcecode to most of Nuance's
40K intro, "Can't Stop" which placed 5th at Symposium'98. Why
do I have this sourcecode? Well, because I wrote it! ;)
Anyway, there are still some pretty simple and obvious optimisations
to be realised with this code (just have a look at my 3D rotation
code if you want a good laugh!), and there is a couple of bugs
in this version of the texturemapper routine (non-fatal).
Also, clipping of textured polygons is not supported, so don't
even think about drawing big polys with this... Just wait for
the sourcecode to "Terminal" which will have the updated and
bugfixed 3D code, as well as some other goodies!
Standard disclaimers apply, so if you screw up your Amiga using this,
then it's your own fault, and I won't be held responsible for direct
or indirect damage caused as a result of using the contents of this
archive blah blah blah blah......
Well, that's about it from me, so have fun with this code, and please
don't forget to give me a mention if any of this stuff finds it's
way into your productions!! ;)
- Axiom^Experience/Nuance 01.05.98
- mathomps@dove.net.au
Listing of archive 'cantstop_src.lha':
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
1173 533 54.5% 01-May-98 12:27:12 CantStop_Src/driver0.s
1220 697 42.8% 01-May-98 12:38:30 CantStop_Src/README.TXT
86808 26517 69.4% 01-May-98 12:50:50 CantStop_Src/TheLot.s
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
89201 27747 68.8% 04-May-98 17:21:38 3 files
Contents of dev/src/cantstop_src.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 533 1173 45.4% -lh5- 163f May 1 1998 CantStop_Src/driver0.s
[generic] 697 1220 57.1% -lh5- 76bf May 1 1998 CantStop_Src/README.TXT
[generic] 26517 86808 30.5% -lh5- 617f May 1 1998 CantStop_Src/TheLot.s
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 3 files 27747 89201 31.1% May 5 1998
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