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dev/src/curvetest-os4.lha |
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curve_test by Tyler Montbriand, 2005
tsm()accesscomm.ca http://burningsmell.org
curve_test is a set of 3 programs to demonstrate 3 different kind of
third-order parametric curves: Hemite curve segments, Bezier curve
segments, and Splines. Hemite curves are defined by two endpoints and
two vectors, Bezier curves are defined by four points, and Spline curves
are defined by 4+n points. In particular, my program draws *closed*
spline curves.
All 3 programs are operated the same way; the 0-9 keys select a
particular point. x or shift-x increases or decreases the X coordinate
of the selected point or vector, y or shift-y increases or decreases the
Y coordinate of the selected point or vector, ESC quits. You will see
the results of the modified curve redrawn in realtime.
It's probably stupidly slow and inefficient both in design and
implimentation, but I hope the idea at least is fairly clear.
This makefile was a bit odd, so i compiled the examples by hand using
the following lines. The link phase went wrong, as the libs ended up
at the wrong place.
gcc hemite.c matrix.o midpoint_line.o -o spline -L/SDK/Local/newlib/lib -lGL
-lGLU -lSDL -lauto -lpthread -lm -lm -lstdc++
gcc spline.c matrix.o midpoint_line.o -o spline -L/SDK/Local/newlib/lib -lGL
-lGLU -lSDL -lauto -lpthread -lm -lm -lstdc++
gcc hemite.c matrix.o midpoint_line.o -o hemite -L/SDK/Local/newlib/lib -lGL
-lGLU -lSDL -lauto -lpthread -lm -lm -lstdc++
gcc bezier.c matrix.o midpoint_line.o -o bezier -L/SDK/Local/newlib/lib -lGL
-lGLU -lSDL -lauto -lpthread -lm -lm -lstdc++
strip bezier
strip spline
strip hemite
.. Spot / Up Rough 2006
Contents of dev/src/curvetest-os4.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 156724 382484 41.0% -lh5- 1c4f Oct 17 2006 CurveTest/Bezier
[generic] 476 918 51.9% -lh5- f4f5 Apr 25 2005 CurveTest/Docs/README
[generic] 156677 382360 41.0% -lh5- 5a7a Oct 17 2006 CurveTest/Hemite
[generic] 709 1712 41.4% -lh5- 7f02 Oct 17 2006 CurveTest/ReadMe.aos4
[generic] 692 1801 38.4% -lh5- 9d8b Apr 20 2005 CurveTest/Source/.hemite.c
[generic] 1669 5417 30.8% -lh5- 40f1 Apr 21 2005 CurveTest/Source/bezier.c
[generic] 1474 4534 32.5% -lh5- e5d9 Apr 25 2005 CurveTest/Source/hemite.c
[generic] 146 298 49.0% -lh5- 65e4 Apr 25 2005 CurveTest/Source/Makefile
[generic] 943 2452 38.5% -lh5- 03bb Apr 20 2005 CurveTest/Source/matrix.c
[generic] 426 1132 37.6% -lh5- dfdc Apr 20 2005 CurveTest/Source/matrix.h
[generic] 1835 4678 39.2% -lh5- 795b Apr 21 2005 CurveTest/Source/midpoint_line.c
[generic] 273 747 36.5% -lh5- 9129 Apr 21 2005 CurveTest/Source/midpoint_line.h
[generic] 81 129 62.8% -lh5- e831 Apr 20 2005 CurveTest/Source/parametric.h
[generic] 1711 5600 30.6% -lh5- edd0 Apr 21 2005 CurveTest/Source/spline.c
[generic] 156769 382684 41.0% -lh5- 0620 Oct 17 2006 CurveTest/Spline
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 15 files 480605 1176946 40.8% Feb 8 06:08
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