84782 packages online
dev/src/rablepaint.lha |
No screenshot available
This paintprogram uses datatypes and is fully OS compliant. No special
libraries are needed! The full source code is provided to help others
gain a 'big view' of how different parts are put together to form a
useful program. Useful code is provided which illustrates the following -
- use of datatypes
- loading and saving of iffs
- palette customization
- altering the pointer image
- handling input from multiple windows
- simple graphic draw routines (all rotational)
- custom gadget images
- menu setup and usage
- good programming style (compiles on SAS and HiSoft)
- code is fully documented
This program was designed and implemented specifically to help others learn
how to program on the Amiga. It is at its most primative level an easy way
to convert pictures from one type to an iff, assuming you have all the proper
datatypes in place.
Please let the authors know if it helps you in anyway!
Contents of dev/src/rablepaint.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 866 1636 52.9% -lh5- 51d3 Oct 4 1999 RABLe.info
[generic] 8189 30764 26.6% -lh5- b36c Oct 7 1999 RABLe/compile/rable.c
[generic] 308 705 43.7% -lh5- 657f Oct 4 1999 RABLe/compile/rable.h
[generic] 14345 35740 40.1% -lh5- c17f Oct 7 1999 RABLe/compile/Rable.hisoft
[generic] 1656 11519 14.4% -lh5- 5814 Oct 4 1999 RABLe/compile/rable_draw.c
[generic] 211 934 22.6% -lh5- 4bc5 Oct 4 1999 RABLe/compile/rable_draw.h
[generic] 245 1104 22.2% -lh5- 73ae Oct 4 1999 RABLe/compile/rable_fills.h
[generic] 2423 16216 14.9% -lh5- 2e2e Oct 4 1999 RABLe/compile/rable_gadgets.c
[generic] 261 626 41.7% -lh5- 9a09 Oct 4 1999 RABLe/compile/rable_gadgets.h
[generic] 3554 8207 43.3% -lh5- eb00 Oct 7 1999 RABLe/compile/rable_history.h
[generic] 721 14783 4.9% -lh5- 6f13 Oct 4 1999 RABLe/compile/rable_images.h
[generic] 3142 6859 45.8% -lh5- e031 Oct 7 1999 RABLe/rable.guide
[generic] 974 1432 68.0% -lh5- 6c22 Oct 4 1999 RABLe/rable.guide.info
[generic] 18654 39292 47.5% -lh5- b1a9 Oct 7 1999 RABLe/Rablepaint
[generic] 2092 8622 24.3% -lh5- 6b4b Oct 4 1999 RABLe/Rablepaint.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 15 files 57641 178439 32.3% Oct 15 1999
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