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Short:PSX MemoryCard Reader
Author: geit at (Guido Mersmann)
Uploader:geit gmx de (Guido Mersmann)
Requires:Some features require gtdrag.library V3.4+ and AmigaOS3.5+!
Download:docs/hard/mccontrol.lha - View contents

 MCControl (MemoryCard Control) is a tool for reading, editing and writing 
 Playstation MemoryCards.


 ° Load/save #?.MCD, #?.GME, #?.VGS, #?.PSM, #?.PSX, #?.MEM

 ° Display PSX Images. (requires AmigaOS 3.0+)

 ° Save PSX Icons as AmigaOS icons! (requires AmigaOS 3.5+)

 ° Special hardware versions for parallel and disk port.

 ° DexDrive support

 ° DataDeck support

 ° PSXPort support

 ° Open as much virtual MemoryCards as you need.

 ° Drag´n Drop allows to move save games very easy between virtual
   MemoryCards. (requires GTDrag.library V3.4+)

 ° Delete and Undelete files.

 ° Very quick MemoryCard access! (Internal Caching)

 ° A save game converter allows to use any international save game!

 ° A save game manipulator to reach stages you never saw before!

 ° XPK Support

 ° Locale support

 ° Very small

 And much more!

Contents of docs/hard/mccontrol.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic]                 1965    2762  71.1% -lh5- 3242 May 13  2002
[generic]                27878   50852  54.8% -lh5- 5ce9 May 13  2002 MCControl/Bin/MCControl_OS21
[generic]                27637   50516  54.7% -lh5- 8ada May 13  2002 MCControl/Bin/MCControl_OS30
[generic]                27634   50488  54.7% -lh5- b9d5 May 13  2002 MCControl/Bin/MCControl_OS35
[generic]                  732    2688  27.2% -lh5- 8d5a May 13  2002 MCControl/Bonus/Developer/Modules/Empty_mcm.asm
[generic]                  918    3432  26.7% -lh5- 325e May 13  2002 MCControl/Bonus/Developer/Modules/Include.i
[generic]                 3378   12990  26.0% -lh5- 480e May 13  2002 MCControl/Bonus/Developer/Modules/Modules.doc
[generic]                 1161    4786  24.3% -lh5- fc9d May 13  2002 MCControl/Bonus/Developer/Modules/RamCard_mcm.asm
[generic]                  815    1998  40.8% -lh5- db78 May 13  2002 MCControl/Bonus/Developer/SGT/SGT.doc
[generic]                  288     470  61.3% -lh5- 6201 May 13  2002 MCControl/Bonus/MCDatabase/Catalogs/deutsch/MCDatabase.catalog
[generic]                  288     464  62.1% -lh5- 63c7 May 13  2002 MCControl/Bonus/MCDatabase/Catalogs/franíÂis/MCDatabase.catalog
[generic]                  287     456  62.9% -lh5- 4e88 May 13  2002 MCControl/Bonus/MCDatabase/Catalogs/portuguóÔ/MCDatabase.catalog
[generic]                  219     588  37.2% -lh5- e6aa May 13  2002 MCControl/Bonus/MCDatabase/Examples/Example.mdb
[generic]                 2260    3464  65.2% -lh5- 569c May 13  2002 MCControl/Bonus/MCDatabase/MCDatabase
[generic]                  839    1208  69.5% -lh5- f060 May 13  2002 MCControl/Bonus/tim2jpg/tim2jpg
[generic]                  421     709  59.4% -lh5- fd91 May 13  2002 MCControl/Bonus/tim2jpg/tim2jpg.readme
[generic]                12965   42468  30.5% -lh5- c772 May 13  2002 MCControl/Bonus/Translator/MCControl.cs
[generic]                  952    2451  38.8% -lh5- d852 May 13  2002 MCControl/Bonus/Translator/MCDatabase.cs
[generic]                 3468    8222  42.2% -lh5- 4995 May 13  2002 MCControl/Catalogs/deutsch/MCControl.catalog
[generic]                 3142    7246  43.4% -lh5- 7840 May 13  2002 MCControl/Catalogs/english/MCControl.catalog
[generic]                 3327    7590  43.8% -lh5- 5dac May 13  2002 MCControl/Catalogs/espaÐl/MCControl.catalog
[generic]                 3401    8044  42.3% -lh5- 963f May 13  2002 MCControl/Catalogs/franíÂis/MCControl.catalog
[generic]                 3376    7598  44.4% -lh5- 1502 May 13  2002 MCControl/Catalogs/polski/MCControl.catalog
[generic]                 3440    8276  41.6% -lh5- d7d1 May 13  2002 MCControl/Catalogs/portuguóÔ/MCControl.catalog
[generic]                   76     168  45.2% -lh5- ccc4 May 13  2002 MCControl/DefaultCards/DataFlash120.Card
[generic]                   75     168  44.6% -lh5- 6bcb May 13  2002 MCControl/DefaultCards/MemoryCardPlus.Card
[generic]                   74     168  44.0% -lh5- 9983 May 13  2002 MCControl/DefaultCards/ShakeHand30.Card
[generic]                   73     168  43.5% -lh5- f5eb May 13  2002 MCControl/DefaultCards/Sun1080.Card
[generic]                   78     168  46.4% -lh5- a05d May 13  2002 MCControl/DefaultCards/Universal.Card
[generic]                 4609    6821  67.6% -lh5- b731 May 13  2002 MCControl/
[generic]                 4115    6525  63.1% -lh5- 1827 May 13  2002 MCControl/Help/
[generic]                50270  155829  32.3% -lh5- 4861 May 13  2002 MCControl/Help/deutsch/
[generic]                 4061    6301  64.5% -lh5- c605 May 13  2002 MCControl/Help/deutsch/
[generic]                 4449    6613  67.3% -lh5- aaa4 May 13  2002 MCControl/Help/
[generic]                40991  131253  31.2% -lh5- ea75 May 13  2002 MCControl/Help/english/
[generic]                 4384    6387  68.6% -lh5- a567 May 13  2002 MCControl/Help/english/
[generic]                 4792    6865  69.8% -lh5- 556b May 13  2002 MCControl/Help/
[generic]                 4716    4716 100.0% -lh0- 600d May 13  2002 MCControl/Help/Pictures/Author.jpg
[generic]                 3009   13464  22.3% -lh5- da62 May 13  2002 MCControl/Help/Pictures/BuildConnector.ilbm
[generic]                 2253    4598  49.0% -lh5- dd5b May 13  2002 MCControl/Help/Pictures/DexDrive.ilbm
[generic]                 4128   10886  37.9% -lh5- eaaa May 13  2002 MCControl/Help/Pictures/MCR_Diskport.ilbm
[generic]                 1654   11408  14.5% -lh5- 1772 May 13  2002 MCControl/Help/Pictures/MCR_DiskPortEasy.ilbm
[generic]                 3345   19738  16.9% -lh5- e715 May 13  2002 MCControl/Help/Pictures/MCR_DiskPortMulti.ilbm
[generic]                14604   14604 100.0% -lh0- c991 May 13  2002 MCControl/Help/Pictures/MCR_Mersmann1.jpg
[generic]                 4367   11814  37.0% -lh5- 26e6 May 13  2002 MCControl/Help/Pictures/MCR_ParallelPort.ilbm
[generic]                 1988   12806  15.5% -lh5- c8bc May 13  2002 MCControl/Help/Pictures/MCR_ParallelPortEasy.ilbm
[generic]                 3711   24660  15.0% -lh5- eed9 May 13  2002 MCControl/Help/Pictures/MCR_ParallelPortMulti.ilbm
[generic]                34956   38594  90.6% -lh5- 35a5 May 13  2002 MCControl/Help/Pictures/MCR_Photo1.ilbm
[generic]                49116   57328  85.7% -lh5- 639d May 13  2002 MCControl/Help/Pictures/MCR_Photo2.ilbm
[generic]                17699   17699 100.0% -lh0- 8563 May 13  2002 MCControl/Help/Pictures/MCR_Reichardt1.jpg
[generic]                24046   24046 100.0% -lh0- 72d9 May 13  2002 MCControl/Help/Pictures/MCR_Reichardt2.jpg
[generic]                13630   13630 100.0% -lh0- aa26 May 13  2002 MCControl/Help/Pictures/MemoryDiskDrive.jpg
[generic]                 4328    6807  63.6% -lh5- 92fd May 13  2002 MCControl/
[generic]                 3610    6187  58.3% -lh5- a3d0 May 13  2002 MCControl/Install/
[generic]                 3608    6187  58.3% -lh5- bfe9 May 13  2002 MCControl/Install/
[generic]                 3604    6187  58.3% -lh5- 758e May 13  2002 MCControl/Install/EspaÐ
[generic]                 3610    6188  58.3% -lh5- 4ca0 May 13  2002 MCControl/Install/FraníÂ
[generic]                 7300   33798  21.6% -lh5- 14ec May 13  2002 MCControl/Install/MCControl.install
[generic]                 3609    6186  58.3% -lh5- 972f May 13  2002 MCControl/Install/
[generic]                 3608    6189  58.3% -lh5- 453a May 13  2002 MCControl/Install/PortuguóÔ.info
[generic]                32126   58732  54.7% -lh5- 5475 May 13  2002 MCControl/MCControl
[generic]                 2856    5825  49.0% -lh5- ab05 May 13  2002 MCControl/
[generic]                12701  131072   9.7% -lh5- 3e55 May 13  2002 MCControl/MemoryCards/
[generic]                19288  131072  14.7% -lh5- a830 May 13  2002 MCControl/MemoryCards/
[generic]                 7819  131072   6.0% -lh5- 2407 May 13  2002 MCControl/MemoryCards/
[generic]                15536  131072  11.9% -lh5- d0f9 May 13  2002 MCControl/MemoryCards/
[generic]                 5554  131072   4.2% -lh5- 1415 May 13  2002 MCControl/MemoryCards/
[generic]                78097  131072  59.6% -lh5- bc05 May 13  2002 MCControl/MemoryCards/
[generic]                82766  131072  63.1% -lh5- 2382 May 13  2002 MCControl/MemoryCards/
[generic]                50733  131072  38.7% -lh5- 951e May 13  2002 MCControl/MemoryCards/
[generic]                16239  131072  12.4% -lh5- 4ae3 May 13  2002 MCControl/MemoryCards/
[generic]                  950    1684  56.4% -lh5- e8b0 May 13  2002 MCControl/Modules/DataDeck.mcm
[generic]                 1081    1908  56.7% -lh5- 0ef5 May 13  2002 MCControl/Modules/DexDriveDemo.mcm
[generic]                  843    1900  44.4% -lh5- f133 May 13  2002 MCControl/Modules/DiskPort.mcm
[generic]                  851    2072  41.1% -lh5- 7a9a May 13  2002 MCControl/Modules/DiskPortSlow.mcm
[generic]                  788    1780  44.3% -lh5- e751 May 13  2002 MCControl/Modules/ParallelPort.mcm
[generic]                  854    1868  45.7% -lh5- 8780 May 13  2002 MCControl/Modules/ParallelPortClassic.mcm
[generic]                  800    1960  40.8% -lh5- 69f7 May 13  2002 MCControl/Modules/ParallelPortSlow.mcm
[generic]                  374     600  62.3% -lh5- 9d47 May 13  2002 MCControl/Modules/PSXPort.mcm
[generic]                  249     456  54.6% -lh5- 8bb8 May 13  2002 MCControl/Modules/RamCard.mcm
[generic]                  218     734  29.7% -lh5- 07a3 May 13  2002 MCControl/Patches/ApeEscape.sgp
[generic]                  253     384  65.9% -lh5- cc7d May 13  2002 MCControl/Patches/AzureDreams.sgp
[generic]                  352    1237  28.5% -lh5- 16a3 May 13  2002 MCControl/Patches/MediEvil.sgp
[generic]                  125     146  85.6% -lh5- 7e3d May 13  2002 MCControl/Patches/MotoRacer.sgp
[generic]                  233     632  36.9% -lh5- 3c77 May 13  2002 MCControl/Patches/Pitfall3D.sgp
[generic]                  246     582  42.3% -lh5- fa40 May 13  2002 MCControl/Patches/ResidentEvil3.sgp
[generic]                  202     377  53.6% -lh5- e0f3 May 13  2002 MCControl/Patches/Ruff&Tumble.sgp
[generic]                  184     244  75.4% -lh5- 57b7 May 13  2002 MCControl/Patches/SGT/MediEvil.sgt
[generic]                  175     200  87.5% -lh5- 3ef5 May 13  2002 MCControl/Patches/SGT/PitFall3D.sgt
[generic]                  141     196  71.9% -lh5- 369e May 13  2002 MCControl/Patches/SGT/ResidentEvil3.sgt
[generic]                  255     606  42.1% -lh5- 51f3 May 13  2002 MCControl/Patches/Spyro2.sgp
[generic]                  264     619  42.6% -lh5- 9c73 May 13  2002 MCControl/Patches/SpyroTheDragon.sgp
[generic]                  175     244  71.7% -lh5- f57e May 13  2002 MCControl/Patches/Wild9.sgp
[generic]                19467   74736  26.0% -lh5- 926d May 13  2002 MCControl/Prefs/MCDatabase.prefs
[generic]                    0       0 ****** -lh0- 0000 May 13  2002 MCControl/SaveGames/
[generic]                 1185    2236  53.0% -lh5- 9a1d May 13  2002 MCControl/Warning
[generic]                 3207    6343  50.6% -lh5- dd7a May 13  2002 MCControl/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total        97 files  822524 2312869  35.6%            May 19  2002
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