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The Unoriginal C2w_ ,e%'#^x_ am_
-q_"K_p^""',2####m_ ___awwwwa__
The Unfinished a#'######mam#@@P""""25####m__
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The Unprofessional "#####@" _g#################m_
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The Unbeta tested 0@ g########################L
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The Unspell checked ## ,############################K
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But yet the very playable J#L ###############################
S P O D B L A S T E R v0.3 ?#W####AsciiArtPro Studio########
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9##########gfx/edit############
Spod Blaster has been on my harddrive for along time, but I never got
round to finnishing it (and probably never will...) because I'm too busy
working on a Zelda/Secret of Mana likr RPG (If you are a good music
composer and want to help then please contact me.), but I decided that I
may as well release a version of it, so I quickly slapped up an options screen
and this is the result :)
The game itself is simple enough to play, and it is almost the same as
Bomberman, only no CPUs (yet), no 1 player (yet), no level features (yet)
no t............... you get the idea.
Instructions are included in an introducion screen when you start the game.
PS. Although it's called SPOD Blaster, It doesn't feature the Spods (yet),
because I couldn't draw them small enough :(
If you like the game, or have found a huge bug (there's enough of them)
then email me at andrewcrowe@enterprise.net
Have Fun !
Contents of game/2play/SpodBlaster.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 705 1233 57.2% -lh5- 49da Aug 13 1997 SpodBlaster.info
[generic] 65 248 26.2% -lh5- 400a May 27 1997 SpodBlaster/aMAZEing.Map
[generic] 49 248 19.8% -lh5- 85f6 May 27 1997 SpodBlaster/BlockedIn.map
[generic] 46 248 18.5% -lh5- f36b May 27 1997 SpodBlaster/Blocky.map
[generic] 40 248 16.1% -lh5- ebe3 Apr 13 1997 SpodBlaster/Default.map
[generic] 33 248 13.3% -lh5- c448 Apr 13 1997 SpodBlaster/Filled.map
[generic] 2792 6758 41.3% -lh5- 20bb Apr 13 1997 SpodBlaster/Grass.Blocks
[generic] 3081 7540 40.9% -lh5- 25e5 Apr 13 1997 SpodBlaster/hurryup
[generic] 50 248 20.2% -lh5- 7ad4 Apr 13 1997 SpodBlaster/Maze.Map
[generic] 9073 37376 24.3% -lh5- 4097 May 27 1997 SpodBlaster/Options
[generic] 58 248 23.4% -lh5- c27e May 27 1997 SpodBlaster/ratrun.map
[generic] 968 2528 38.3% -lh5- 75f6 Aug 13 1997 SpodBlaster/Readme
[generic] 526 1410 37.3% -lh5- 8678 Aug 13 1997 SpodBlaster/Readme.info
[generic] 36 248 14.5% -lh5- 2009 May 27 1997 SpodBlaster/ringworm.map
[generic] 3187 7008 45.5% -lh5- a991 Apr 13 1997 SpodBlaster/Rock.Blocks
[generic] 2831 6278 45.1% -lh5- 138a May 27 1997 SpodBlaster/Sand.Blocks
[generic] 241082 472120 51.1% -lh5- e696 Aug 13 1997 SpodBlaster/SpodBlaster
[generic] 2252 6044 37.3% -lh5- 5f53 Aug 13 1997 SpodBlaster/SpodBlaster.info
[generic] 3020 7756 38.9% -lh5- 111b Apr 13 1997 SpodBlaster/Techno.Blocks
[generic] 46 248 18.5% -lh5- c471 Apr 13 1997 SpodBlaster/X.map
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 20 files 269940 558283 48.4% Aug 15 1997
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