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------- Turbo Light Cycles -------
Programming by Vaughan Roberts
Music by Ben Ellis
Version 1.0 - Public Domain
Firstly, why do we need another 'Tron', 'Lightcycles', or 'Worm'
type game?
Because they're fun that's why....
Features of Turbo Light Cycles (TLC):
- Three players at once. (P1,CPU,CPU), (P1,P2,CPU), (P1,P3,P3),
- Multitasking 8 level editor, for customized play areas.
- Turbo button, allows you to speed ahead of your opponents and cut
them off.
- In-game music or sound f/x.
- Five speed levels.
- Five difficulty/obstacle levels.
- Teleports, so you can escape from tricky situations.
- And lots of fun.....
Anyway, if any one wants to contact me for complaint/compliments etc.
Email: vroberts@yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au
Snailmail: Vaughan Roberts
46 Beddoe Ave.
North Clayton, Victoria, 3168
Version 0.5 ??/??/??
Written in Blitz Basic 1, never finished.
Version 1.0 26/05/95
First public release. Hope it works on other Amigas.
Rewritten in Blitz Basic 2.
Contents of game/2play/TLC.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 616 1137 54.2% -lh5- 4797 May 26 1995 TLC.info
[generic] 28310 56484 50.1% -lh5- 5690 May 26 1995 TLC/LevelEditor
[generic] 254 383 66.3% -lh5- 75bb May 26 1995 TLC/LevelEditor.info
[generic] 105561 178988 59.0% -lh5- f385 May 26 1995 TLC/LightCycles
[generic] 250 383 65.3% -lh5- ed01 May 26 1995 TLC/LightCycles.info
[generic] 2660 5748 46.3% -lh5- 982f May 26 1995 TLC/TLC.Doc
[generic] 885 1468 60.3% -lh5- 118d May 26 1995 TLC/TLC.Doc.info
[generic] 964 11520 8.4% -lh5- 1b3c May 22 1995 TLC/TLC.Levels
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 8 files 139500 256111 54.5% May 29 1995
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