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Short: | A DynaBlasters-style game |
Author: | jnw22 cam.ac.uk (James Weatherall) |
Uploader: | jnw22 cam ac uk (James Weatherall) |
Type: | game/2play |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1995-07-22 |
Download: | game/2play/TNT.lha - View contents | Readme: | game/2play/TNT.readme |
Downloads: | 590 |
It appears that I made a rather enormous blunder in putting TNT onto the net
at the end of my last term. Checking the file at home and on friends'
machines I found that it didn't work!
I hasten to point out that this was a fault in the AMOS Pro Compiler which
caused the included squasher not to work properly and was not due to my code
being dodgy.
Which is a bit of a pain, since TNT has now been sitting on the net for
ages and people will have seen it not work .. how embarrassing! *SIGH*
Oh well, that's life.
TNT is basically a pretty simple DynaBlasters-style game but is NOT really a
clone. The Graphics are original, courtesy of Black Ice and although the
music is poor I think the game plays well. Maybe I'm just biased ......
The game allows 2-4 players, the first two require joysticks and the remaining
two play on keys. Unfortunately the design of the A1200 means that there is
some keyboard clash, so as soon as I find a better key combination I'll try to
fix that. :)
TNT was written in AMOS Basic Pro, and Compiled using, yes, you guessed it, the
AMOS Basic Pro Compiler. Thanks to Francois Lionet for writing such a cool
language, even if the smallest executable seems to be 50K .....
Keys for 3 and 4 player modes are:
Player 3: Left: E
Right: R
Up: Q
Down: A
Fire: SpaceBar
Player 4: Uses the cursor keys on the numeric key pad:
Left: 4
Right: 6
Up: 8
Down: 5
Fire: Enter
I'm afraid this rather buggers anyone with an A600, since they can't have
four players. Maybe I'll fix this, since it's still a combination that
results in keyboard clash.
So watch out for future releases from S.C.R., which I hope to be writing over
the summer. These include a nice roleplaying game and maybe a platform
puzzler. All formula stuff, but hey, what game can really claim to be original
these days??
Contents of game/2play/TNT.lha
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