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The TurboRaketti II (v2.11) by Heikki Kosola 1992-1993
!Finally Released as freeware in 1998!
Created by : Heikki Kosola [hkosola@ele.tut.fi]
Release code help : Zuikkis [Sorry, can't remember]
Main release stuff: -zk [lauri.ahonen@pp.inet.fi]
Heikki Kosola gave me a permission to release his TurboRaketti II as a full
public version. He would also release the source, but it was lost due a very
missfortunate HD crash when making backups! Anyway, I think that questions &
stuff should be directed to me instead of the author, as he doesn't even have
a proper amiga anymore. I can forward the useful stuff to him.
TurboRaketti is a fast and furious 2-player gravity game, and it you haven't
yet tried it, now's your change!
I'm very sorry for the finnish localization. Feel free to try to localize it
to english! A great deal of the "texts" are stored as bitmaps, which makes the
task pretty hard. Atleast it is for me. If you can do it, please let me know!
I'm also sorry for this absurd format, but as the game runs perfectly on a
stock/vanilla 512k CHIP OCS A500, it's easier to have a disk image around. The
problem is that Aminet won't accept DMS archives, so I had do make some stupid
tricks. So the LHA has fully runable "HD" version on the game and a imagefile
of the actual TurboRaketti II disk. I really suggest that you execute the
install script, as it will create a self-booting gamedisk. I always play from
a floppy disk, as we use the same TurboRanking file on many machines. So we
have one "official" disk which is used almost always. UAE losers should be
able to handle the disk image easier than plain LHA too.
Very basic instructions:
a) Run the install script and create the game disk.
b) Kill your opponent & survive.
c) Use 2 joysticks.
d) Don't Write-Protect the disk.
e) Press ESC to quit when lauched from the WorkBench.
f) Try to handle with the finnish localization .
g) Visit the official homepages at http://personal.inet.fi/bailu/zuulikuuli
h) Harddisk installation simply by copying the files to your desired path.
Signed: lauri.ahonen@pp.inet.fi [01/April/98]
Contents of game/actio/tr2_full.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 185 257 72.0% -lh5- cf3d Apr 1 1998 file_id.diz
[generic] 860 1636 52.6% -lh5- fa01 Apr 20 1998 TurboRaketti_II.info
[generic] 35004 35004 100.0% -lh0- b164 Apr 27 1998 TurboRaketti_II/Additional_Data/TADF.lha
[generic] 23154 46032 50.3% -lh5- 8d47 Dec 8 1997 TurboRaketti_II/Additional_Data/TransADF
[generic] 346019 346019 100.0% -lh0- 6113 Apr 20 1998 TurboRaketti_II/Additional_Data/TRII_Floppy
[generic] 39667 66201 59.9% -lh5- c06d Dec 9 1992 TurboRaketti_II/DATA1.tp
[generic] 14813 32343 45.8% -lh5- 9e1d Dec 9 1992 TurboRaketti_II/DATA2.tp
[generic] 56942 96063 59.3% -lh5- ba10 Dec 9 1992 TurboRaketti_II/DATA_6
[generic] 21233 36757 57.8% -lh5- 7b27 Dec 9 1992 TurboRaketti_II/DATA_7
[generic] 37589 82169 45.7% -lh5- 6485 Dec 9 1992 TurboRaketti_II/DATA_8
[generic] 37110 59936 61.9% -lh5- 2923 Dec 9 1992 TurboRaketti_II/DATA_B
[generic] 52630 87698 60.0% -lh5- b2f0 Dec 9 1992 TurboRaketti_II/DATA_C
[generic] 27676 65424 42.3% -lh5- c1a7 Apr 1 1998 TurboRaketti_II/PELI
[generic] 771 12800 6.0% -lh5- eab6 Mar 29 1998 TurboRaketti_II/Ranking.b
[generic] 1300 2644 49.2% -lh5- fa8a Apr 20 1998 TurboRaketti_II/Readme!
[generic] 526 1415 37.2% -lh5- c281 Apr 20 1998 TurboRaketti_II/Readme!.info
[generic] 197 317 62.1% -lh5- 03aa Apr 20 1998 TurboRaketti_II/TRII_Floppy_Install
[generic] 291 634 45.9% -lh5- 6393 Apr 20 1998 TurboRaketti_II/TRII_Floppy_Install.info
[generic] 184 231 79.7% -lh5- 608e Apr 1 1998 TurboRaketti_II/TurboRaketti II
[generic] 3651 9136 40.0% -lh5- 0005 Apr 20 1998 TurboRaketti_II/TurboRaketti II.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 20 files 699802 982716 71.2% Apr 28 1998
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