MazeMania is based around an algorithm for creating random mazes, with
the following features.
o Mazes have one entry point and one exit point.
o Mazes have only one route through.
o All parts of the maze are accessible.
o Mazes can be created up to sizes of 1000x1000, memory permitting.
o Mazes can be saved, optionally using a packed format.
o Mazes can be loaded, automatically recognising packed format.
o Mazes can be viewed in a 2D format.
o The 2D bitmap can be stored as an IFF bitmap file.
o Mazes can be explored in a 3D view.
o A progress indicator can be used for time consuming operations.
o Configuration can be stored in the icon.
o Many keyboard shortcuts.
o Mazes can be output in EPS format for printing using a DTP type
o FREE ( <------ Probably the best feature ;-)
Main new feature is EPS output.