84782 packages online
game/misc/abdash11909.lha |
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This is an Amiga version of the C64 game Boulderdash, version 1.1909
which is the second release. This release supersedes version 1.1908,
released with archive name 1.1809 (oops!), which was missing at least
one necessary file.
The archive "abdash11809.lha" is totally useless, and should be
removed from any FTP sites where it has been distributed.
Now works with Amigas (2000,3000,4000) with FAST memory.
Handles all processors (60000 - 68040).
No longer OS-unfriendly.
Hard-disk installable.
Almost 60 unique levels.
Improved graphics, sound.
User can create his own game levels (new graphical editor incl.).
Contents of game/misc/abdash11909.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 449 743 60.4% -lh5- 021f Apr 23 1993 abd/readme_1st
[generic] 206 423 48.7% -lh5- 5a95 Apr 22 1993 abd/README_1ST.info
[generic] 273 632 43.2% -lh5- e51b Apr 22 1993 abd.info
[generic] 54351 116088 46.8% -lh5- 6113 Apr 23 1993 abd/abd
[generic] 241 1282 18.8% -lh5- 9ae8 Apr 17 1993 abd/abd.info
[generic] 36556 56424 64.8% -lh5- 51d7 Apr 11 1993 abd/abd.snd
[generic] 14176 51848 27.3% -lh5- 1922 Apr 17 1993 abd/abd.16
[generic] 12633 33540 37.7% -lh5- 5449 Apr 23 1993 abd/abd.guide
[generic] 211 429 49.2% -lh5- d43f Apr 22 1993 abd/abd.guide.info
[generic] 67660 109692 61.7% -lh5- 6e23 Apr 22 1993 abd/abd.mod
[generic] 1310 6216 21.1% -lh5- aa84 Apr 17 1993 abd/abd.ed
[generic] 9613 41664 23.1% -lh5- 9501 Apr 17 1993 abd/abd.ts
[generic] 1722 5888 29.2% -lh5- fa73 Apr 11 1993 abd/abd.txt
[generic] 273 632 43.2% -lh5- e51b Apr 20 1993 abd/caves.info
[generic] 34236 45662 75.0% -lh5- a1a4 Apr 22 1993 abd/caves/Original.caves
[generic] 4928 24735 19.9% -lh5- 39b2 Apr 20 1993 abd/caves/BDash_I.caves
[generic] 27305 36508 74.8% -lh5- 4a5e Apr 22 1993 abd/caves/ConstructionKit.caves
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 17 files 266143 532406 50.0% Apr 23 1993
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