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Short:D3GNOP - THE Pong clone in MiniGL
Author: tusca at
Uploader:Jukka Varsaluoma (tusca nic fi)
Requires:Warp3D, AHI, Lucyplay.library, 68040/PPC
Download:game/misc/d3GNOP.lha - View contents

--[ What it is ]--

It's the Pong-clone to end them all!

Stylish 3d gfx and smashing sfx! 100 levels and 10 bonuses!
Multiple different sized balls! (Stop laughing back there!)
One or two players! Smooth gameplay! Fun for hours!

Read the feature-list, gameplay-info and FAQ for more info.

Check the homepage for screenshots and other cool stuff:

And remember:
I'm not responsible for anything this game causes to your
hardware, software or to your head. Use it at your own risk.

--[ Features ]--

-Realtime stunning 3d gfx (Warp3D/MiniGL)
-16bit stereo sound with speech (AHI)
-Versions for both 68k and WarpOS
-1 or 2 player game
-10 different bonuses (multiple balls, obstacles etc.)
-100 levels
-10 different 3d backgrounds
-Automatic savegame
-Selectable detail of gfx
-Joystick support

--[ Distribution ]--

Please note!

d3GNOP is basically freeware, but for permission to include it on any
software collection (other than Aminet) _OR COVERCD_, please contact the author.
Also the archive must remain unchanged.

And if you like this little game, _please_ send me some feedback
(via email or using a form at the website)

--[ Requirements ]--

Amiga with at least 68040 (PPC is supported via WarpOS) or compatible
Working Warp3D installation
Working AHI installation
Lucyplay.library by Oliver Gantert (version 4.0 included)

The game should also run on other compatible platforms/under emulation
with right setup (MorphOS, WinUAE).

--[ Usage ]--

The game can be started from icon, they are just simple scripts, open
them to editor to modify the screen/window size or other options.

You can also start the d3GNOP from shell, there are two executables,
d3GNOP68k and d3GNOPwos, both have same options:

-width xxx     Width of the screen or window. (default: 640)

-height yyy    Height of the screen or window. (default: 480)

-delay zzz     Delays each frame zzz microseconds (accepted values: 1-499999)
               Simple option to slow down the game on too fast machines.

-window        Run d3GNOP in a window.

-16bit         15bit or 16bit screendepth. (default: 15bit)

-double        Double or triple buffering. (default: triple)

-forcejoy      If the initialization of joystic fails, try this option.

-nojoy         If the initialization still fails or you don't have a
               joystick then use this option.

-simplegfx     Uses simplier models for gfx and turns off some transparencies.
               Speeds up the game a lot.

-nobg          Turns off the cool 3d backgrounds (and yes, speeds up the game).

-bonuswait     Waits for the name of taken bonus.

Start the game from the same directory where the "dada"-directory is located,
also some stack could be necessary.

(The 2 player game is much more fun with greater speeds, try the -simplegfx)

--[ Gameplay ]--

Well, basically it's Pong. Move the bat up and down and try to hit the ball.
But this Pong has some extra features, you can also move your bat to left
and right and collect different bonuses.

In 1 player game there are 100 different levels, and has an autosave-feature,
so you don't have to start from beginning every time.
After finishing all 100 levels you can always select the level which
you want to play.

In 2 player game the level is randomly selected
(You can select the level in improved d3GNOP+, check the Donation-chapter. ;)

To control the bat use joystick or keyboard.

General keys:

esc     - quit
g       - takes a screengrab
          (goes to ram: and is named "screenshotN.ppm", where N goes from 0 to up)

In-menu keys:

8,4,6,2 - directions
5       - select
(Also joystick and direction-keys work)

In-game keys, 1 player:

Direction keys or joystick.

In-game keys, 2 players:

Left player:
a,s,d,w - directions

right player:
j,k,i,l - directions

--[ Bugs ]--

Report bad ones.

--[ FAQ ]--

Q: The joystick init fails!
A: Try to start with -forcejoy option

Q: It still fails!
A: Start the game with -nojoy option

Q: Why does the game crash?
A: Make sure the Warp3D works. (Do other Warp3D/MiniGL-programs work?)
   Make sure there is enough gfx-mem free.
   Increasing stack might also help(?)

   There really can be hundreds of reasons.

Q: Why is it so slow on my machine?
A: Make sure the Warp3D works.
   Make sure there is enough gfx-mem free.

   Try "-simplegfx" and "-nobg" -options.

   In a smaller screen/window it also runs faster.
   (Note also that fullscreen is faster that window.)

   The 68k version is slow on my machine (68040/25)
   but playable with "-simplegfx".

Q: The game is too fast! What should I do?
A: Play it on bigger screen or use the "-delay" -option.

Q: Why the gfx/sfx is crap?
A: Don't complain, it's free!

Q: So, where's that WightFight, that was supposed to be ready "soon",
   about half a year ago? When is it coming out?
A: Soon. Okay, really I was too busy with my studies and the game needed
   much more work to be atleast remotely playable. d3GNOP also looks much
   better than it. But i'm going to release it. Someday.

Q: There is a bug, only one sample plays at time!
A: Not a bug, at the moment Lucyplay doesn't support more channels.
   Maybe I should use AHI directly in the future...

Q: Come on! A Pong-clone? Why?!
A: Because it was fun to make. ;)

Q: And the name? d3GNOP?!
A: Because it didn't give any hits on Google and was so damn clever.
   (Try reading it backwards and be amazed!)

Q: But it isn't really 3d!
A: Well, the game really isn't but... the gfx is.

Q: Wow, I surely like what you are doing, is there anything I can do to help?
A: What are you waiting for? Send that feedback! Or donation!

--[ Donate ]--

I'll send a slightly improved version, d3GNOP+ and something else to every donater!
Check the website for more info:

--[ Thanks to ]--

Jari Varsaluoma
Jukka Mäntylä
Ina-Maria Repo
And to everyone who sends feedback or donations

Contents of game/misc/d3GNOP.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 1365    1694  80.6% -lh5- 17cf May 26  2004
[generic]                   59      59 100.0% -lh0- 919e May 26  2004 d3GNOP/68K_160x120_window
[generic]                 2067    5465  37.8% -lh5- 63a5 May 26  2004 d3GNOP/
[generic]                   51      51 100.0% -lh0- 8372 May 26  2004 d3GNOP/68K_320x240
[generic]                 2071    5465  37.9% -lh5- 1e1a May 26  2004 d3GNOP/
[generic]                 3299    7748  42.6% -lh5- e838 May 26  2004 d3GNOP/
[generic]                 3889    6307  61.7% -lh5- ae3f May 26  2004 d3GNOP/
[generic]                 2939    6207  47.3% -lh5- aa97 May 26  2004 d3GNOP/d3GNOP.readme
[generic]                 1853    2788  66.5% -lh5- 7a02 May 26  2004 d3GNOP/
[generic]               124351  415540  29.9% -lh5- 0e83 May 26  2004 d3GNOP/d3GNOP68k
[generic]               149053  363764  41.0% -lh5- f6f3 May 26  2004 d3GNOP/d3GNOPwos
[generic]                 5046  196608   2.6% -lh5- dfe2 May 12  2004 d3GNOP/dada/nulju0.raw
[generic]                79201  196608  40.3% -lh5- 6dad May 16  2004 d3GNOP/dada/nulju1.raw
[generic]               141374  196608  71.9% -lh5- fa28 May  5  2004 d3GNOP/dada/nulju2.raw
[generic]               114746  196608  58.4% -lh5- 128d May  4  2004 d3GNOP/dada/nulju3.raw
[generic]                 5662  196608   2.9% -lh5- 7f09 May 11  2004 d3GNOP/dada/nulju4.raw
[generic]                 4099  196608   2.1% -lh5- 9f69 May 11  2004 d3GNOP/dada/nulju5.raw
[generic]                  208  196608   0.1% -lh5- 7ddb May  4  2004 d3GNOP/dada/nulju6.raw
[generic]                72011  196608  36.6% -lh5- c556 May  4  2004 d3GNOP/dada/nulju7.raw
[generic]               124796  196608  63.5% -lh5- c9f0 May 14  2004 d3GNOP/dada/nulju8.raw
[generic]               479506  510520  93.9% -lh5- d1b5 May 11  2004 d3GNOP/dada/turska0.jee
[generic]                51375   69372  74.1% -lh5- e467 May  5  2004 d3GNOP/dada/turska1.jee
[generic]                26211   37170  70.5% -lh5- 4bfe May 17  2004 d3GNOP/dada/turska10.jee
[generic]                26670   33768  79.0% -lh5- 94a9 May 20  2004 d3GNOP/dada/turska11.jee
[generic]                68045   94220  72.2% -lh5- e8a5 May 20  2004 d3GNOP/dada/turska12.jee
[generic]                66601   92876  71.7% -lh5- e650 May 20  2004 d3GNOP/dada/turska13.jee
[generic]                53094   67680  78.4% -lh5- c740 May 20  2004 d3GNOP/dada/turska14.jee
[generic]                67393   92404  72.9% -lh5- 819b May 20  2004 d3GNOP/dada/turska15.jee
[generic]                55647   73996  75.2% -lh5- 22f1 May 20  2004 d3GNOP/dada/turska16.jee
[generic]                58524   80300  72.9% -lh5- e5cf May 25  2004 d3GNOP/dada/turska17.jee
[generic]                48286   65260  74.0% -lh5- fbf4 May 20  2004 d3GNOP/dada/turska18.jee
[generic]                59976   79500  75.4% -lh5- d190 May 20  2004 d3GNOP/dada/turska19.jee
[generic]                36816   50828  72.4% -lh5- e703 May  5  2004 d3GNOP/dada/turska2.jee
[generic]                39154   49612  78.9% -lh5- ff8b May 20  2004 d3GNOP/dada/turska20.jee
[generic]                95184  126966  75.0% -lh5- 8fe7 May 20  2004 d3GNOP/dada/turska21.jee
[generic]                91161  126022  72.3% -lh5- 8ee8 May 20  2004 d3GNOP/dada/turska22.jee
[generic]                91315  127008  71.9% -lh5- b342 May 20  2004 d3GNOP/dada/turska23.jee
[generic]               314118  407706  77.0% -lh5- cfbc May 20  2004 d3GNOP/dada/turska24.jee
[generic]                34447   45404  75.9% -lh5- 4b7b May  5  2004 d3GNOP/dada/turska3.jee
[generic]                34195   49804  68.7% -lh5- 634a May  5  2004 d3GNOP/dada/turska4.jee
[generic]                12506   14564  85.9% -lh5- ce5a May 11  2004 d3GNOP/dada/turska5.jee
[generic]                21913   25116  87.2% -lh5- 27f1 May 11  2004 d3GNOP/dada/turska6.jee
[generic]                14484   15756  91.9% -lh5- 56d9 May 11  2004 d3GNOP/dada/turska7.jee
[generic]               234952  279206  84.2% -lh5- 6c77 May 11  2004 d3GNOP/dada/turska8.jee
[generic]               274550  370140  74.2% -lh5- 232e May 11  2004 d3GNOP/dada/turska9.jee
[generic]                 2088    3376  61.8% -lh5- d603 Feb  7  2001 d3GNOP/libs/lucyplay.library
[generic]                 2098    3388  61.9% -lh5- cdb3 Feb  7  2001 d3GNOP/libs/lucyplay.library020
[generic]                 2108    3440  61.3% -lh5- 5adf Feb  7  2001 d3GNOP/libs/lucyplay.library040
[generic]                   59      59 100.0% -lh0- 117f May 26  2004 d3GNOP/WarpOS_320x240_window
[generic]                 2068    5465  37.8% -lh5- 2e1e May 26  2004 d3GNOP/
[generic]                   51      51 100.0% -lh0- 177b May 26  2004 d3GNOP/WarpOS_640x480
[generic]                 2071    5465  37.9% -lh5- 9044 May 26  2004 d3GNOP/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        52 files 3204806 5591002  57.3%            May 30  2004
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