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Short:GemdropX Port for MorphOS
Author:Bill Kendrick, Mos compile Oliver Hummel
Uploader:Oliver Hummel (blade_runner gmx li)
Download:game/misc/gemdropx_mos.lha - View contents

This is just a recompile of GemdropX by Bill Kendrick.
For more Informations please visit

below is the original GemdropX Readme


Gem Drop X
version 0.9

by Bill Kendrick
(c) New Breed Software

August 1997 - May 18, 2002

    "Gem Drop X" is an interesting one-player puzzle game using the
    Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) libraries.

    It is a direct port of "Gem Drop," an Atari 8-bit game written in Action!
    (a very fast C- and Pascal-like compiled language for the Atari).

    It was originally ported to X11, using SDL for sound and music.
    Eventually, the Xlib graphics calls were removed and replaced with
    SDL calls.

    The concept of the game "Gem Drop" is based on an arcade game for the
    NeoGeo system called "Magical Drop III" by SNK.

    If you're familiar with games like Jewels, Klax, Bust-A-Move or Tetris,
    this game is similar to them all.  I consider it closest to Klax.
    Some people have compared it to "Tetris meets Space Invaders."

    The game is played with YOU at the bottom of the screen.  At the
    top is a random assortment of colored shapes ("gems").  As time
    goes on, more gems appear at the very top of the screen, pushing the
    rest downwards.  The game is over when the gems reach the bottom.

    You'll know the gems are about to come down because a flashing light
    appears at the bottom of the screen.  (Note that before the gems
    start moving in a level, you get a little breathing room.  For example,
    if it typically takes 10 seconds before gems move in the level you're
    on, it'll take 20 seconds for them to START moving, then they'll drop
    every 10 seconds from then on.)

    It's your job to keep the screen from filling up.  You do this by
    "grabbing" gems from the top of the screen, carrying them around,
    if need be, and "throwing" them back up.  You automatically grab as
    many of the same gem as you can that are above you.  You can carry
    as many of the same gem as you want.  You know how many you're carrying
    by how many you see next to your character at the bottom of the screen.
    If you see one, you're carrying one.  If you see two, you're carrying
    two.  If you see three, you're carrying three OR MORE.  (It doesn't
    matter how many, since the moment you throw, you'll make a match,
    explained below.)

    If, when you throw some gems back up, you create a "match" of 3 or more
    gems in a vertical column, they disappear (with a cool little explosion).
    At this point, if there are any "matches" of the same gem to the left or
    right of this column, they disappear too!  And so on.  This is great for
    cool chain-reactions! You also get more points for the more gems that
    disappear in a match.  (Matching four gives as many points as matching
    three twice, for example.)

    A "match" (no matter how few (minimum of 3, of course), or how many
    gems disappear) is also known as a "line."  You beat a level of the game
    (there are 20 in all) by getting enough lines.  Each level requires
    you to get more lines than the last.

    Each level also starts out with more gems at the top of the screen,
    which means you must worry about dying more immediately!

    Each level is also FASTER!

    But, there's hope!  Three special objects help you along the way.
    These special objects can't be grabbed and thrown.  They are activated
    by including them as part of a match of three or more.  (If you're
    carrying two gems, you can throw them on a special object to activate
    it, for example.)

    The objects are:

    * BOMB - These destroy the four gems adjacent to it.  (Above,
             below, to the right, and to the left.)

    * CLOCK - This temporarily stops more gems from appearing on the
              screen.  You'll love this one in the higher levels!
              A clock icon appears at the bottom of the screen while
              the clock is activated.

    * WILDCARD - (A questionmark.)  This matches with all adjacent gems,
                 whether or not they match the line you just created.  This
                 sometimes makes for AWESOME chain reactions!

    There are 20 levels in Gem Drop X.  The first 15 contain four gem
    shapes.  The last five contain eight shapes (which makes it
    extremely difficult to get matches quickly).  Level 15 starts a
    little slower, and with gems a little higher than level 14, to
    give you a little break.  But don't get used to it!

    After you beat level 20, you've won!  I bet you can't do it, though!

    First off, you can get a quick help page by invoking the program with
    the "--help" switch:

        ./gemdropx --help

    You can also find out what version you have with "--version":

        ./gemdropx --version

    Finally, if you want to remind yourself what command line arguments
    "Gem Drop X" accepts, use "--usage":

        ./gemdropx --usage

    If sound is enabled and you wish to disable music, use "--nomusic":

        ./gemdropx --nomusic

    Start a game of Gem Drop X up by typing the following at a shell


    The Gem Drop X window should appear.  It should be about 625 pixels
    high, so it should fit on any good display's monitor.  On 800x600
    screens, you'll still be able to see everything important, if you
    position the window carefully.

    In the title screen, you can press [SPACE] or [RETURN] to begin the
    game at the selected level (displayed at the bottom),

    ...or you can press [L] to change the level (between 1 and 10 or
    the highest level you've beaten, whichever is higher).

    ...or you can press [Q] or [ESCAPE] to quit Gem Drop X.

      While in the game, you can use the arrow keys in the following way:

        LEFT / RIGHT  -  Move the man left and right.  (He will wrap around
           K / L         at the edges of the screen.)

        DOWN / UP     -  Grab gems and throw gems.
           Z / A

        RETURN        -  Cause a row of gems to come down immediately.

      You can also use the mouse:

        Clicking Left Or Right Of The Man      -  Moves the man left or right.
        Left-Clicking Anywhere Above The Man   -  Grabs gems.
        Right-Clicking Anywhere Above The Man  -  Throws gems.

      LEFT / RIGHT    - Move the man left and right.
       FIRE #1        - Throw
       FIRE #2        - Grab

      * You can abort the game by pressing [Q] or [ESCAPE].
        (It's like "game over")

      * You can pause the game by pressing [P] or [SPACE].
        Press a key to continue.

    Some things to pay attention to while playing the game:

      * How many lines you need.  How many you have made already.
      * The flashing light at the bottom of the screen - it means
        more gems are about to come down at you!
      * The look on the man's face - happy means you're doing alright;
        sad/frightened means you're getting close to losing!

  If you have any suggestions, ideas, comments, praise,
  or donations for Gem Drop X, please send them by!

      New Breed Software
      c/o Bill Kendrick
      675 Alvarado Ave #27
      Davis, CA 95616-0620 USA


    If you like Gem Drop X, please take a moment to review Gem Drop X at
    the Linux Game Tome:

Thank you!

Contents of game/misc/gemdropx_mos.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 6977    6977 100.0% -lh0- 3d1a Mar 22 16:27 GemdropX/
[generic]                 6821    6878  99.2% -lh5- 7319 Mar 22 16:29 GemdropX/Docs/
[generic]                 6925    6990  99.1% -lh5- 988e Mar 22 16:29 GemdropX/Docs/
[generic]                 6902    6959  99.2% -lh5- 2c09 Mar 22 16:29 GemdropX/Docs/
[generic]                32383   92540  35.0% -lh5- 6284 Mar 22 16:20 GemdropX/GemdropX
[generic]                 4150   16653  24.9% -lh5- 203e Mar 22 16:16 GemdropX/
[generic]                 3651    8579  42.6% -lh5- 87fd Mar 22 16:35 GemdropX/Readme
[generic]                 6925    6990  99.1% -lh5- 988e Mar 22 15:52 GemdropX/
[generic]                 7209    7262  99.3% -lh5- 79ec Mar 22 16:28 GemdropX/Docs/
[generic]                 7209    7262  99.3% -lh5- 79ec Mar 22 16:28 GemdropX/Docs/
[generic]                 7009   18007  38.9% -lh5- fa00 Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/Docs/COPYING.txt
[generic]                 6979    7034  99.2% -lh5- 172c Mar 22 16:28 GemdropX/Docs/
[generic]                  499    1144  43.6% -lh5- 3bef May 18  2002 GemdropX/Docs/INSTALL.txt
[generic]                 3463    8086  42.8% -lh5- d841 May 18  2002 GemdropX/Docs/README.txt
[generic]                  144     185  77.8% -lh5- a802 Dec 31  1999 GemdropX/Docs/TODO.txt
[generic]                  600    1604  37.4% -lh5- 1663 Apr  4  1999 GemdropX/data/sounds/grab.wav
[generic]               138339  255881  54.1% -lh5- 1913 Apr  4  1999 GemdropX/data/sounds/hr_suds.xm
[generic]                 3096    5354  57.8% -lh5- 5954 Apr  4  1999 GemdropX/data/sounds/throw.wav
[generic]                 4874    7840  62.2% -lh5- 3987 Apr  4  1999 GemdropX/data/sounds/wildcard.wav
[generic]                 8278   15934  52.0% -lh5- 573a Apr  4  1999 GemdropX/data/sounds/win.wav
[generic]                  799    1472  54.3% -lh5- 2250 Nov  1  1999 GemdropX/Docs/AUTHORS.txt
[generic]                 1400    2818  49.7% -lh5- e63b Feb 12  2002 GemdropX/Docs/CHANGES.txt
[generic]                26312   47424  55.5% -lh5- ea44 Apr  4  1999 GemdropX/data/sounds/bomb.wav
[generic]                 2351    7816  30.1% -lh5- 7065 Apr  4  1999 GemdropX/data/sounds/buzzer.wav
[generic]               198220  301146  65.8% -lh5- ae4f Apr  4  1999 GemdropX/data/sounds/citron.mod
[generic]                 6741    9278  72.7% -lh5- 353a Apr  4  1999 GemdropX/data/sounds/clock.wav
[generic]                16032   27016  59.3% -lh5- c57a Apr  4  1999 GemdropX/data/sounds/gameover.wav
[generic]                10857   11544  94.0% -lh5- fa23 Apr  4  1999 GemdropX/data/sounds/got.wav
[generic]               203054  329460  61.6% -lh5- 4ce2 Apr  4  1999 GemdropX/data/sounds/22drops.mod
[generic]                92337  207732  44.5% -lh5- 8efc Apr  4  1999 GemdropX/data/sounds/2force.xm
[generic]                54272   79660  68.1% -lh5- 776b Apr  4  1999 GemdropX/data/sounds/applause.wav
[generic]                 5291    8350  63.4% -lh5- 2fb6 Apr  4  1999 GemdropX/data/sounds/begin.wav
[generic]                  824    3764  21.9% -lh5- a242 Apr  4  1999 GemdropX/data/sounds/levelselect.wav
[generic]                  148     225  65.8% -lh5- c659 Apr  4  1999 GemdropX/data/sounds/README
[generic]                 2050    3098  66.2% -lh5- ec18 Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/data/images/happy.bmp
[generic]                   99     240  41.2% -lh5- 7ddc Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/data/images/left.xbm
[generic]                  222     458  48.5% -lh5- ebc5 Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/data/images/level.bmp
[generic]                  214     458  46.7% -lh5- 5035 Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/data/images/lines.bmp
[generic]                  227     458  49.6% -lh5- 7d76 Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/data/images/need.bmp
[generic]                  114     264  43.2% -lh5- 249a Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/data/images/nothing-mask.xbm
[generic]                 1795    3098  57.9% -lh5- c74c Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/data/images/explode0.bmp
[generic]                 2264    3098  73.1% -lh5- d0a3 Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/data/images/explode1.bmp
[generic]                 2081    3098  67.2% -lh5- 9ee3 Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/data/images/explode2.bmp
[generic]                 2017    3098  65.1% -lh5- 29a4 Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/data/images/explode3.bmp
[generic]                 1740    3098  56.2% -lh5- 3164 Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/data/images/fuji.bmp
[generic]                  113     255  44.3% -lh5- e3e7 Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/data/images/left-mask.xbm
[generic]                 3098    3098 100.0% -lh0- 0074 Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/data/images/brick.bmp
[generic]                 1938   61494   3.2% -lh5- 0ad5 May 18  2002 GemdropX/data/images/credits.bmp
[generic]                 1782    3098  57.5% -lh5- a95d Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/data/images/diamond.bmp
[generic]                 2297    3098  74.1% -lh5- cab3 Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/data/images/disc.bmp
[generic]                  382    3098  12.3% -lh5- 7417 Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/data/images/dot.bmp
[generic]                  457    1632  28.0% -lh5- 2560 Apr  4  1999 GemdropX/data/images/gemdropx-icon.xpm
[generic]                  111     246  45.1% -lh5- 27ff Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/data/images/action.xbm
[generic]                 2466    3354  73.5% -lh5- 157b Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/data/images/author.bmp
[generic]                 2038    3098  65.8% -lh5- f930 Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/data/images/block.bmp
[generic]                 2200    3098  71.0% -lh5- 834e Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/data/images/bluegem.bmp
[generic]                 1817    3098  58.7% -lh5- b4ba Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/data/images/bomb.bmp
[generic]                 4539   13082  34.7% -lh5- ecca Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/data/images/congratulations.bmp
[generic]                  290    1348  21.5% -lh5- d08f May 18  2002 GemdropX/data/images/.xvpics/credits.bmp
[generic]                  125     261  47.9% -lh5- 4fd7 Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/data/images/action-mask.xbm
[generic]                  167     255  65.5% -lh5- 5a56 Apr  4  1999 GemdropX/data/images/README
[generic]                 2453    3098  79.2% -lh5- 0ae7 Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/data/images/wildcard.bmp
[generic]                 2054    3098  66.3% -lh5- 81f0 Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/data/images/win1.bmp
[generic]                 2055    3098  66.3% -lh5- e7a9 Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/data/images/win2.bmp
[generic]                  194     458  42.4% -lh5- 1d55 Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/data/images/uhoh.bmp
[generic]                  312    3098  10.1% -lh5- b1f4 Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/data/images/warning.bmp
[generic]                 2111    3098  68.1% -lh5- 4573 Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/data/images/warning1.bmp
[generic]                 2211    3098  71.4% -lh5- 6c75 Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/data/images/warning2.bmp
[generic]                 2124    3098  68.6% -lh5- 964f Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/data/images/warning3.bmp
[generic]                 2251    3098  72.7% -lh5- 7710 Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/data/images/warning4.bmp
[generic]                   98     243  40.3% -lh5- 9b7b Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/data/images/right.xbm
[generic]                 2102    3098  67.9% -lh5- ed4d Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/data/images/sad.bmp
[generic]                  233     458  50.9% -lh5- ffec Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/data/images/score.bmp
[generic]                 7680   30794  24.9% -lh5- bd2e Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/data/images/title.bmp
[generic]                 1935    3098  62.5% -lh5- ab83 Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/data/images/triangle.bmp
[generic]                 2011    3098  64.9% -lh5- 10ab Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/data/images/yellowgem.bmp
[generic]                  101     249  40.6% -lh5- a838 Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/data/images/nothing.xbm
[generic]                  482    1354  35.6% -lh5- 9aae Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/data/images/numbers.bmp
[generic]                  311     842  36.9% -lh5- bf41 Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/data/images/patience.bmp
[generic]                  232     458  50.7% -lh5- 4aea Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/data/images/paused.bmp
[generic]                  110     258  42.6% -lh5- f2eb Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/data/images/right-mask.xbm
[generic]                 2013    3098  65.0% -lh5- 25c2 Dec 28  1999 GemdropX/data/images/stopwatch.bmp
[generic]                 6756   16633  40.6% -lh5- bc1e Mar 22 16:15
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        83 files  957543 1738866  55.1%            Mar 22 20:25
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