This is an AmigaOS port of Xmris 4.02.
Mris is a version of the Mr Do video arcade game for AmigaOS.
You control a gnome, who can walk around a garden, along
paths already marked, or create new paths wherever you wish.
You also have a ball, which can be thrown at the monsters to
kill them. Monsters can also be killed by squashing them
with a falling apple.
I hope you got the idea. If not, try it out.
Compared to the original Xmris, mris has many extensions,
such as localization, configuration via GUI, support for
proportional fonts, joystick support and more.
This game is (supposed to be) fully system compliant, and
should also run on gfx boards without problems. It has been
completely amiga-ized.
It has, however, only been tested on a standard A3000
running AmigaOS 40.68.
I have not ported the garden editor Xmred, but I'm currently working
on my own mred program.
Sources are available as: