84782 packages online
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Short: | Q:Whiz, Quiz creation utility. |
Author: | Paul Nordovoics |
Uploader: | steve f1lw demon co uk |
Type: | game/misc |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1996-06-03 |
Requires: | Any WB2+ Amiga with at least 1 mb chip |
Download: | game/misc/qwiz.lha - View contents | Readme: | game/misc/qwiz.readme |
Downloads: | 583 |
A quiz creating utility.
Unlike other creator utilities which incorporate features
for designing quiz systems, Q:Whiz! - Creator is written
purely for the creation of quiz games. Everything regarding
the quiz interface is already set up so there's no messing
about creating text boxes, buttons, scripts etc. All you
have to do is come up with the questions and choices which
are then simply entered into the Creator and saved to the
Player disk provided. Full version offers tons more for only 4.99 ukp.
see doc file in archive for more info.
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
215216 89551 58.3% 01-Jan-80 04:41:34 CREATOR_DEMO
1678 340 79.7% 31-May-96 23:02:26 CREATOR_DEMO.info
2060 711 65.4% 31-May-96 23:02:26 Disk.info
40816 20736 49.1% 01-Jan-80 05:25:34 +ABOUT.IFF
10688 2251 78.9% 31-Dec-80 01:03:14 +CHECK.IFF
14638 8508 41.8% 25-Dec-92 14:19:42 +CO_LOGO.IFF
13148 3272 75.1% 31-Dec-80 01:02:04 +EDITOR.IFF
16220 980 93.9% 09-Dec-80 00:51:26 +FONT0.SHAPES
4060 676 83.3% 17-Dec-80 02:12:18 +FONT1.SHAPES
40806 20785 49.0% 01-Jan-80 05:24:18 +INTRO.IFF
29670 15954 46.2% 15-Dec-80 22:23:44 +MAIN_MENU.IFF
1260 252 80.0% 09-Dec-80 00:51:36 +MISC0.SHAPES
1770 197 88.8% 28-Dec-80 23:14:48 +NUMBERS0.SHAPES
25430 13008 48.8% 15-Dec-80 23:38:16 +OPTION.IFF
218 189 13.3% 09-Dec-80 00:51:50 +POINTER.SHAPES
28230 2606 90.7% 09-Dec-80 00:52:02 +REQUESTORS.SHAPES
3780 437 88.4% 28-Dec-80 04:11:26 +requestors1.shapes
8918 1548 82.6% 31-Dec-80 01:04:08 +TEST.IFF
38808 24171 37.7% 25-Dec-92 14:20:40 +TITLE.IFF
36 24 33.3% 16-Dec-80 00:37:10 OPTION_DATA.DAT
16079 5624 65.0% 01-Jan-80 06:36:28 READ_ME.asc
838 241 71.2% 31-May-96 23:02:24 Read_Me.asc.info
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
514367 212061 58.7% 31-May-96 23:40:30 22 files
Contents of game/misc/qwiz.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 89551 215216 41.6% -lh5- 5d90 Jan 1 1980 creator_demo
[generic] 340 1678 20.3% -lh5- b37c May 31 1996 CREATOR_DEMO.info
[generic] 711 2060 34.5% -lh5- 6f00 May 31 1996 Disk.info
[generic] 20736 40816 50.8% -lh5- ab17 Jan 1 1980 gfx/about.iff
[generic] 2251 10688 21.1% -lh5- a563 Dec 31 1980 gfx/check.iff
[generic] 8508 14638 58.1% -lh5- c2e6 Dec 25 1992 gfx/co_logo.iff
[generic] 3272 13148 24.9% -lh5- 5c78 Dec 31 1980 gfx/editor.iff
[generic] 980 16220 6.0% -lh5- ed47 Dec 9 1980 gfx/font0.shapes
[generic] 676 4060 16.7% -lh5- 25dc Dec 17 1980 gfx/font1.shapes
[generic] 20785 40806 50.9% -lh5- 3449 Jan 1 1980 gfx/intro.iff
[generic] 15954 29670 53.8% -lh5- 65ef Dec 15 1980 gfx/main_menu.iff
[generic] 252 1260 20.0% -lh5- 5fb0 Dec 9 1980 gfx/misc0.shapes
[generic] 197 1770 11.1% -lh5- e92c Dec 28 1980 gfx/numbers0.shapes
[generic] 13008 25430 51.2% -lh5- 3c71 Dec 15 1980 gfx/option.iff
[generic] 189 218 86.7% -lh5- 0de4 Dec 9 1980 gfx/pointer.shapes
[generic] 2606 28230 9.2% -lh5- a6e5 Dec 9 1980 gfx/requestors.shapes
[generic] 437 3780 11.6% -lh5- bb0e Dec 28 1980 GFX/requestors1.shapes
[generic] 1548 8918 17.4% -lh5- 93e6 Dec 31 1980 gfx/test.iff
[generic] 24171 38808 62.3% -lh5- efac Dec 25 1992 gfx/title.iff
[generic] 24 36 66.7% -lh5- 1c08 Dec 16 1980 option_data.dat
[generic] 5624 16079 35.0% -lh5- 3d63 Jan 1 1980 READ_ME.asc
[generic] 241 838 28.8% -lh5- 5440 May 31 1996 Read_Me.asc.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 22 files 212061 514367 41.2% Jun 3 1996
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