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		Amega Race 0.81, released 1991-02-21

Authors: Mika Achren,
		-75% of code

	 Henrik Herranen,
		-25% of code
		-sound samples
		-these instructions :-)

This game is Shareware. Use it if it pleases you but remember, if you
REALLY like it and PLAY it, send $10 to the following address:

		  Henrik Herranen
		Tuomoniementie 4B25
		    26200 Rauma

If you send $15 and an empty diskette you will get the next major
release as soon as it is published. Also comments via Internet or
normal mail are welcome.

What is Amega Race

You remember back in the old days in 1982 when you were playing Omega
Race on your VIC-20 and thought it was the best game ever made? Well,
after I bought my C64 I could not get over the fact that the C64
version of Omega Race sucked. So, in 1989 I and Mika Achren alias AD-
soft started making this Hires interlaced version of the game to our
Amigas. The game runs in 640x512-mode (sorry, no NTSC version will be
available) and as we have made every attempt to avoid flickering and
keep the screen refresh rate as high as possible (50 Hz most of the
time), we think we succeeded quite well (you may disagree if you want

How to play

The idea is simple: Shoot everything that moves. There are three kind
of enemies: Crawlers which can change into viruses if left alone for
too long a period and mines. You can use either Keyboard, Paddles or
Joystick to control your ship. Every 4th lever is a special level
which has something especially difficult in itself. There are totally
32 levels. I don't think it is possible to play through them, but if
you do, please let me know and I'll create more.

Keyboard commands

USA  Finn  Function
keyb keyb 

D    D     Fire
L    L     Rotate ship counter clockwise
;    Ö     Accelerate ship
'    Ä     Rotate ship clockwise
F1   F1    Increase red to border color
F2   F2    Increase green to border color
F3   F3    Increase blue to border color
S-F1 S-F1  Decrease red to border color
S-F2 S-F2  Decrease green to border color
S-F3 S-F3  Decrease blue to border color
F6   F6    Increase red to image color
F7   F7    Increase green to image color
F8   F8    Increase blue to image color
S-F6 S-F6  Decrease red to image color
S-F7 S-F7  Decrease green to image color
S-F8 S-F8  Decrease blue to image color
ESC  ESC   Interrupt Game / Quit Amega Race & Save Top-10 lists

Top-10 lists

There are two Top-10 lists in the game. The first one is a conventional
who-got-most-points top list. The other shows what is the smallest
amount of points each level have been played through with. To get to
the rightmost list you must play fast and accurately. The Top-10
lists are stored to disk after you have hit ESC to quit Amega Race.
Included in the end of the game are my top scores. If you can play
better, just let me know and I'll make up something :-)

HD users

The file AmegaRace is just a script to start AmegaRaceGame, which is
the actual game. There is a 6 second added delay so that floppy drives
have time to stop after loading the game into memory. If you are using
AmegaRace from HD (it seems to be totally safe, at least for me), you
might want to remove the delay to run the game faster. All you have to
do is change the only line in file AmegaRace from:
"AmegaRaceGame delay"


Amega Race has been tested on a stock 1/2 Meg A500 with old PAL Agnus,
A PAL A1000 and my 9-Meg 68020 A2000HD and it seems to work just fine.
Actually, the explosion of players ship does look better if you have a
turbo card installed. If you have problems with your Amiga, please let
me know, since this version is still a test version and modifications
may be made if bugs are found. But notice that NO NTSC version will be
made of this game, since all the graphics should be redrawn to keep
the screen aspect ratio as it should be and that's too much trouble.

If you have problems

This game is still a test version. I'm particularly conserned about the
rumor I have heard that this game would not work in all Amigas. If you
have an Amiga which refuses to run the game or crashes when running it,
please mail me and tell exactly what the problem is like. Don't forget
to as exactly as possible tell me your computer configuration. Thanks
in advance.

		    Leopold's TOP 10 list

			Top Score: 2026

		Lowest scores for each level:

			  Level Score
			    16   1887
			    15   1600
			    14   1297
			    13   1159
			    12   1006
			    11    817
			    10    698
			     9    612
			     8    517
			     7    331

			   |HAVE FUN!|

============================= Archive contents =============================

Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
       0       0  0.0% 16-Jun-92 20:27:56 +
      20      20  0.0% 20-Feb-91 07:10:46 +AmegaRace
     792     387 51.1% 20-Feb-91 08:56:00
  204384   92619 54.6% 20-Feb-91 07:09:00 +AmegaRaceGame
    2577     463 82.0% 20-Feb-91 08:49:32
    4843    2300 52.5% 20-Feb-91 08:53:16 +Readme
     894     336 62.4% 20-Feb-91 08:49:36
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
  213510   96125 54.9% 02-Sep-95 00:00:00   7 files

Contents of game/shoot/AmegaRace.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
drwxr-xr-x  3656/200         0       0 ****** -lhd- 0000 Jun 16  1992 AR/
-rw-r--r--  3656/200        20      20 100.0% -lh0- 30e5 Feb 20  1991 AR/AmegaRace
-rw-r--r--  3656/200       387     792  48.9% -lh5- 4ed4 Feb 20  1991 AR/
-rw-r--r--  3656/200     92619  204384  45.3% -lh5- dd0b Feb 20  1991 AR/AmegaRaceGame
-rw-r--r--  3656/200       463    2577  18.0% -lh5- 9933 Feb 20  1991 AR/
-rw-r--r--  3656/200      2300    4843  47.5% -lh5- b608 Feb 20  1991 AR/Readme
-rw-r--r--  3656/200       336     894  37.6% -lh5- 046a Feb 20  1991
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total         7 files   96125  213510  45.0%            Sep  2  1995
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