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Amiga AGA 68k port based on multiple versions of Wolfenstein 3D......and some
DOOM for good measure.
1) An AGA Amiga (PAL/NTSC)
2) A fast 68030 processor
3) 8 MB of FASTRAM
4) The original PC game data (must be the full retail version)
5) 3.1 ROMS (3.0 ROMS may cause it to run slowly)
6) DOOM sound library (see links section)
7) Music/SFX packs (see links section)
1) 256 color double buffered 320x200 graphics (best in NTSC mode)
2) Digital SFX mixer
3) MIDI music emulation
4) Auto strafe support
Configuration Options:
The tooltype 'CLOSE_WB' can be used to close the Workbench (3.1 ROMS
The tooltype 'DISPLAY_MODE' can be used to set your display mode (PAL or
The ToolType 'AUTO_STRAFE' can be used to enable strafing (only used when the
mouse is enabled).
The ToolType 'MUSIC_VOLUME' can be used to set the music volume between 1 and
You must run AmiSpear from the Workbench, running from the shell is not
Any errors *should* be written to a file called 'ERROR.TXT' in the game
You need the full retail game data files copied into the base AmiSpear folder.
Under the AmiSpear folder you should have the following files:
[AmiSpear folder]
- AmiSpear (this game!)
- AUDIOHED.SOD (full retail game data)
- AUDIOT.SOD (full retail game data)
- CONFIG.SOD (AmiSpear configuration file)
- GAMEMAPS.SOD (full retail game data)
- MAPHEAD.SOD (full retail game data)
- VGADICT.SOD (full retail game data)
- VGAGRAPH.SOD (full retail game data)
- VGAHEAD.SOD (full retail game data)
- VSWAP.SOD (full retail game data)
AmiSpear cannot play the music and SFX directly from the game data files and
has to use converted data (see links section). If you want to build your own
music/SFX packs then you will need to read the guide in the tools folder.
Automap Options:
You can open the automap with the TAB key.
Arrow keys to move around the map.
Hold Y key + up arrow key to make the map bigger.
Hold Y key + down arrow key to make the map smaller.
Hold the spacebar + up arrow key to toggle walls.
Hold the spacebar + down arrow key to toggle secrets.
Hold the spacebar + left arrow key to toggle items.
Hold the spacebar + right arrow key to toggle enemies.
Performance Considerations:
1) Loading your ROM into FASTRAM is a great idea.
2) If you have a Blizzard/Apollo you should really be using BlizKick/RemApollo
to get most speed out of your Amiga.
3) Fast File System is actually not, use PFS3 instead.
1) No network support
2) Only the original full retail game data is supported
3) No joystick support
Version History:
1.18 - Initial release.
1.23 - Changed timer back to Amiga native, fixed NTSC screen mode, fixed music
looping bug, fixed mouse movement.
1.24 - Fixed the automap scrolling.
1.28 - Music volume can now be set as a ToolType.
1.30 - Timing fixes.
1.31 - Sound volume fixes.
http://eab.abime.net/showthread.php?t=70749 (AmiSpear thread on EAB)
http://eab.abime.net/showthread.php?t=70749 (AmiSpear Music/SFX pack uploads)
http://aminet.net/package/game/shoot/DoomSndLibs373 (DOOM sound library)
http://aminet.net/package/game/shoot/ADoom_Ins (DOOM MIDI instruments)
http://wolf3dredux.sourceforge.net/ (Wolfenstein Redux)
Thanks and acknowledgements:
Michael Liebscher for his awesome Redux port and for all of his help and
Mariusz Naumowicz for his ECS Wolfenstein port.
Joseph Fenton for his amazing ASM DOOM Sound library.
The EAB beta testing crew, well done guys :)
Contents of game/shoot/AmiSpear_AGA.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[unknown] 88009 182900 48.1% -lh5- 8b9f Mar 12 2019 AmiSpear/AmiSpear
[unknown] 14227 15592 91.2% -lh5- 5145 Feb 18 20:27 AmiSpear/AmiSpear.info
[unknown] 1808 3949 45.8% -lh5- 2ca1 Mar 12 2019 AmiSpear/AmiSpear.readme
[unknown] 3188 6168 51.7% -lh5- 0ce1 Mar 5 2019 AmiSpear/AmiSpear.readme.info
[unknown] 648 1567 41.4% -lh5- 8136 Feb 19 2019 AmiSpear/tools/music_conversion.txt
[unknown] 662628 662628 100.0% -lh0- ee04 Sep 13 2013 AmiSpear/tools/Voxengor8brain.zip
[unknown] 449225 449225 100.0% -lh0- eaa9 Sep 13 2013 AmiSpear/tools/WolfExtractor.zip
[unknown] 148 580 25.5% -lh5- ba28 Feb 23 2019 AmiSpear/config.sod
[unknown] 0 0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Feb 19 2019 AmiSpear/lsfx/delete_me.txt
[unknown] 0 0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Feb 19 2019 AmiSpear/music/delete_me.txt
[unknown] 0 0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Feb 19 2019 AmiSpear/sfx/delete_me.txt
[unknown] 164465 164465 100.0% -lh0- 126e Sep 12 2013 AmiSpear/tools/dro2midi-1.5-win32.zip
[unknown] 23217 23217 100.0% -lh0- f2e4 Sep 13 2013 AmiSpear/tools/midi2mus.zip
[unknown] 41453 41453 100.0% -lh0- 3b96 Sep 15 2013 AmiSpear/tools/midi3mus.7z
[unknown] 0 0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Mar 5 2019 AmiSpear/AMISPEAR_INFO.TXT
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
Total 15 files 1449016 1551744 93.4% Feb 18 21:04
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