84782 packages online
No screenshot available
+ This is a strategy game with superb sound and graphics.
It should be fully multitasking and should work in
every amiga with OS1.3 --> OS3.0.
NOTE: This version is ONLY a beta testing version so
computer intelligence isn't good but still works some
Marko Turunen
Sairaalakatu 9 B 30
70110 Kuopio
E-mail: marturun@messi.uku.fi
Tel: +358 71 282 1661
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
1814 1005 44.5% 15-Sep-94 11:47:06 BW.doc
126488 59653 52.8% 05-Jun-94 06:02:36 bloodwars
232 138 40.5% 28-Dec-92 20:46:28 +system-configuration
524 48 90.8% 28-Dec-92 16:33:28 +BloodWars.font
892 498 44.1% 28-Dec-92 16:33:26 +6
40800 19432 52.3% 05-Jun-94 06:05:40 +bobgraffa.raw
2190 1384 36.8% 05-Jun-94 06:05:42 +EncountTxt.iff
13992 6158 55.9% 05-Jun-94 06:05:46 +ending.iff
16012 8979 43.9% 05-Jun-94 06:05:48 +events.iff
6810 2561 62.3% 05-Jun-94 05:17:46 +Gadgets.iff
14976 7752 48.2% 05-Jun-94 06:05:52 +graffa.raw
928 646 30.3% 05-Jun-94 06:05:54 +Inventory.iff
3432 51 98.5% 05-Jun-94 06:05:54 +laatta1
4270 341 92.0% 05-Jun-94 06:05:56 +NiceBack.iff
9890 1633 83.4% 25-Sep-80 11:01:30 +Tausta.iff
628 420 33.1% 05-Jun-94 06:05:58 +Treasuretxt.iff
17160 11694 31.8% 28-Dec-92 16:35:22 +req.library
16250 6871 57.7% 05-Jun-94 05:12:20 +The_Battle.map
14 14 0.0% 28-Dec-92 16:35:58 +startup-sequence
3012 2600 13.6% 28-Dec-92 16:36:04 +ARMY
8790 7963 9.4% 28-Dec-92 20:32:40 +cast
5624 4848 13.7% 28-Dec-92 16:36:10 +change
12754 11383 10.7% 28-Dec-92 16:36:22 +CHINABANG
5932 5362 9.6% 28-Dec-92 16:36:30 +die
3570 2609 26.9% 28-Dec-92 16:36:38 +error
3988 3451 13.4% 28-Dec-92 16:36:40 +fly
2276 1728 24.0% 28-Dec-92 16:36:44 +horse
16598 14541 12.3% 28-Dec-92 16:36:56 +laugh
21480 13002 39.4% 28-Dec-92 16:37:08 +special
7206 4489 37.7% 28-Dec-92 16:37:14 +unbelive
27862 26207 5.9% 28-Dec-92 16:37:28 +war
4534 3736 17.6% 28-Dec-92 16:37:36 +WATER
10840 8565 20.9% 28-Dec-92 16:37:44 +yeah
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
411768 239762 41.7% 02-Sep-95 00:00:00 33 files
Contents of game/shoot/BloodWars.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
-rw------- 5427/213 1005 1814 55.4% -lh5- ae40 Sep 15 1994 BW.doc
[generic] 59653 126488 47.2% -lh5- 05a9 Jun 5 1994 bloodwars
[generic] 138 232 59.5% -lh5- b67d Dec 28 1992 Devs/system-configuration
[generic] 48 524 9.2% -lh5- 6844 Dec 28 1992 Fonts/BloodWars.font
[generic] 498 892 55.8% -lh5- 93c3 Dec 28 1992 Fonts/BloodWars/6
[generic] 19432 40800 47.6% -lh5- c4a1 Jun 5 1994 Gfx/bobgraffa.raw
[generic] 1384 2190 63.2% -lh5- 6304 Jun 5 1994 Gfx/EncountTxt.iff
[generic] 6158 13992 44.0% -lh5- a86c Jun 5 1994 Gfx/ending.iff
[generic] 8979 16012 56.1% -lh5- adf4 Jun 5 1994 Gfx/events.iff
[generic] 2561 6810 37.6% -lh5- 71d5 Jun 5 1994 Gfx/Gadgets.iff
[generic] 7752 14976 51.8% -lh5- 4f90 Jun 5 1994 Gfx/graffa.raw
[generic] 646 928 69.6% -lh5- 95cb Jun 5 1994 Gfx/Inventory.iff
[generic] 51 3432 1.5% -lh5- 4703 Jun 5 1994 Gfx/laatta1
[generic] 341 4270 8.0% -lh5- f6b6 Jun 5 1994 Gfx/NiceBack.iff
[generic] 1633 9890 16.5% -lh5- d5ad Sep 25 1980 Gfx/Tausta.iff
[generic] 420 628 66.9% -lh5- a78a Jun 5 1994 Gfx/Treasuretxt.iff
[generic] 11694 17160 68.1% -lh5- c38f Dec 28 1992 Libs/req.library
[generic] 6871 16250 42.3% -lh5- f3e3 Jun 5 1994 Maps/The_Battle.map
[generic] 14 14 100.0% -lh0- 9ae3 Dec 28 1992 S/startup-sequence
[generic] 2600 3012 86.3% -lh5- c449 Dec 28 1992 Snd/ARMY
[generic] 7963 8790 90.6% -lh5- d2df Dec 28 1992 Snd/cast
[generic] 4848 5624 86.2% -lh5- 5a47 Dec 28 1992 Snd/change
[generic] 11383 12754 89.3% -lh5- 7ad2 Dec 28 1992 Snd/CHINABANG
[generic] 5362 5932 90.4% -lh5- 6d33 Dec 28 1992 Snd/die
[generic] 2609 3570 73.1% -lh5- 8620 Dec 28 1992 Snd/error
[generic] 3451 3988 86.5% -lh5- 559e Dec 28 1992 Snd/fly
[generic] 1728 2276 75.9% -lh5- f89f Dec 28 1992 Snd/horse
[generic] 14541 16598 87.6% -lh5- 7be0 Dec 28 1992 Snd/laugh
[generic] 13002 21480 60.5% -lh5- 5b7b Dec 28 1992 Snd/special
[generic] 4489 7206 62.3% -lh5- 337d Dec 28 1992 Snd/unbelive
[generic] 26207 27862 94.1% -lh5- 9cda Dec 28 1992 Snd/war
[generic] 3736 4534 82.4% -lh5- 45a8 Dec 28 1992 Snd/WATER
[generic] 8565 10840 79.0% -lh5- 501e Dec 28 1992 Snd/yeah
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 33 files 239762 411768 58.2% Sep 2 1995
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