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The Quake 2 Amiga sources as released by Hyperion, original
readme included below. The archives have all been converted
from Hyperion's proprietary .hpa format to lha for this
upload. I have not been able to build a working executable
yet, but the sources are identical to what I got from the
Hyperion CD, so with a little more effort it should be
possible. Thanks goes to darklite (and Hyperion) for making
these sources available to the Amiga community.
=== Hyperion readme.first ===
Please note that not EVERYTHING on this CD is under the GPL.
The Quake 2 and qtools and the DLL System and the Mods D-Day, Star Wars, Q2Max
and Threewave CTF *are* under GPL.
Please note that if you are interested in a different licence for the DLL-System
than the GPL (for example to compile Mods which are not under GPL like ActionQuake)
you should discuss this issue with me (SteffenH@hyperion-entertainment.com) or Ben Hermans.
Such a licence could include something like "may be used for AmigaOS-based Projects free
of charge". For details contact me or Ben Hermans. For GPL-based-projects you can of course just use the GPL-version of
the DLL Library without any limitations other than the GPL, and you do not need
to ask for permission or anything like it, other than making sure that you do not
harm the regulations of the GPL.
Please note the stuff inside lib.hpa is only needed for StormC, not for
other compilers.
If you'd like to release a recompile for not-GPLed Quake 2 Mods
- for Example like ActionQuake or Fireteam - you need to have a different
licence'd version for the DLL-System than the GPL-version included on this CD.
(As Mods like ActionQuake are not under the GPL, but under a different OpenSource
Most Q2 Mods are not under GPL, so you cannot
release Binaries linked with the GPL-version of the DLL-Code. If you find Source-Code
for an Amiga-Port of a Not-GPLed Quake 2 Mod on this CD or on other places which does
include a file dll.h, then please assume this file was given under a different
licence than the GPL ("can be used free of charge for AmigaOS-based projects" basically, contact me for details).
Please note that if you need a different licenced version of the DLL-Code that
we are quite open to sensible suggestions about it, so don't be afraid to ask!!!
Please also note that depending on which compilers you use you might
have to do small adaptions in the makefiles (calling elf2exe2 or not
for example). For some Mods there are also StormC 68k project files
included to compile a 68k (Beta) version of Quake 2. Never tried if
they still work with the most recent version. But they should, normally.
The StormC 68k version needed some optimizer-stuff disabled to work without
graphics bugs and that did "break" it on Amithlon (and made it extremely
slow on a real Amiga). A gcc 68k 2.95.3 version compiled had even more graphics bugs.
I think the issue is something with the linker libraries.
Steffen Haeuser
Hyperion Entertainment
Contents of game/shoot/Rip2Src.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1155 2496 46.3% -lh5- 36f5 Dec 13 2002 readme.first
[generic] 380 1098 34.6% -lh5- c95b Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/dwm.h
[generic] 96 155 61.9% -lh5- 60fe Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/fileio.h
[generic] 6729 26076 25.8% -lh5- 7cdb Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_ai.c
[generic] 7701 17060 45.1% -lh5- a69d Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_ai.o
[generic] 9176 41204 22.3% -lh5- a913 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_ai.s
[generic] 1095 3606 30.4% -lh5- ea07 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_chase.c
[generic] 2063 3956 52.1% -lh5- 9a79 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_chase.o
[generic] 2299 8081 28.4% -lh5- fb67 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_chase.s
[generic] 8082 32654 24.8% -lh5- 76c3 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_cmds.c
[generic] 14634 35704 41.0% -lh5- f92b Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_cmds.o
[generic] 16215 70698 22.9% -lh5- 496f Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_cmds.s
[generic] 4042 13691 29.5% -lh5- 758c Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_combat.c
[generic] 4696 9380 50.1% -lh5- 705d Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_combat.o
[generic] 5342 20352 26.2% -lh5- b095 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_combat.s
[generic] 13029 49625 26.3% -lh5- 7b8c Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_ctf.c
[generic] 17479 40584 43.1% -lh5- 6e24 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_ctf.o
[generic] 19905 88736 22.4% -lh5- 6f8c Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_ctf.s
[generic] 3633 15800 23.0% -lh5- 265b Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_dwm.c
[generic] 623 1289 48.3% -lh5- 3e14 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_fileio.c
[generic] 609 1364 44.6% -lh5- 032e Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_fileio.o
[generic] 499 1143 43.7% -lh5- 54bf Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_fileio.s
[generic] 12727 51773 24.6% -lh5- b604 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_func.c
[generic] 16283 39860 40.9% -lh5- 44b1 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_func.o
[generic] 20570 100110 20.5% -lh5- a084 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_func.s
[generic] 9764 49216 19.8% -lh5- 2b3b Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_items.c
[generic] 190 478 39.7% -lh5- 6bfb Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_items.h
[generic] 15389 41872 36.8% -lh5- a5aa Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_items.o
[generic] 16221 84762 19.1% -lh5- f6f0 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_items.s
[generic] 10942 33278 32.9% -lh5- 6bb2 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_local.h
[generic] 3445 10363 33.2% -lh5- d2a3 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_main.c
[generic] 5165 11704 44.1% -lh5- 3255 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_main.o
[generic] 5190 19923 26.1% -lh5- 6a5f Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_main.s
[generic] 10323 45070 22.9% -lh5- 7c23 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_misc.c
[generic] 15799 40060 39.4% -lh5- 8bcf Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_misc.o
[generic] 18401 98628 18.7% -lh5- 75a4 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_misc.s
[generic] 3935 16071 24.5% -lh5- b519 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_monster.c
[generic] 6188 14192 43.6% -lh5- 2ec5 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_monster.o
[generic] 7175 32751 21.9% -lh5- 85c4 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_monster.s
[generic] 7466 25030 29.8% -lh5- d780 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_phys.c
[generic] 8305 17604 47.2% -lh5- 7fde Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_phys.o
[generic] 9627 41143 23.4% -lh5- 080b Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_phys.s
[generic] 4165 16537 25.2% -lh5- 3076 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_save.c
[generic] 7064 18436 38.3% -lh5- dbc2 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_save.o
[generic] 6602 33031 20.0% -lh5- 2c4b Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_save.s
[generic] 7026 25554 27.5% -lh5- 259a Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_spawn.c
[generic] 8958 23280 38.5% -lh5- 972c Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_spawn.o
[generic] 7491 33846 22.1% -lh5- 0465 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_spawn.s
[generic] 1898 5428 35.0% -lh5- 9046 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_svcmds.c
[generic] 2821 6032 46.8% -lh5- b82d Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_svcmds.o
[generic] 2870 10908 26.3% -lh5- 625c Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_svcmds.s
[generic] 5593 19028 29.4% -lh5- 725c Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_target.c
[generic] 6633 14288 46.4% -lh5- 3ca4 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_target.o
[generic] 7502 32342 23.2% -lh5- c841 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_target.s
[generic] 3845 13279 29.0% -lh5- 6c28 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_trigger.c
[generic] 4684 11068 42.3% -lh5- 563b Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_trigger.o
[generic] 4834 22355 21.6% -lh5- d79c Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_trigger.s
[generic] 4141 13522 30.6% -lh5- 370f Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_turret.c
[generic] 4923 10928 45.0% -lh5- dd9d Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_turret.o
[generic] 5254 21840 24.1% -lh5- 22e9 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_turret.s
[generic] 4104 12381 33.1% -lh5- 12af Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_utils.c
[generic] 5417 11420 47.4% -lh5- 6317 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_utils.o
[generic] 6079 24172 25.1% -lh5- 35f8 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_utils.s
[generic] 10686 43893 24.3% -lh5- 9d83 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_weapon.c
[generic] 17146 39156 43.8% -lh5- 6cab Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_weapon.o
[generic] 19937 88533 22.5% -lh5- 52e4 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/g_weapon.s
[generic] 22 22 100.0% -lh0- 4fa7 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/game.def
[generic] 2052 20493 10.0% -lh5- c76a Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/game.dsp
[generic] 2191 5932 36.9% -lh5- dc27 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/game.h
[generic] 4578 19951 22.9% -lh5- d800 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/ini.c
[generic] 532 1526 34.9% -lh5- dec9 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/ini.h
[generic] 3457 9540 36.2% -lh5- 7838 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/ini.o
[generic] 5257 27114 19.4% -lh5- a872 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/ini.s
[generic] 251 589 42.6% -lh5- f832 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/laser.h
[generic] 3121 11715 26.6% -lh5- 8987 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/m_flash.c
[generic] 1475 3183 46.3% -lh5- c62b Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/m_flash.o
[generic] 1555 11512 13.5% -lh5- 8083 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/m_flash.s
[generic] 1340 8696 15.4% -lh5- 8ba3 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/m_float.h
[generic] 3263 10746 30.4% -lh5- 4c7d Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/m_move.c
[generic] 3959 7980 49.6% -lh5- 89e5 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/m_move.o
[generic] 4642 18808 24.7% -lh5- 57d8 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/m_move.s
[generic] 1163 6946 16.7% -lh5- dca7 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/m_player.h
[generic] 706 1478 47.8% -lh5- 782e Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/makefile
[generic] 245 670 36.6% -lh5- d3ff Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/maplist.h
[generic] 10284 22850 45.0% -lh5- 97d6 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/dll.debug
[generic] 1966 4632 42.4% -lh5- cce4 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/dll.o
[generic] 5114 10222 50.0% -lh5- 3004 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/dllimport.debug
[generic] 249 384 64.8% -lh5- d302 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/dllimport.o
[generic] 10821 24076 44.9% -lh5- cf1e Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/dllstartup.debug
[generic] 488 848 57.5% -lh5- 0ccc Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/dllstartup.o
[generic] 4357 8726 49.9% -lh5- fb28 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/g_ai.debug
[generic] 4995 12676 39.4% -lh5- fa90 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/g_ai.o
[generic] 4300 8728 49.3% -lh5- 5884 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/g_chase.debug
[generic] 1397 2844 49.1% -lh5- cffb Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/g_chase.o
[generic] 4102 8728 47.0% -lh5- 25ef Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/g_cmds.debug
[generic] 8250 18688 44.1% -lh5- f94b Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/g_cmds.o
[generic] 4512 8730 51.7% -lh5- 5b28 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/g_combat.debug
[generic] 3157 7712 40.9% -lh5- f5d1 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/g_combat.o
[generic] 4124 8726 47.3% -lh5- 955b Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/g_ctf.debug
[generic] 11424 27588 41.4% -lh5- b1b6 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/g_ctf.o
[generic] 4640 8726 53.2% -lh5- 45e5 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/g_dwm.debug
[generic] 3350 9168 36.5% -lh5- 92bd Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/g_dwm.o
[generic] 4621 8730 52.9% -lh5- cddb Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/g_fileio.debug
[generic] 336 616 54.5% -lh5- b36d Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/g_fileio.o
[generic] 4079 8728 46.7% -lh5- a7f7 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/g_func.debug
[generic] 9902 28596 34.6% -lh5- 3d17 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/g_func.o
[generic] 4208 8728 48.2% -lh5- fe81 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/g_items.debug
[generic] 9561 25812 37.0% -lh5- a613 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/g_items.o
[generic] 4644 8728 53.2% -lh5- 92fe Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/g_main.debug
[generic] 3083 8012 38.5% -lh5- 36ec Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/g_main.o
[generic] 4130 8728 47.3% -lh5- fd4c Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/g_misc.debug
[generic] 10567 40320 26.2% -lh5- 11d9 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/g_misc.o
[generic] 4155 8730 47.6% -lh5- fb14 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/g_monster.debug
[generic] 3851 9448 40.8% -lh5- 59a5 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/g_monster.o
[generic] 4279 8728 49.0% -lh5- 2ab6 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/g_phys.debug
[generic] 6160 16464 37.4% -lh5- d366 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/g_phys.o
[generic] 4313 8728 49.4% -lh5- 20ce Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/g_save.debug
[generic] 4038 10052 40.2% -lh5- 885b Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/g_save.o
[generic] 4209 8728 48.2% -lh5- 7a79 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/g_spawn.debug
[generic] 5772 14320 40.3% -lh5- 5625 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/g_spawn.o
[generic] 4496 8730 51.5% -lh5- 20d3 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/g_svcmds.debug
[generic] 1809 3660 49.4% -lh5- 1020 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/g_svcmds.o
[generic] 4370 8730 50.1% -lh5- 57a5 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/g_target.debug
[generic] 4411 10956 40.3% -lh5- 3115 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/g_target.o
[generic] 4648 8730 53.2% -lh5- f8ab Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/g_trigger.debug
[generic] 2653 6300 42.1% -lh5- 8262 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/g_trigger.o
[generic] 4400 8730 50.4% -lh5- c6c5 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/g_turret.debug
[generic] 3163 9224 34.3% -lh5- 53e7 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/g_turret.o
[generic] 4029 8728 46.2% -lh5- d57d Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/g_utils.debug
[generic] 3629 8628 42.1% -lh5- ec34 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/g_utils.o
[generic] 4121 8730 47.2% -lh5- 57a7 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/g_weapon.debug
[generic] 11040 35000 31.5% -lh5- ca67 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/g_weapon.o
[generic] 3848 8970 42.9% -lh5- f199 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/ini.debug
[generic] 2876 6360 45.2% -lh5- 10ce Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/ini.o
[generic] 3784 7078 53.5% -lh5- 996c Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/m_flash.debug
[generic] 1307 2740 47.7% -lh5- a2c8 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/m_flash.o
[generic] 4262 8728 48.8% -lh5- 398c Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/m_move.debug
[generic] 2829 6940 40.8% -lh5- 8c49 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/m_move.o
[generic] 4083 8730 46.8% -lh5- 51e5 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/p_client.debug
[generic] 10170 23268 43.7% -lh5- c014 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/p_client.o
[generic] 4312 8726 49.4% -lh5- 7286 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/p_hud.debug
[generic] 2347 5344 43.9% -lh5- ef06 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/p_hud.o
[generic] 4326 8728 49.6% -lh5- 2806 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/p_trail.debug
[generic] 850 1804 47.1% -lh5- e953 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/p_trail.o
[generic] 4208 8728 48.2% -lh5- 2061 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/p_view.debug
[generic] 7562 21328 35.5% -lh5- 61f6 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/p_view.o
[generic] 4108 8730 47.1% -lh5- 9c5a Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/p_weapon.debug
[generic] 8877 24336 36.5% -lh5- 493b Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/p_weapon.o
[generic] 4356 8730 49.9% -lh5- 90eb Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/q_devels.debug
[generic] 832 1604 51.9% -lh5- 8a5b Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/q_devels.o
[generic] 9390 19808 47.4% -lh5- 9c22 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/q_shared.debug
[generic] 5681 15516 36.6% -lh5- 6391 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/q_shared.o
[generic] 4276 8726 49.0% -lh5- 8ccf Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/qmenu.debug
[generic] 1721 3816 45.1% -lh5- f403 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/qmenu.o
[generic] 4355 8728 49.9% -lh5- 56a6 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/s_build.debug
[generic] 4166 11140 37.4% -lh5- 0de4 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/s_build.o
[generic] 4429 8726 50.8% -lh5- 189b Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/s_cam.debug
[generic] 1917 4344 44.1% -lh5- 00a9 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/s_cam.o
[generic] 4276 8728 49.0% -lh5- 8665 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/s_class.debug
[generic] 4750 11088 42.8% -lh5- 6263 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/s_class.o
[generic] 4606 8728 52.8% -lh5- 4413 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/s_laser.debug
[generic] 133 328 40.5% -lh5- 8f02 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/s_laser.o
[generic] 4389 8728 50.3% -lh5- 6e8c Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/s_main.debug
[generic] 4535 10312 44.0% -lh5- 20c1 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/s_main.o
[generic] 4608 8728 52.8% -lh5- 9852 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/s_maps.debug
[generic] 133 328 40.5% -lh5- 8f02 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/s_maps.o
[generic] 4608 8728 52.8% -lh5- 7aec Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/s_misc.debug
[generic] 133 328 40.5% -lh5- 8f02 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/s_misc.o
[generic] 4570 8728 52.4% -lh5- 23f0 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/s_ptele.debug
[generic] 1094 1904 57.5% -lh5- 339f Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/s_ptele.o
[generic] 4294 8730 49.2% -lh5- 36da Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/s_spells.debug
[generic] 2113 4824 43.8% -lh5- 6646 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/s_spells.o
[generic] 4324 8730 49.5% -lh5- 274f Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/s_system.debug
[generic] 1121 3672 30.5% -lh5- f286 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/s_system.o
[generic] 340 508 66.9% -lh5- d017 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/s_tele.debug
[generic] 79 156 50.6% -lh5- 06b7 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/s_tele.o
[generic] 4308 8730 49.3% -lh5- c954 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/s_weapons.debug
[generic] 1113 2360 47.2% -lh5- 352a Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/s_weapons.o
[generic] 4172 8728 47.8% -lh5- fd46 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/x_fbomb.debug
[generic] 2711 7020 38.6% -lh5- 593d Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/x_fbomb.o
[generic] 4318 8728 49.5% -lh5- 063e Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/x_fire.debug
[generic] 5439 14700 37.0% -lh5- 1aa5 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/x_fire.o
[generic] 4289 8728 49.1% -lh5- 9441 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/x_radio.debug
[generic] 1486 3332 44.6% -lh5- af61 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/objects_debug/x_radio.o
[generic] 13127 44454 29.5% -lh5- 65a9 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/p_client.c
[generic] 16102 35028 46.0% -lh5- 7c09 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/p_client.o
[generic] 18393 76597 24.0% -lh5- 05f7 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/p_client.s
[generic] 3182 11278 28.2% -lh5- c1f9 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/p_hud.c
[generic] 3442 7560 45.5% -lh5- 151a Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/p_hud.o
[generic] 3557 14195 25.1% -lh5- 83c5 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/p_hud.s
[generic] 712 2071 34.4% -lh5- 651c Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/p_trail.c
[generic] 877 1874 46.8% -lh5- 7e55 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/p_trail.h
[generic] 1201 2788 43.1% -lh5- bf3b Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/p_trail.o
[generic] 1193 4360 27.4% -lh5- 9ddb Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/p_trail.s
[generic] 8598 31193 27.6% -lh5- 99c2 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/p_view.c
[generic] 12218 27560 44.3% -lh5- f0da Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/p_view.o
[generic] 12929 58207 22.2% -lh5- 9628 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/p_view.s
[generic] 8241 42956 19.2% -lh5- 09d1 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/p_weapon.c
[generic] 14704 35488 41.4% -lh5- a0d2 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/p_weapon.o
[generic] 16995 83397 20.4% -lh5- 69b2 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/p_weapon.s
[generic] 740 1705 43.4% -lh5- 4f73 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/q_devels.c
[generic] 397 595 66.7% -lh5- a7d7 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/q_devels.h
[generic] 1311 2600 50.4% -lh5- d97b Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/q_devels.o
[generic] 1380 4307 32.0% -lh5- d5c2 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/q_devels.s
[generic] 6410 24852 25.8% -lh5- 9825 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/q_shared.c
[generic] 10888 32328 33.7% -lh5- 7dda Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/q_shared.h
[generic] 6941 14520 47.8% -lh5- 2b67 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/q_shared.o
[generic] 8733 37354 23.4% -lh5- 7319 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/q_shared.s
[generic] 2789 10274 27.1% -lh5- a04b Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/qmenu.c
[generic] 450 1019 44.2% -lh5- dbaa Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/qmenu.h
[generic] 2589 5928 43.7% -lh5- b6a9 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/qmenu.o
[generic] 2739 11497 23.8% -lh5- 07fa Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/qmenu.s
[generic] 230 396 58.1% -lh5- 6c6a Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/resource.h
[generic] 1760 14232 12.4% -lh5- 540b Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/rip2_game_68k.ΒΆ
[generic] 3054 11772 25.9% -lh5- 9824 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/s_ai.c
[generic] 4619 18652 24.8% -lh5- a810 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/s_build.c
[generic] 7079 17296 40.9% -lh5- 0b94 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/s_build.o
[generic] 7331 35040 20.9% -lh5- 7022 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/s_build.s
[generic] 4242 12612 33.6% -lh5- 584a Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/s_cam.c
[generic] 2735 5648 48.4% -lh5- 6825 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/s_cam.o
[generic] 2984 12358 24.1% -lh5- f541 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/s_cam.s
[generic] 5068 27529 18.4% -lh5- ccaf Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/s_class.c
[generic] 8407 20324 41.4% -lh5- 38ff Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/s_class.o
[generic] 8428 40722 20.7% -lh5- 47a6 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/s_class.s
[generic] 4316 16148 26.7% -lh5- b13e Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/s_grenades.c
[generic] 21 21 100.0% -lh0- cc83 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/s_laser.c
[generic] 291 718 40.5% -lh5- aa48 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/s_laser.o
[generic] 129 181 71.3% -lh5- 0e16 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/s_laser.s
[generic] 5236 16938 30.9% -lh5- f5f9 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/s_main.c
[generic] 7571 15808 47.9% -lh5- 970d Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/s_main.o
[generic] 8299 33706 24.6% -lh5- a8e8 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/s_main.s
[generic] 23 23 100.0% -lh0- 142f Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/s_maps.c
[generic] 290 717 40.4% -lh5- 5b16 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/s_maps.o
[generic] 127 180 70.6% -lh5- cf7b Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/s_maps.s
[generic] 75 81 92.6% -lh5- 5243 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/s_misc.c
[generic] 290 717 40.4% -lh5- e88e Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/s_misc.o
[generic] 127 180 70.6% -lh5- 7435 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/s_misc.s
[generic] 1088 2408 45.2% -lh5- decc Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/s_ptele.c
[generic] 1732 3084 56.2% -lh5- 7078 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/s_ptele.o
[generic] 1925 5472 35.2% -lh5- 4c85 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/s_ptele.s
[generic] 1169 2687 43.5% -lh5- 540a Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/s_scanner.c
[generic] 1763 6857 25.7% -lh5- d106 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/s_spells.c
[generic] 3612 8724 41.4% -lh5- 65b2 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/s_spells.o
[generic] 3614 17094 21.1% -lh5- a3a8 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/s_spells.s
[generic] 824 6418 12.8% -lh5- fad3 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/s_system.c
[generic] 2132 5840 36.5% -lh5- 3b59 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/s_system.o
[generic] 1516 7880 19.2% -lh5- 3d5a Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/s_system.s
[generic] 0 0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/s_tele.c
[generic] 237 601 39.4% -lh5- 4b2f Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/s_tele.o
[generic] 81 81 100.0% -lh0- ca81 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/s_tele.s
[generic] 2212 6317 35.0% -lh5- 6178 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/s_utils.c
[generic] 1178 3548 33.2% -lh5- ad6b Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/s_weapons.c
[generic] 1753 3688 47.5% -lh5- bfa1 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/s_weapons.o
[generic] 1737 6034 28.8% -lh5- a2e4 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/s_weapons.s
[generic] 430 1460 29.5% -lh5- ef73 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/scanner.h
[generic] 658 1733 38.0% -lh5- ace0 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/voids.h
[generic] 2538 10607 23.9% -lh5- d416 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/x_fbomb.c
[generic] 312 1067 29.2% -lh5- a3b0 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/x_fbomb.h
[generic] 4378 8948 48.9% -lh5- 953d Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/x_fbomb.o
[generic] 4692 17677 26.5% -lh5- 25b3 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/x_fbomb.s
[generic] 8848 37477 23.6% -lh5- 3512 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/x_fire.c
[generic] 1261 4302 29.3% -lh5- d802 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/x_fire.h
[generic] 10264 22260 46.1% -lh5- f462 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/x_fire.o
[generic] 12396 54963 22.6% -lh5- bea9 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/x_fire.s
[generic] 1256 5559 22.6% -lh5- 3bba Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/x_radio.c
[generic] 85 126 67.5% -lh5- 5c6e Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/x_radio.h
[generic] 2651 6580 40.3% -lh5- 429d Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/x_radio.o
[generic] 2434 10883 22.4% -lh5- 5a48 Dec 13 2002 Rip2Src/x_radio.s
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 268 files 1305436 4144829 31.5% Dec 15 2002
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