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Short:Gravity force+air rescue, great!
Download:game/shoot/Starwoids.lha - View contents

============================= Archive contents =============================

Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
    1024     989  3.4% 27-Feb-80 01:52:54
    1024    1024  0.0% 27-Feb-80 01:52:54
      84      77  8.3% 27-Feb-80 01:52:58 +m1.pal
      84      74 11.9% 27-Feb-80 01:52:58 +m2.pal
      84      77  8.3% 27-Feb-80 01:53:00 +m3.pal
    3600     808 77.5% 27-Feb-80 01:53:02 +map1
    3600    1000 72.2% 27-Feb-80 01:53:02 +map2
    3600    1189 66.9% 27-Feb-80 01:53:06 +map3
      84      75 10.7% 27-Feb-80 01:53:08 +palfg
     108      86 20.3% 27-Feb-80 01:53:10 +s1.pal
     108      88 18.5% 27-Feb-80 01:53:10 +s2.pal
    3498    1075 69.2% 27-Feb-80 01:40:50 +text1
    1113     287 74.2% 27-Feb-80 01:40:52 +text2
    4823    1649 65.8% 27-Feb-80 01:40:54 +text3
    7473    2355 68.4% 27-Feb-80 01:40:58 +text4
     222      87 60.8% 27-Feb-80 01:54:36 +f_bbase1
     222      87 60.8% 27-Feb-80 01:54:40 +f_bbase2
     588     318 45.9% 27-Feb-80 01:54:42 +f_hbase1
     588     301 48.8% 27-Feb-80 01:54:44 +f_hbase2
     368     233 36.6% 27-Feb-80 01:54:46 +gfx01
    2740    1667 39.1% 27-Feb-80 01:43:46 +gfx02
   10072    3504 65.2% 27-Feb-80 01:43:48 +gfx03
    5700    2731 52.0% 27-Feb-80 01:43:52 +gfx04
    3130    1227 60.7% 27-Feb-80 01:43:54 +gfx05
    4348     549 87.3% 27-Feb-80 01:43:56 +gfx06
    1360     313 76.9% 27-Feb-80 01:44:00 +gfx07
    3140    1265 59.7% 27-Feb-80 01:44:02 +gfx08
    5644    2497 55.7% 27-Feb-80 01:44:04 +gfx09
    5068    2542 49.8% 27-Feb-80 01:44:06 +gfx10
    4842    2384 50.7% 27-Feb-80 01:44:12 +gfx11
    4746    2793 41.1% 27-Feb-80 01:44:14 +gfx12
   37378   11797 68.4% 27-Feb-80 01:54:54 +gfx13
    7228    3882 46.2% 27-Feb-80 01:44:18 +gfx14
   13530    6204 54.1% 27-Feb-80 01:54:58 +gfx15
    3542    1682 52.5% 27-Feb-80 01:55:00 +gfx16
    4228    1784 57.8% 27-Feb-80 01:55:02 +gfx17
   39032   18329 53.0% 27-Feb-80 01:44:24 +gfx18
    2874    1134 60.5% 27-Feb-80 01:44:28 +gfx19
    3114    1092 64.9% 27-Feb-80 01:55:06 +lgfx01
    3826    1396 63.5% 27-Feb-80 01:55:10 +lgfx02
    3548    1238 65.1% 27-Feb-80 01:55:12 +lgfx03
    3418    1271 62.8% 27-Feb-80 01:55:14 +lgfxs
   33280   14062 57.7% 27-Feb-80 01:55:20 +Map1.s
   33280   12957 61.0% 27-Feb-80 01:55:24 +Map2.s
   33280   12660 61.9% 27-Feb-80 01:55:32 +Map3.s
     990     471 52.4% 27-Feb-80 01:55:34 +r_base1
     990     467 52.8% 27-Feb-80 01:55:36 +r_base2
   73044   50183 31.2% 27-Feb-80 01:56:10 +m01
  261482  215227 17.6% 27-Feb-80 01:56:44 +m02
  283264  233353 17.6% 27-Feb-80 01:46:10 +m03
   62340   49254 20.9% 27-Feb-80 01:56:58 +m04
    3176    2917  8.1% 27-Feb-80 01:57:02 +s01
    7744    6851 11.5% 27-Feb-80 01:57:06 +s02
   14542    6601 54.6% 27-Feb-80 01:57:08 +s03
    6348    5587 11.9% 27-Feb-80 01:57:12 +s04
   10494    9422 10.2% 27-Feb-80 01:57:18 +s05
   18630   13805 25.8% 27-Feb-80 01:57:24 +s06
    2264    1765 22.0% 27-Feb-80 01:57:26 +s07
   20162    8765 56.5% 27-Feb-80 01:57:32 +s08
    6352    5110 19.5% 27-Feb-80 01:57:34 +s09
    8686    7493 13.7% 27-Feb-80 01:57:40 +s10
    5634    5250  6.8% 27-Feb-80 01:57:42 +s11
    1964    1598 18.6% 27-Feb-80 01:57:44 +s12
   17146   13213 22.9% 27-Feb-80 01:46:14 +s13
    5182    4383 15.4% 27-Feb-80 01:57:50 +s14
    2535     856 66.2% 02-Sep-92 14:54:20
   11936    7220 39.5% 27-Feb-80 01:39:34 +More
   22959    9273 59.6% 01-Mar-80 13:22:32
     503     254 49.5% 27-Feb-80 18:23:26
    2554     882 65.4% 27-Feb-80 18:23:28
    3146    1311 58.3% 27-Feb-80 01:46:50 +SW-register.txt
     327     217 33.6% 27-Feb-80 18:23:28
  175144   62964 64.0% 02-Mar-80 02:51:22 +StarWoids.
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
 1334181  847531 36.4% 02-Sep-95 00:00:00   73 files

Contents of game/shoot/Starwoids.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  989    1024  96.6% -lh5- 3947 Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data/
[generic]                 1024    1024 100.0% -lh0- 36af Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data/
[generic]                   77      84  91.7% -lh5- 5bd4 Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data/m1.pal
[generic]                   74      84  88.1% -lh5- bca5 Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data/m2.pal
[generic]                   77      84  91.7% -lh5- 5bd4 Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data/m3.pal
[generic]                  808    3600  22.4% -lh5- 99e8 Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data/map1
[generic]                 1000    3600  27.8% -lh5- 41c1 Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data/map2
[generic]                 1189    3600  33.0% -lh5- b11d Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data/map3
[generic]                   75      84  89.3% -lh5- e003 Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data/palfg
[generic]                   86     108  79.6% -lh5- 74b0 Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data/s1.pal
[generic]                   88     108  81.5% -lh5- 286b Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data/s2.pal
[generic]                 1075    3498  30.7% -lh5- 8de3 Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data/text1
[generic]                  287    1113  25.8% -lh5- 04e7 Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data/text2
[generic]                 1649    4823  34.2% -lh5- eba0 Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data/text3
[generic]                 2355    7473  31.5% -lh5- 8d8a Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data/text4
[generic]                   87     222  39.2% -lh5- 2d35 Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data1/f_bbase1
[generic]                   87     222  39.2% -lh5- b82e Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data1/f_bbase2
[generic]                  318     588  54.1% -lh5- a9a8 Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data1/f_hbase1
[generic]                  301     588  51.2% -lh5- 612e Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data1/f_hbase2
[generic]                  233     368  63.3% -lh5- 800b Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data1/gfx01
[generic]                 1667    2740  60.8% -lh5- 4b2e Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data1/gfx02
[generic]                 3504   10072  34.8% -lh5- c3d3 Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data1/gfx03
[generic]                 2731    5700  47.9% -lh5- b230 Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data1/gfx04
[generic]                 1227    3130  39.2% -lh5- 353e Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data1/gfx05
[generic]                  549    4348  12.6% -lh5- 9098 Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data1/gfx06
[generic]                  313    1360  23.0% -lh5- 31fa Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data1/gfx07
[generic]                 1265    3140  40.3% -lh5- 89bd Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data1/gfx08
[generic]                 2497    5644  44.2% -lh5- 32c8 Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data1/gfx09
[generic]                 2542    5068  50.2% -lh5- 1e6c Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data1/gfx10
[generic]                 2384    4842  49.2% -lh5- 9bc7 Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data1/gfx11
[generic]                 2793    4746  58.8% -lh5- 1915 Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data1/gfx12
[generic]                11797   37378  31.6% -lh5- 3f68 Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data1/gfx13
[generic]                 3882    7228  53.7% -lh5- 8229 Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data1/gfx14
[generic]                 6204   13530  45.9% -lh5- 9942 Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data1/gfx15
[generic]                 1682    3542  47.5% -lh5- 60b0 Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data1/gfx16
[generic]                 1784    4228  42.2% -lh5- 9b0d Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data1/gfx17
[generic]                18329   39032  47.0% -lh5- cbe4 Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data1/gfx18
[generic]                 1134    2874  39.5% -lh5- 287d Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data1/gfx19
[generic]                 1092    3114  35.1% -lh5- 55ed Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data1/lgfx01
[generic]                 1396    3826  36.5% -lh5- d704 Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data1/lgfx02
[generic]                 1238    3548  34.9% -lh5- 600a Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data1/lgfx03
[generic]                 1271    3418  37.2% -lh5- e31d Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data1/lgfxs
[generic]                14062   33280  42.3% -lh5- 2f06 Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data1/Map1.s
[generic]                12957   33280  38.9% -lh5- fc1e Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data1/Map2.s
[generic]                12660   33280  38.0% -lh5- b52c Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data1/Map3.s
[generic]                  471     990  47.6% -lh5- 282a Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data1/r_base1
[generic]                  467     990  47.2% -lh5- 49d8 Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data1/r_base2
[generic]                50183   73044  68.7% -lh5- cfe1 Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data2/m01
[generic]               215227  261482  82.3% -lh5- 59ff Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data2/m02
[generic]               233353  283264  82.4% -lh5- 5e87 Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data2/m03
[generic]                49254   62340  79.0% -lh5- 9b13 Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data2/m04
[generic]                 2917    3176  91.8% -lh5- fe68 Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data2/s01
[generic]                 6851    7744  88.5% -lh5- a567 Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data2/s02
[generic]                 6601   14542  45.4% -lh5- e11e Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data2/s03
[generic]                 5587    6348  88.0% -lh5- d134 Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data2/s04
[generic]                 9422   10494  89.8% -lh5- 332c Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data2/s05
[generic]                13805   18630  74.1% -lh5- 7c2c Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data2/s06
[generic]                 1765    2264  78.0% -lh5- b9b7 Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data2/s07
[generic]                 8765   20162  43.5% -lh5- 6da1 Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data2/s08
[generic]                 5110    6352  80.4% -lh5- d943 Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data2/s09
[generic]                 7493    8686  86.3% -lh5- 3e92 Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data2/s10
[generic]                 5250    5634  93.2% -lh5- b948 Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data2/s11
[generic]                 1598    1964  81.4% -lh5- b686 Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data2/s12
[generic]                13213   17146  77.1% -lh5- a637 Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data2/s13
[generic]                 4383    5182  84.6% -lh5- 26ed Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/data2/s14
[generic]                  856    2535  33.8% -lh5- e065 Sep  2  1992 Starwoids/
[generic]                 7220   11936  60.5% -lh5- f443 Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/Documents/More
[generic]                 9273   22959  40.4% -lh5- aa3d Mar  1  1980 Starwoids/Documents/
[generic]                  254     503  50.5% -lh5- 72a6 Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/Documents/
[generic]                  882    2554  34.5% -lh5- f62e Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/Documents/
[generic]                 1311    3146  41.7% -lh5- 960c Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/Documents/SW-register.txt
[generic]                  217     327  66.4% -lh5- 00cd Feb 27  1980 Starwoids/Documents/
[generic]                62964  175144  35.9% -lh5- a40a Mar  2  1980 Starwoids/StarWoids.
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        73 files  847531 1334181  63.5%            Sep  2  1995
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