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Short:A top down shoot 'em up
Author:Lucas (lmartinking/, Jeremy (rekless/, AOS4 port by Spot / Up Rough
Uploader:spot triad se (Spot / Up Rough)
Requires:AmigaOS 4.0
Download:game/shoot/cdogs_aos4.lha - View contents

C-Dogs Amiga SDL Port v0.03
   (based on C-Dogs 1.06)

Ported to AmigaOS 4.0 by Spot / Up Rough.

Fullscreen mode doesn't work for now, atleast
not on my monitor, please let me know if it
works for you.

Amiga Input not tested as i never got it to
work properly on my machine.

This game is still in development and all
features aren't there yet, but it's very
playable. So, have a blast!


---- Orignial ReadMe ----

C-Dogs SDL Port v0.03
(based on C-Dogs 1.06)

       |  _______|
      /  /  __       
     |  |  |  '-.   .---.  .---.  .---.
    /  /  /  /   |  _  ||  ___||  __|
   |  |  |  |_/   || (_) || | __     
  /  /  /        / |     || '-' |.-' `.
 |  |   '-------'   '---'  '----''----'
 /  '.___________
|                |                  SDL
 `---------------'                v0.03

| Contents |

 1. Introduction
 2. Tested Environments
 3. Installation
 4. Command line options
 5. Contact

| 1 | Introduction |

C-Dogs SDL is a port of a really fun old DOS game to modern operating systems,
using the SDL media libraries for graphics, sound and input (hence the name).

For more information about the original c-dogs read 'original_readme.txt'.

| 2 | Tested Environments |

C-Dogs SDL has been ported with a unix development environment.
In theory, C-Dogs SDL could run on any system that is supported by SDL.
See the SDL website - for more details on SDL itself.

Tested architecture/system combinations include:

 * x86  (gentoo, slackware, ubuntu)
 * x86-64 (gentoo)
 * ppc  (ubuntu)

 * ppc
 * x86  (reportedly works fine)

Should you succeed in running CDogs-SDL on a different *Nix,
please contact us!

| 3 | Installation |

To compile C-Dogs you need to have the SDL libraries previously installed,
a compiler (gcc recommended) and the apropriate header files. These instructions
assume you have the know-how to at least compile something... :)

See INSTALL for more information...

| 4 | Command line options |

The C-Dogs binary is called "cdogs", below are some command line arguments:

 -fullscreen C-Dogs will try and become full screen (recommended)

 -nojoystick C-Dogs will not use any available joysticks
 -wait  C-Dogs will wait for a key to be hit before 
   initialising graphics
 -nosound C-Dogs won't play sounds, thus saving CPU usage and
   leaving your sound-card alone (if you have one)

 -help  Display more command line options where are
   not listed here

These can be used in any order/combination:
 $ cdogs -fullscreen -wait
Which will make it go full screen after all the pre-video stuff is displayed
on stdout.

| 5 | Contact |

If you have an questions, comments, bug reports (yes please), patches (even
better) or anything else related to C-Dogs SDL email either:

 Lucas <lmartinking()> (works with MSN and Jabber too)

 Jeremy <rekless()>

Alternately, if you have IRC visit #oz on cyberarmy. Jeremy is usually 'ReKleSS'
and Lucas 'Ion-Pookie'.

Contents of game/shoot/cdogs_aos4.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                   22      22 100.0% -lh0- aa32 Sep  3 04:41 cdogs-0.03-amigaos4/cdogs
[generic]               511102 1088056  47.0% -lh5- 5a32 Sep  3 04:39 cdogs-0.03-amigaos4/cdogs.exe
[generic]                 4175    4239  98.5% -lh5- 782e Sep  3 04:43 cdogs-0.03-amigaos4/
[generic]                  139     186  74.7% -lh5- 65d3 May 14 04:27 cdogs-0.03-amigaos4/docs/AUTHORS
[generic]                  248     489  50.7% -lh5- f188 Aug 16 06:18 cdogs-0.03-amigaos4/docs/ChangeLog
[generic]                 7015   18009  39.0% -lh5- e98e Apr  1 14:50 cdogs-0.03-amigaos4/docs/COPYING
[generic]                  427     710  60.1% -lh5- e6ae Aug 16 13:40 cdogs-0.03-amigaos4/docs/INSTALL
[generic]                12166   29916  40.7% -lh5- 430b Apr  1 14:50 cdogs-0.03-amigaos4/docs/original_readme.txt
[generic]                 1354    2846  47.6% -lh5- e7a2 Aug 16 13:40 cdogs-0.03-amigaos4/docs/README
[generic]                  187     254  73.6% -lh5- 3282 Apr  1 14:50 cdogs-0.03-amigaos4/docs/README_DATA
[generic]                  601    1182  50.8% -lh5- 5a51 Aug 16 05:57 cdogs-0.03-amigaos4/docs/TODO
[generic]                  270     425  63.5% -lh5- b27b Sep  3 04:49 cdogs-0.03-amigaos4/README.AMIGA
[generic]                 4101    4192  97.8% -lh5- 182b Sep  3 04:49 cdogs-0.03-amigaos4/
[generic]                 3431    6966  49.3% -lh5- cea8 Apr  2 02:09 cdogs-0.03-amigaos4/data/cdogs_icon.bmp
[generic]                 4139    4199  98.6% -lh5- 8c06 Apr  2 02:09 cdogs-0.03-amigaos4/data/cdogs_icon.png
[generic]                   65     110  59.1% -lh5- f92c Sep  3 04:45 cdogs-0.03-amigaos4/data/config/options.cnf
[generic]                   37     263  14.1% -lh5- ec95 Sep  3 04:45 cdogs-0.03-amigaos4/data/config/players.cnf
[generic]                    0       0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Sep  3 04:45 cdogs-0.03-amigaos4/data/config/scores.dat
[generic]                 2107    3416  61.7% -lh5- b554 Apr  2 02:09 cdogs-0.03-amigaos4/data/sounds/click.wav
[generic]                 7324   11326  64.7% -lh5- 9a2c Apr  2 02:09 cdogs-0.03-amigaos4/data/sounds/mg.wav
[generic]                 7796    8360  93.3% -lh5- 048b Apr  2 02:09 cdogs-0.03-amigaos4/data/sounds/pickup.wav
[generic]                25643   37170  69.0% -lh5- aa70 Apr  2 02:09 cdogs-0.03-amigaos4/data/sounds/shotgun.wav
[generic]                 9968   11344  87.9% -lh5- 4298 Apr  2 02:09 cdogs-0.03-amigaos4/data/sounds/switch.wav
[generic]                19002   24931  76.2% -lh5- 179a Apr  2 02:09 cdogs-0.03-amigaos4/data/sounds/aargh1.wav
[generic]                11421   20824  54.8% -lh5- f5ed Apr  2 02:09 cdogs-0.03-amigaos4/data/sounds/aargh2.wav
[generic]                16421   21058  78.0% -lh5- de4a Apr  2 02:09 cdogs-0.03-amigaos4/data/sounds/aargh3.wav
[generic]                13689   18884  72.5% -lh5- 7143 Apr  2 02:09 cdogs-0.03-amigaos4/data/sounds/bang.wav
[generic]                13214   13764  96.0% -lh5- bbb7 Apr  2 02:09 cdogs-0.03-amigaos4/data/sounds/flamer.wav
[generic]                16189   28352  57.1% -lh5- bf1e Apr  2 02:09 cdogs-0.03-amigaos4/data/sounds/fusion.wav
[generic]                11839   18162  65.2% -lh5- b0a4 Apr  2 02:09 cdogs-0.03-amigaos4/data/sounds/hahaha.wav
[generic]                 7366    8360  88.1% -lh5- e787 Apr  2 02:09 cdogs-0.03-amigaos4/data/sounds/launch.wav
[generic]                 6373    6802  93.7% -lh5- 4eb4 Apr  2 02:09 cdogs-0.03-amigaos4/data/sounds/powergun.wav
[generic]                18318   22004  83.2% -lh5- 481f Apr  2 02:09 cdogs-0.03-amigaos4/data/sounds/scream.wav
[generic]                15117   78638  19.2% -lh5- dc2c Apr  2 02:09 cdogs-0.03-amigaos4/data/graphics/cdogs.px
[generic]                 7213   36130  20.0% -lh5- 8752 Apr  2 02:09 cdogs-0.03-amigaos4/data/graphics/cdogs2.px
[generic]                  963    4539  21.2% -lh5- cc74 Apr  2 02:09 cdogs-0.03-amigaos4/data/graphics/font.px
[generic]                 4048   26112  15.5% -lh5- fba5 Apr  2 02:09 cdogs-0.03-amigaos4/data/missions/distress.cpn
[generic]                 3560   19364  18.4% -lh5- f2ea Apr  2 02:09 cdogs-0.03-amigaos4/data/missions/terror.cpn
[generic]                 4026   25236  16.0% -lh5- 8bc3 Apr  2 02:09 cdogs-0.03-amigaos4/data/missions/zombie.cpn
[generic]                23428   25856  90.6% -lh5- 6001 Apr  2 02:09 cdogs-0.03-amigaos4/data/sounds/booom.wav
[generic]                 9259   13449  68.8% -lh5- 196d Apr  2 02:09 cdogs-0.03-amigaos4/data/sounds/whistle.wav
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        41 files  803763 1646145  48.8%            Aug 19 22:52
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