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Short:Numeric puzzle game
Download:game/think/Greed.lha - View contents

                         GREED v1.1a  (C) 1991-92 Fernis

                                 (Ari Fernelius)

What is Greed?
Greed is a simple numeric game. The board - sized 79x22 - consists
of numbers from 1 to 9. After your start location has been randomly
set, you may begin. The task is going through as much of the board
as possible, drawing a line (hmm.. or eating the numbers away...).

Before getting started...                <!IMPORTANT!>
As Greed v1.1a don't have the greed.gfx file any more (internal in
executable), we don't need the greed: directory (was used in v1.0).
You can keep your hi-score file (greed.hi) in greed:, but you can
move it to S: directory as well, if you REMOVE the greed: assign.
Make sure you have either greed: or S: somewhere, so that GREED can
save your high scores. 

V1.1a doesn't read any more Greed v0.83 hi-score format - only
v1.0a or newer.

Playing and controls
There are eight directions where to move. Use numeric keyboard keys 1-9
(except "5", which does nothing). Your location will be marked as a 
flashing cursor. Your cursor will jump forward the number of steps the
first number in that direction shows. For example, if the number on the
left of your cursor is "5", and you deside to go left (by pressing "4"),
the cursor will jump 5 steps to the left, and cover all the numbers on
the way with a (blank) line. Drawn line cannot be crossed again - you
can only cross a location if there's a number in it.

So watch out where you are going! Avoid going narrow places - if there
are not enough small numbers around, you'll be in trouble.

The game ends when you can't move anymore. However, in the end, you
will be given the amount of points the distance is to the farmost blank
line. This is because a couple of other Greeds do so, and I want the
scoring system to be exactly the same. 

Other Keys and fuctions
ESC              - Quits the Game and saves Hi-Score if any changes.
DEL              - Toggles Sound effects On/Off
LEFT Amiga + A   - Toggles Intuition Environment and Greed. Just press
                   anywhere this combination again to get back.
F10              - Restarts the Game
HELP             - Displays credits and key helps
Q,W,E,R          - Choose custom colour palettes
Z                - This option will show you all the legal moves
                   with different colour - helps playing a lot!
A                - Toggles auto-move on/off ; if you don't have
                   alternative directions, the computer will make your
                   move automatically, so you can rest your brains. 
K                - If Stack mode is On, repeated key presses will be
                   buffered. Otherwise keyboard buffer is cleared after
                   every move.
H                - View Hi-Score Table
CRSR UP/DOWN     - Scroll the Hi-Score Table positions up/down one line.

Hi-Scores & Prefs
Hi-Scores will be saved to file GREED.HI in the S: directory. File will
be saved/regenerated when quitting the game by pressing ESC.

And to measure how good you are, here is a little list to help you
judging yourself...

>90% Goddamn, @#%&$!!!  
>85% Superb! Had a little luck? 
>80% Very Good!
>70% Good!
>60% Yeah, this is satisfying..
>50% Mmm... not bad, but not remarkable either

As AMOS doesn't know anything about intuition, screen blankers won't
affect Greed. Well, of course we have our own screen blanker in Greed.
Screen blanker will make the screen darker if no key has been touched
for a few minutes. If Amiga-A is used to toggle Greed and other
system, screen colours will be automatically restored.

As AMOS is specially a Game Creating language, it sure uses in many cases
all the processor time it needs. Greed will jump to special sleep-mode
always when hidden in the back - to give more time for other tasks.

You will need about 200k to run Greed (100 k chip / 100 k fast). If
memory gets too low, God knows what will happen. A daily guru visit? O:-> 

Other requirements
I recommend you have the standard libraries that are provided in the
Workbench libs: directory. Greed makes use of just one or two libs,
but I haven't tried which one (lazy!) 

Greed was designed for PAL users only. However, if you MUST run Greed in
NTSC-mode, it will work, but the screen will be interlaced to get things
fit on the screen.

Greed is Public Domain - hmm.. or freeware. You can copy it, you can
sell it for $100 a piece (I couldn't care less!), you can use it
as a bribe, whatever. Or you could send some $ to me. :)

If any bugs found, or suggestions in mind (excluding HAM-mode, 8-ch
music, copper effects, three-dee board :-), contact me:

Home Address:     Ari Fernelius
                  Ylajuoksu 9 A
                  02920  ESPOO 

Internet E-Mail:

Greed was programmed in AMOS (v1.34) and compiled under Compiler v1.0.
There are many versions of greed available, for many machines. This is
just my version. Have fun, but don't get too greed! All coding except
the date and time routines 100% by me. :-) This program should work on
ANY Amiga 500-3000 (4000?).

Thanks to
- Commodore Amiga for the superb OS2.0 & 3.0
- Francois Lionet & Mandarine Software for AMOS Basic & Compiler
- CygnusSoft Software for CygnusEd Professional
- John Radigan for Jr-Comm
- Power Peak for PowerPacker
- Everyone who gave me new ideas and reported bugs.

See also Greed.history, and Greed.wontwork

============================= Archive contents =============================

Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
   98096   57096 41.7% 06-Oct-92 14:30:02  greed
    5702    2778 51.2% 06-Oct-92 14:09:10  greed.doc
    2197    1087 50.5% 06-Oct-92 14:32:14  greed.history
    1019     515 49.4% 06-Oct-92 13:21:26  Greed.wontwork
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
  107014   61476 42.5% 02-Sep-95 00:00:00   4 files

Contents of game/think/Greed.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                57096   98096  58.2% -lh5- d4cc Oct  6  1992 greed
[generic]                 2778    5702  48.7% -lh5- a91a Oct  6  1992 greed.doc
[generic]                 1087    2197  49.5% -lh5- b466 Oct  6  1992 greed.history
[generic]                  515    1019  50.5% -lh5- 73dd Oct  6  1992 Greed.wontwork
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total         4 files   61476  107014  57.4%            Sep  2  1995
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