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Short:Sokoban like puzzle game
Download:game/think/Joey.lha - View contents

============================= Archive contents =============================

Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
    6301    2643 58.0% 08-Feb-93 16:10:04 +Anleitung_Deutsch
     864     340 60.6% 19-Apr-95 16:12:00
   51200    7677 85.0% 08-Feb-93 16:11:30
   10240    1062 89.6% 08-Feb-93 16:11:36
   51200   16182 68.3% 08-Feb-93 16:11:52
   10240    2383 76.7% 08-Feb-93 16:11:58
     497      35 92.9% 08-Feb-93 16:10:16 +HighNames
     400      43 89.2% 08-Feb-93 16:10:16 +HiScores
   85860   35073 59.1% 08-Feb-93 16:10:36 +Joey
     598     362 39.4% 19-Apr-95 16:12:00
    3954    1650 58.2% 08-Feb-93 16:10:48 +Manual_English
     864     345 60.0% 19-Apr-95 16:12:00
    2245    1008 55.1% 08-Feb-93 16:11:00 +ReadMeFirst
     864     340 60.6% 19-Apr-95 16:12:00
    1280      89 93.0% 08-Feb-93 16:12:14 +R1
    1280      98 92.3% 08-Feb-93 16:12:22 +R2
    1280      98 92.3% 08-Feb-93 16:12:28 +R3
    1280     151 88.2% 08-Feb-93 16:12:34 +R4
    1280     109 91.4% 08-Feb-93 16:12:38 +R5
    1280      92 92.8% 22-Mar-95 19:39:18 +Runde
    1280     142 88.9% 08-Feb-93 16:12:50 +Runde_95
    1280     134 89.5% 08-Feb-93 16:12:54 +Runde_96
    1280     101 92.1% 08-Feb-93 16:13:02 +Runde_97
    1280     109 91.4% 08-Feb-93 16:13:06 +Runde_98
    1280     156 87.8% 08-Feb-93 16:13:14 +Runde_99
   28836   20065 30.4% 08-Feb-93 16:14:02 +Background
   57964   45088 22.2% 08-Feb-93 16:14:16 +ComplexSong
   27252   19665 27.8% 08-Feb-93 16:14:26 +Fanfare
   19144   13411 29.9% 08-Feb-93 16:14:34 +HiImJoey
   63954   44276 30.7% 08-Feb-93 16:14:52 +ThatsItGuys
     191      67 64.9% 08-Feb-93 16:15:14 +01
     149      58 61.0% 08-Feb-93 16:15:16 +02
     149      64 57.0% 08-Feb-93 16:15:18 +03
     299     105 64.8% 08-Feb-93 16:15:20 +04
       2       2  0.0% 22-Mar-95 19:39:18 +91
     158      69 56.3% 08-Feb-93 16:15:22 +95
     146      50 65.7% 08-Feb-93 16:15:24 +96
      73      32 56.1% 08-Feb-93 16:15:26 +97
     306      94 69.2% 08-Feb-93 16:15:30 +98
      95      42 55.7% 08-Feb-93 16:15:32 +99
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
  438125  213510 51.2% 02-Sep-95 00:00:00   40 files

Contents of game/think/Joey.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 2643    6301  41.9% -lh5- 204d Feb  8  1993 Joey/Anleitung_Deutsch
[generic]                  340     864  39.4% -lh5- 6fc9 Apr 19  1995 Joey/
[generic]                 7677   51200  15.0% -lh5- 050a Feb  8  1993 Joey/gfx/
[generic]                 1062   10240  10.4% -lh5- 9885 Feb  8  1993 Joey/gfx/
[generic]                16182   51200  31.6% -lh5- 1175 Feb  8  1993 Joey/gfx/
[generic]                 2383   10240  23.3% -lh5- b5c8 Feb  8  1993 Joey/gfx/
[generic]                   35     497   7.0% -lh5- 89ac Feb  8  1993 Joey/HighNames
[generic]                   43     400  10.8% -lh5- d8ce Feb  8  1993 Joey/HiScores
[generic]                35073   85860  40.8% -lh5- 4903 Feb  8  1993 Joey/Joey
[generic]                  362     598  60.5% -lh5- cb8e Apr 19  1995 Joey/
[generic]                 1650    3954  41.7% -lh5- 7b31 Feb  8  1993 Joey/Manual_English
[generic]                  345     864  39.9% -lh5- f753 Apr 19  1995 Joey/
[generic]                 1008    2245  44.9% -lh5- 6557 Feb  8  1993 Joey/ReadMeFirst
[generic]                  340     864  39.4% -lh5- 8d58 Apr 19  1995 Joey/
[generic]                   89    1280   7.0% -lh5- eb8a Feb  8  1993 Joey/runde/R1
[generic]                   98    1280   7.7% -lh5- 1f6b Feb  8  1993 Joey/runde/R2
[generic]                   98    1280   7.7% -lh5- fdcc Feb  8  1993 Joey/runde/R3
[generic]                  151    1280  11.8% -lh5- c9c4 Feb  8  1993 Joey/runde/R4
[generic]                  109    1280   8.5% -lh5- 5b41 Feb  8  1993 Joey/runde/R5
[generic]                   92    1280   7.2% -lh5- 5ee9 Mar 22  1995 Joey/runde/Runde
[generic]                  142    1280  11.1% -lh5- 8a2b Feb  8  1993 Joey/runde/Runde_95
[generic]                  134    1280  10.5% -lh5- d5b8 Feb  8  1993 Joey/runde/Runde_96
[generic]                  101    1280   7.9% -lh5- e6c4 Feb  8  1993 Joey/runde/Runde_97
[generic]                  109    1280   8.5% -lh5- 2046 Feb  8  1993 Joey/runde/Runde_98
[generic]                  156    1280  12.2% -lh5- ed08 Feb  8  1993 Joey/runde/Runde_99
[generic]                20065   28836  69.6% -lh5- 2951 Feb  8  1993 Joey/sound/Background
[generic]                45088   57964  77.8% -lh5- e0c6 Feb  8  1993 Joey/sound/ComplexSong
[generic]                19665   27252  72.2% -lh5- 8f73 Feb  8  1993 Joey/sound/Fanfare
[generic]                13411   19144  70.1% -lh5- 390d Feb  8  1993 Joey/sound/HiImJoey
[generic]                44276   63954  69.2% -lh5- db76 Feb  8  1993 Joey/sound/ThatsItGuys
[generic]                   67     191  35.1% -lh5- c2d1 Feb  8  1993 Joey/z/01
[generic]                   58     149  38.9% -lh5- c8fc Feb  8  1993 Joey/z/02
[generic]                   64     149  43.0% -lh5- 3fea Feb  8  1993 Joey/z/03
[generic]                  105     299  35.1% -lh5- f510 Feb  8  1993 Joey/z/04
[generic]                    2       2 100.0% -lh0- 1414 Mar 22  1995 Joey/z/91
[generic]                   69     158  43.7% -lh5- 5f9d Feb  8  1993 Joey/z/95
[generic]                   50     146  34.2% -lh5- a028 Feb  8  1993 Joey/z/96
[generic]                   32      73  43.8% -lh5- 32e3 Feb  8  1993 Joey/z/97
[generic]                   94     306  30.7% -lh5- 4381 Feb  8  1993 Joey/z/98
[generic]                   42      95  44.2% -lh5- 9439 Feb  8  1993 Joey/z/99
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        40 files  213510  438125  48.7%            Sep  2  1995
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