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Short:Play-By_Mail Engine for Board Wargames
Author: semerson at (Sean Emerson)
Uploader:semerson sb net(Sean Emerson)
Version:2.1 WB 3.1 compatible (V1.x mod
Download:game/think/WargameProc21.lha - View contents

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Your favorite wargame can be played on computer, using a user friendly graphic interface. Positions can be saved to disk, as well as detailed histories of where each unit moved in the previous turn o
r phase. These can be sent e-mail to your opponent, who will be able to replay the turn, even seeing your comments as play unfolds! If your opponent doesn't have the program, the War Game Processor c
an generate plain English turn summaries in text form! All you do is make your moves. 

Your game will be played on the screen, with a scrolling mapboard big enough to handle most popular games. Units are moved by simply double-clicking on a stack, or you may select individual units fro
m within a stack, then double clicking on their destination! Hex by hex movement may be recorded by single clicking on interim points along the way! At any time, you can write a comment, clarificatio
n, description or just plain witticism which will appear when your opponent replays your moves!

The War Game Processor comes with an intuitive, easy to use editor, which allows you to generate modules for any game you like! YOU draw the map, YOU decide what terrain features look like, YOU creat
e the units. The editor features an easy point-and click interface for laying down hex images from a customizable image library. Units can be assigned individual names and 6 numeric values, and their
 visual representation is limited only by your artistic ability! Built in graphics editing tools allow you to draw new hexes and units, or alter those that come with the default libraries. Graphics t
emplates for hexes and units may be imported from and exported to standard IFF templates, allowing you to do additional editing using your favorite paint program!


Comprehensive AmigaGuide documentation!

Compatible with most strategy board wargames

Play by mail/play by e-mail capability

Full color graphics

Scrolling play screen

Replay/review moves.

Store any number of games/setups at once.

Hex coordinates may be identical to the board game.

Move units singly or in stacks.

No stacking limits.

Combat factors automatically tallied by stack.

Comment your playback moves for your opponent.

Encrypted comments allow double-blind, cheat-proof option selections.

Generates plain English move summaries for opponents without computers.

Combat assignments and die results summarized in playback.

Terrain view switch.

Graphic interface allows you to generate WGP modules for your favorite wargames.

Create orders of battle with up to 6 definable values for each unit.

Assign front and back artwork to each unit from the image library.

Draw your own gameboards using a custom hex image library.

Edit your own hex and unit image libraries, using built in graphics tools.

Export or Import image library art for editing in your favorite paint program.

Automatic coordinate assignments minimize work and still match the coordinate system of the board game.

Image usage report assists in managing your hex image library.

Assign names to individual hexes.

Contents of game/think/WargameProc21.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                16172   29088  55.6% -lh5- 39d9 Aug 22  1996 WGPV2/chits
[generic]                  117     422  27.7% -lh5- df28 Aug  4  1996 WGPV2/
[generic]                18797  118632  15.8% -lh5- e7b4 Jul 14  1996 WGPV2/edata/default.abk
[generic]                25895   64460  40.2% -lh5- 92e1 Feb 19  1996 WGPV2/edata/edtitle
[generic]                25371   42502  59.7% -lh5- 0bb8 Jun  3  1996 WGPV2/edata/wgptitle
[generic]                  832    1570  53.0% -lh5- 66ae Jul  4  1995 WGPV2/
[generic]                  307     909  33.8% -lh5- d1cb Aug  3  1996 WGPV2/
[generic]                14964   41784  35.8% -lh5- 252a Jul  9  1995 WGPV2/F44_Rules
[generic]                  307     909  33.8% -lh5- 7cfe Aug  3  1996 WGPV2/
[generic]                 2261    3160  71.6% -lh5- f102 May 24  1993 WGPV2/iff.library
[generic]                 3072   77472   4.0% -lh5- 70fd Aug  3  1996 WGPV2/iff/default_temp.tpb
[generic]                12343   66478  18.6% -lh5- 5a37 Aug  3  1996 WGPV2/iff/standard.tpi
[generic]                16161   77194  20.9% -lh5- 8d07 Aug  3  1996 WGPV2/Modules/france-44.gpd
[generic]                10811   62160  17.4% -lh5- ccfe Aug  3  1996 WGPV2/Modules/France-44.GPF
[generic]                 1585    4085  38.8% -lh5- 99ce Aug 18  1996 wgpv2/order form
[generic]                  307     909  33.8% -lh5- bfbe Aug  3  1996 WGPV2/ORDER
[generic]                 1636    4026  40.6% -lh5- b253 Aug  3  1996 WGPV2/savedgames/F44 setup
[generic]                 1181    2470  47.8% -lh5- 99b3 Jun  7  1997 WGPV2/WGP edit version notes
[generic]                  307     909  33.8% -lh5- d1cb Aug  3  1996 WGPV2/WGP edit version
[generic]                 1759    3828  46.0% -lh5- 33e0 Jun  7  1997 WGPV2/WGP version notes
[generic]                  307     909  33.8% -lh5- d1cb Aug  3  1996 WGPV2/WGP version
[generic]                28088   78310  35.9% -lh5- a81a May 23  1997 WGPV2/
[generic]                  290     504  57.5% -lh5- bba4 Aug  3  1996 WGPV2/
[generic]                42751   93792  45.6% -lh5- c85b Jun  7  1997 WGPV2/WGP_Edit
[generic]                 1340    4726  28.4% -lh5- ced5 Aug  4  1996 WGPV2/
[generic]                42049   89436  47.0% -lh5- 71e7 Jun  7  1997 wgpv2/wgpv2
[generic]                 1722    6905  24.9% -lh5- ef0a Aug  4  1996 WGPV2/
[generic]                  280     632  44.3% -lh5- 18e6 Aug  2  1996
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        28 files  271012  878181  30.9%            Aug 23  1997
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