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Quick SDL port of PipePanic
Type 'pipepanic --help' for command line options.
Usage: pipepanic [option] [option]...
-240x320 Suitable for the SL5X00
-320x240 Suitable for the SL5X00
-640x480 Suitable for the C Series
-480x640 Suitable for the SL6000
-f Run the game fullscreen
-fpstest Run a 10s fps test and quit
For Linux PCs use -f for fullscreen mode as the default is windowed 640x480.
For Zaurii the game automatically selects the appropriate resolution/orientation for your model. The SL5X00 models default to 240x320 portrait mode. If you want to play the game in landscape orientation open a terminal and type 'pipepanic -320x240'.
-fpstest rebuilds the entire screen as many times as possible within 10 seconds and then quits displaying the results in the console. Normally the game only redraws what is required. On my Zaurus SL-5500 I get 27fps at 320x240 and 25fps at 240x320.
OS4 port by Curtis Holborn. curtyh()talktalk.net
Contents of game/think/pipepanic.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 31838 32830 97.0% -lh5- 603e Aug 10 20:10 pipepanic-0.1.3.info
[generic] 62 446 13.9% -lh5- 9bdb Aug 10 20:09 pipepanic-0.1.3/.pipepanicrc
[generic] 4362 67854 6.4% -lh5- 136d May 16 20:11 pipepanic-0.1.3/ascii15.bmp
[generic] 6461 270054 2.4% -lh5- 38a6 May 16 20:11 pipepanic-0.1.3/ascii30.bmp
[generic] 10693 377645 2.8% -lh5- dac7 May 16 20:11 pipepanic-0.1.3/ascii30.xcf
[generic] 0 0 ****** -lh0- 0000 May 16 20:11 pipepanic-0.1.3/Bugs
[generic] 251 579 43.4% -lh5- ac55 May 16 20:11 pipepanic-0.1.3/ChangeLog
[generic] 4595 11958 38.4% -lh5- 327e May 16 20:11 pipepanic-0.1.3/digits24.bmp
[generic] 6547 8345 78.5% -lh5- c0c0 May 16 20:11 pipepanic-0.1.3/digits24.xcf
[generic] 7925 47670 16.6% -lh5- 87e9 May 16 20:11 pipepanic-0.1.3/digits48.bmp
[generic] 15763 26832 58.7% -lh5- 29af May 16 20:11 pipepanic-0.1.3/digits48.xcf
[generic] 796842 1835010 43.4% -lh5- 5f8d Aug 10 20:01 pipepanic-0.1.3/PipePanic
[generic] 1084 1084 100.0% -lh0- f9ce Aug 10 20:10 pipepanic-0.1.3/PipePanic.info
[generic] 1736 4894 35.5% -lh5- 0ec2 May 16 20:11 pipepanic-0.1.3/PipepanicIcon.xcf
[generic] 2499 7130 35.0% -lh5- 0d4d May 16 20:11 pipepanic-0.1.3/PipepanicIcon100.xcf
[generic] 474 474 100.0% -lh0- 66ee May 16 20:11 pipepanic-0.1.3/PipepanicIcon16.png
[generic] 752 752 100.0% -lh0- 9f5c May 16 20:11 pipepanic-0.1.3/PipepanicIcon32.png
[generic] 1048 1048 100.0% -lh0- 170b May 16 20:11 pipepanic-0.1.3/PipepanicIcon48.png
[generic] 1264 1264 100.0% -lh0- 97ea May 16 20:11 pipepanic-0.1.3/PipepanicIcon64.png
[generic] 585 1120 52.2% -lh5- 6027 Aug 10 20:11 pipepanic-0.1.3/README
[generic] 2379 2411 98.7% -lh5- f177 Aug 10 20:10 pipepanic-0.1.3/README.info
[generic] 30371 61262 49.6% -lh5- 9857 May 16 20:11 pipepanic-0.1.3/texts48.xcf
[generic] 11236 95094 11.8% -lh5- 81bf May 16 20:11 pipepanic-0.1.3/tiles24.bmp
[generic] 20830 57149 36.4% -lh5- 2fb1 May 16 20:11 pipepanic-0.1.3/tiles24.xcf
[generic] 24207 380214 6.4% -lh5- 0dbf May 16 20:11 pipepanic-0.1.3/tiles48.bmp
[generic] 49196 169437 29.0% -lh5- 0814 May 16 20:11 pipepanic-0.1.3/tiles48.xcf
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 26 files 1033000 3462556 29.8% Aug 11 14:56
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