This is the result of my being frustrated at not having any decent Mahjongg games on my Amiga,
while my wife is busily matching attractive, slick looking tiles on her windows machine for
hours at a time. I really just wanted a tileset that would fit with my Star Trek themed
Workbench, but didn't know of any place to download existing tilesets for any of the Amiga based
mahjongg games, so realizing the one I favored the most (Mahjonggtiles, by Geoffrey Whaite and
Przemyslaw Gruchala) uses iff files that get broken up into smaller tiles, similar to some win.
mahjong games. So I did some searching on google images, and found me a nice Star Trek tileset,
along with a cool background image. A few minutes with ImageFX2, and some text editing, and I
had a new Star Trek tileset that fits perfectly with my workbench! (check out the screenshots!)
Though I became rather addicted at this point, realizing my daughter likes disney, and found a
disney tileset. Also ran accross Garfield, my favorite cartoon cat. And a Sarah Michelle Gellar
(Buffy the Vampire Slayer) tileset. Anyway, several hours later, I had 7 different tilesets
converted, and figured I'd upload them in case somebody else might enjoy them. While I didn't
pay too much attention to the sites I grabbed the tile images or backgrounds from, I included
the URLs to them so the original artists for them can be identified. (I'm not the one who drew
these, just converted them). Also, I only converted the images into 24x30x128 color tiles, mainly
due to the limitations of my AGA Amiga. I'll probably upload 24-bit larger tiled images later, as
the lower resolution/color depth tends to "muddy" some of the tiles.
The tilesets included are:
Disney Ladies, originally from:
with a background from:
Futhark (runes), originally from:
with a background from:
Garfield, originally from:
with a background from:
Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy the Vampire slayer), originally from:
with a background from:
Star Trek, originally from:
with a background from:
Easy Kyodai, originally from:
with a background from:
Very Easy Kyodai, originally from:
with a background from: