Full functional program for rendering Mandelbrot & Julia fractals with different exponents.
Developed under WINUAE x64 & AmigaOS 4.1FE, supports AmigaOS4.x PowerPc machines or compatible systems.
Uses new Reaction GUI, Arexx port, Localization, Arbitrary precision math and don't need any installer, just click 'n run!
C sources are also included and you can recompile it just typing MAKE!
It's fast even on emulated Amigas and can render even with direct memory access (TURBO OPTION), ..under WinUAE it's faster than many others x86 native fractal programs ;-)
Saved pictures can be reloaded and further explored at all supported screen's resolutions.
It's really cool and totally free ;-)
FlashMandelNG_OS4 is Giftware,
If you like it please sent nice goodies to author just like gold medals, bitcoins, euros or us dollars ;-)) ..A common postcard is ok too!
New in this version:
Now a screenmode requester will open at startup - Dino Papararo
Fixed Julia fractals altivec calcunation - Dino Papararo
Rearranged and fixed all startup code stuff - Dino Papararo
Now the altivec version is optimized for G4 code - Dino Papararo
Recompiled whole project with latest Adtools & GCC 8.3 - Dino Papararo
To Do:
AmigaOne Tabor A1222 specific SPE version
Use multiple precision math as default and use hardware fpu until underflow/overflow limits are reached
Implement GMP multiprecision libraries
Enable Benchmark Mode to test speeds of different Amiga platforms
Update the very old documentation - Amigaguide
Tested and developed under WinUAE and QEMU Sam460ex board emulators, so many many thanks to Toni Wilen for his GREAT efforts :-)
Altivec code is developed and tested under Powermac G5 Quad MacOSX Leopard 10.5.8 and XCode 3 IDE
Many many thaks and greetings to my friend Edgar Schwan (FlashMandel CoDeveloper).
*** Please let me know if Altivec version runs fine in this new version, "mailto:Dino.Papararo@gmail.com" ***
"Bottomless wonders spring from simple rules, which are repeated without end." cit. Benoit Mandelbrot
Amiga Rulez!