This ist a port of version 0.3 of the 'de Jong Explorer'
to the Amiga platform. The source code has GPL and is included.
see for some screenshots
Main differences between Amiga and original version:
- ReAction GUI system instead of GTK+
- AmigaDos ReadArg (type 'dejong help' for parameters)
- saving in IFF-Format plus a parameter file instead of PNG
- loading from parameter file instead of loading from PNG
set stack to 10000 when you start it from shell!
de Jong Explorer
The de Jong Explorer provides a rendering of the Peter de Jong map, with
an interactive ReAction frontend and a command line interface for easy and
efficient rendering of high-resolution, high quality images.
All the images you can create with this program are based on the simple
Peter de Jong map equations:
x' = sin(a * y) - cos(b * x)
y' = sin(c * x) - cos(d * y)
The point (x,y) moves chaotically. The resulting image is a map of the
probability that the point lies within the area represented by each
pixel. As you let the de Jong Explorer render longer, it collects more
samples and this probability map, the image, becomes more accurate.
The resulting probability map is treated as a High Dynamic Range image.
This software includes some image manipulation features that let you
apply linear interpolation and gamma correction at the full internal
precision, producing a much higher quality image than if you tried to
create the same effects using standard image processing tools.
Additionally, Gaussian blurs can be applied to the image using a
stochastic process that produces much more natural-looking images than
most programs, again without losing any of the image's original precision.
Loading and Saving
All images saved using the ReAction frontend or the 'o' command line option
are standard IFF. The parameters used to create the picture are saved in an
extra file with .dje extension. This means the image can be loaded
back in using the 'i' command line option or the "Parameters -> Load from image"
menu item.
One convenient use of this is to save small low-quality images using the
GUI, then use the 'i', 't', 's', and 'o' options to render very high quality
and/or large images noninteractively.
When using the 'o' (output) option, no GUI is presented. Instead, the
de Jong Explorer just outputs status lines every so often with the current
rendering process. These lines include:
- percent completion
- current number of iterations
- speed in iterations per second
- current and target peak density values
- elapsed and estimated remaining time
- When the color window is opened, the sliders have the wrong colors
- Implementing functions of actual original version (currently 0.5)
- Tooltype for opening on public screen
0.2 Virtual Gadget, Tooltype 'PubScreen'
0.1 First release