ImageFX 1.50 Developers Kit - full programming specifications!
The information contained in this archive may be freely distributed to
any bulletin board, network, or public domain collection so long as all
files remain intact and in their original form.
We invite all programmers to make use of this developer kit to create
modules and hooks for the ImageFX image processing system. We are not
restricting the use of this developer kit in any way (ie. you do not
have to obtain liscencing or pay royalties or anything), however we do
encourage you to let us know if you are developing software for ImageFX.
Some modules require unique ID codes (similar to IFF chunk IDs), so it
would be worth your while to contact us and make sure you are not
duplicating someone else's ID code. We will try to maintain a complete
list of currently available third-party modules and hooks as best we can.
Nova Design and GVP make no warranties expressed or implied about the
use of third-party modules or hooks. The user assumes all responsibility
for any damages that might arise from their use.
Nova Design and GVP will not be responsible for the support or
maintenance of third-party hooks and modules. Contact the makers of
the hook/module for help or upgrades.
Kermit Woodall
Nova Design, Inc.