Welcome to the English edition of AMIGA aktuell!
AMIGA aktuell International needs the help of the readers - you! If you
have an article for us, don't wait, send it to us for publication! It
doesn't matter if it's actual news, exhibition reports, product test,
interviews, etc.
By the way, your texts need not to be exclusively for AMIGA aktuell
International. If you published them we just need your permission to
put it into AMIGA aktuell International, if you didn't give up your
rights at the articles.
Of course, we are also interested in critics, suggestions, so we want
your opinion to AMIGA aktuell International.
Summons to all programmers and innovative AMIGA firms:
Are you interested in to advertise in one of the best-known German
(now we try to become the best-known English) AMIGA online
magazine for your products? Then donate one or more prizes for th