84782 packages online
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Many of these samples originate from the collection of Tony Horgan from
CU Amiga. Thanks to him!
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
18722 15119 19.2% 09-Jan-80 03:47:56 +BeamUp
9948 7936 20.2% 09-May-96 23:07:02 +Blast
9974 6625 33.5% 13-Sep-95 15:49:58 +BombRelease
12840 10596 17.4% 09-Jan-80 03:48:10 +DefenderExplod
24188 21078 12.8% 02-Sep-92 12:57:28 +Disintegrate
20540 14099 31.3% 13-Sep-95 15:51:58 +DistantDestruc
10240 8853 13.5% 09-May-96 23:07:04 +Gunshot
9948 2246 77.4% 09-May-96 23:08:02 +Hounteds
10486 6848 34.6% 13-Sep-95 15:54:10 +LiquidZap
7788 4267 45.2% 13-Sep-95 15:54:54 +Megazap
8364 6485 22.4% 26-Nov-90 23:07:26 +Men1
1232 1148 6.8% 13-Sep-95 15:55:36 +Minizap
2984 1177 60.5% 13-Sep-95 15:55:56 +MissileDetecte
22866 15968 30.1% 13-Sep-95 15:56:24 +NearMiss
23362 18412 21.1% 13-Sep-95 15:56:56 +PhotonTorpedo
5894 5516 6.4% 26-Nov-90 23:07:52 +Shot
10634 9221 13.2% 26-Nov-90 22:48:56 +Tank
5566 4725 15.1% 26-Nov-90 22:48:56 +Tank1
5842 4865 16.7% 26-Nov-90 22:49:04 +ThrustSnd
4982 4117 17.3% 02-Sep-92 12:57:12 +TrillZap
4810 3864 19.6% 26-Nov-90 22:49:38 +Yourgun1
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
231210 173165 25.1% 10-May-96 02:26:56 21 files
Contents of mods/inst/Explode.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 15119 18722 80.8% -lh5- 8011 Jan 9 1980 Explode/BeamUp
[generic] 7936 9948 79.8% -lh5- 5c93 May 9 1996 Explode/Blast
[generic] 6625 9974 66.4% -lh5- 7fe5 Sep 13 1995 Explode/BombRelease
[generic] 10596 12840 82.5% -lh5- f18c Jan 9 1980 Explode/DefenderExplod
[generic] 21078 24188 87.1% -lh5- 5fa3 Sep 2 1992 Explode/Disintegrate
[generic] 14099 20540 68.6% -lh5- fee6 Sep 13 1995 Explode/DistantDestruc
[generic] 8853 10240 86.5% -lh5- 395a May 9 1996 Explode/Gunshot
[generic] 2246 9948 22.6% -lh5- ccff May 9 1996 Explode/Hounteds
[generic] 6848 10486 65.3% -lh5- d5a1 Sep 13 1995 Explode/LiquidZap
[generic] 4267 7788 54.8% -lh5- 8fc2 Sep 13 1995 Explode/Megazap
[generic] 6485 8364 77.5% -lh5- 746d Nov 26 1990 Explode/Men1
[generic] 1148 1232 93.2% -lh5- 75ed Sep 13 1995 Explode/Minizap
[generic] 1177 2984 39.4% -lh5- c3c9 Sep 13 1995 Explode/MissileDetecte
[generic] 15968 22866 69.8% -lh5- d203 Sep 13 1995 Explode/NearMiss
[generic] 18412 23362 78.8% -lh5- 1842 Sep 13 1995 Explode/PhotonTorpedo
[generic] 5516 5894 93.6% -lh5- a606 Nov 26 1990 Explode/Shot
[generic] 9221 10634 86.7% -lh5- af00 Nov 26 1990 Explode/Tank
[generic] 4725 5566 84.9% -lh5- f23c Nov 26 1990 Explode/Tank1
[generic] 4865 5842 83.3% -lh5- 79a1 Nov 26 1990 Explode/ThrustSnd
[generic] 4117 4982 82.6% -lh5- 937a Sep 2 1992 Explode/TrillZap
[generic] 3864 4810 80.3% -lh5- 377a Nov 26 1990 Explode/Yourgun1
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 21 files 173165 231210 74.9% Mar 2 1996
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