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Short: | ST-46 - Sampledisk for Trackerbased Composer Software |
Author: | a lot people :) |
Uploader: | Finn Jacobs <fjacobs computerlabor math uni-kiel de> |
Type: | mods/inst |
Architecture: | generic |
Date: | 1997-07-12 |
Download: | mods/inst/st-46.lha - View contents | Readme: | mods/inst/st-46.readme |
Downloads: | 3224 |
This Samplesdisk is one of a big sample library. This big library contains
of various contents.
Most of the samples are saved in the IFF-Format, but have no additional ex-
tension to their filename. The samples not saved in the format mentioned above
are saved in RAW-Format. I think nearly every Tracker can load this both for-
mats, so you don't have to get a headache about that ;-)
The samples on the disks are not sorted to their contents, so I had a fine
easy job, just copying them to disk, instead of listening and sorting to a
special directory. I most cases I tried to explain the contents in the file-
name, e.g. sx-bdrum, sx-vocal, sx-sdrum etc. You see, bdrum means the base-
drum and sdrum means the snaredrum. You won't have any probs with that, I
guess, especially when you already composing music. Well, just sampling new
one would be better for profi composers, but receycling is better, even.
Contents of mods/inst/st-46.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 5885 10188 57.8% -lh5- a09f Jun 25 1997 ST-46/bassline
[generic] 9130 17518 52.1% -lh5- d84c Jun 25 1997 ST-46/battle-annoying
[generic] 1083 1554 69.7% -lh5- 2ea4 Jun 25 1997 ST-46/battle-bdrum
[generic] 1227 1870 65.6% -lh5- c960 Jun 25 1997 ST-46/battle-bumpbass
[generic] 14839 19522 76.0% -lh5- f68f Jun 25 1997 ST-46/battle-chord
[generic] 3034 3978 76.3% -lh5- dc8e Jun 25 1997 ST-46/battle-chowhit
[generic] 2050 3878 52.9% -lh5- d666 Jun 25 1997 ST-46/battle-hihat
[generic] 3818 5944 64.2% -lh5- e1dd Jun 25 1997 ST-46/battle-hit
[generic] 2367 3198 74.0% -lh5- 04bb Jun 25 1997 ST-46/battle-sdrum
[generic] 20769 28080 74.0% -lh5- fd21 Jun 25 1997 ST-46/battle-string
[generic] 24510 30690 79.9% -lh5- 0b16 Jun 25 1997 ST-46/churchbell
[generic] 2497 3040 82.1% -lh5- dc6e Jun 25 1997 ST-46/flash
[generic] 6688 9710 68.9% -lh5- 3cc2 Jun 25 1997 ST-46/gameshow
[generic] 26419 32932 80.2% -lh5- 2e02 Jun 25 1997 ST-46/jaul
[generic] 1960 2616 74.9% -lh5- 3577 Jun 25 1997 ST-46/kill-jo
[generic] 1411 1978 71.3% -lh5- bd5b Jun 25 1997 ST-46/kill-materialstring
[generic] 5633 6560 85.9% -lh5- e20f Jun 25 1997 ST-46/kill.areyou
[generic] 9462 13074 72.4% -lh5- 3c41 Jun 25 1997 ST-46/killblast
[generic] 9152 11782 77.7% -lh5- c2b2 Jun 25 1997 ST-46/killblast2
[generic] 3335 4102 81.3% -lh5- bec5 Jun 25 1997 ST-46/killgiveitto
[generic] 5878 8000 73.5% -lh5- 3d7b Jun 25 1997 ST-46/killhhatblast
[generic] 5809 8856 65.6% -lh5- 4199 Jun 25 1997 ST-46/killitstime
[generic] 3506 3556 98.6% -lh5- c891 Jun 25 1997 ST-46/killmaterial
[generic] 6316 6920 91.3% -lh5- 3e28 Jun 25 1997 ST-46/killnein
[generic] 15822 20692 76.5% -lh5- b02b Jun 25 1997 ST-46/killnowit
[generic] 7372 8518 86.5% -lh5- 5d35 Jun 25 1997 ST-46/killspecta
[generic] 2450 2808 87.3% -lh5- 45c8 Jun 25 1997 ST-46/killstone
[generic] 8279 9802 84.5% -lh5- ac4b Jun 25 1997 ST-46/killthey...
[generic] 1858 3056 60.8% -lh5- a702 Jun 25 1997 ST-46/killuihh
[generic] 5809 12056 48.2% -lh5- fefa Jun 25 1997 ST-46/killvoice
[generic] 1018 1062 95.9% -lh5- cc9e Jun 25 1997 ST-46/killzap
[generic] 3395 4154 81.7% -lh5- 21c8 Jun 25 1997 ST-46/killzappera
[generic] 3778 7632 49.5% -lh5- 9dc1 Jun 25 1997 ST-46/nightmarebass
[generic] 10543 12412 84.9% -lh5- 27aa Jun 25 1997 ST-46/nightmareiv
[generic] 4873 5742 84.9% -lh5- 54ee Jun 25 1997 ST-46/rattle-ough
[generic] 1432 2906 49.3% -lh5- 9018 Jun 25 1997 ST-46/shortpiano
[generic] 12686 14322 88.6% -lh5- 61db Jun 25 1997 ST-46/sintro1
[generic] 2551 4190 60.9% -lh5- 3cc8 Jun 25 1997 ST-46/speedball2.bass
[generic] 3083 4120 74.8% -lh5- 4622 Jun 25 1997 ST-46/speedball2.crazyhit
[generic] 8729 15104 57.8% -lh5- 9fe6 Jun 25 1997 ST-46/speedball2.crowd
[generic] 12469 15104 82.6% -lh5- b82d Jun 25 1997 ST-46/speedball2.crowd2
[generic] 3915 6150 63.7% -lh5- 8052 Jun 25 1997 ST-46/speedball2.downtrump
[generic] 6117 9462 64.6% -lh5- 3635 Jun 25 1997 ST-46/speedball2.saxo
[generic] 1254 1882 66.6% -lh5- 8596 Jun 25 1997 ST-46/speedball2.snare
[generic] 1371 2208 62.1% -lh5- 1895 Jun 25 1997 ST-46/speedball2.snareup
[generic] 6178 9276 66.6% -lh5- b202 Jun 25 1997 ST-46/thekilling
[generic] 3787 5542 68.3% -lh5- e0fb Jun 25 1997 ST-46/timeisit
[generic] 41958 69976 60.0% -lh5- 2b54 Jun 25 1997 ST-46/voice2
[generic] 2195 2968 74.0% -lh5- 02fc Jun 25 1997 ST-46/walker-bass
[generic] 1912 3194 59.9% -lh5- 910e Jun 25 1997 ST-46/walker-bdrum
[generic] 5520 6490 85.1% -lh5- 0032 Jun 25 1997 ST-46/walker-chord
[generic] 5017 5954 84.3% -lh5- fd4f Jun 25 1997 ST-46/walker-guitar
[generic] 776 1086 71.5% -lh5- 4811 Jun 25 1997 ST-46/walker-hihat
[generic] 4279 5034 85.0% -lh5- 7296 Jun 25 1997 ST-46/walker-jump
[generic] 2349 3080 76.3% -lh5- 4382 Jun 25 1997 ST-46/walker-sdrum
[generic] 5332 6312 84.5% -lh5- 9085 Jun 25 1997 ST-46/walker-string
[generic] 711 1234 57.6% -lh5- eab7 Jun 25 1997 ST-46/what
[generic] 15498 24948 62.1% -lh5- b36b Jun 25 1997 ST-46/wrath-cry1
[generic] 17848 24992 71.4% -lh5- 5113 Jun 25 1997 ST-46/wrath-cry2
[generic] 11138 17204 64.7% -lh5- ce36 Jun 25 1997 ST-46/wrath-secretknock
[generic] 9602 27868 34.5% -lh5- b4dd Jun 25 1997 ST-46/wrath-steps
[generic] 16614 34830 47.7% -lh5- da45 Jun 25 1997 ST-46/wrath-uhu
[generic] 36334 76776 47.3% -lh5- 7e4a Jun 25 1997 ST-46/wrath-werewolfs
[generic] 9269 17926 51.7% -lh5- 9896 Jun 25 1997 ST-46/wrath-wind
[generic] 36281 57200 63.4% -lh5- 22fa Jun 25 1997 ST-46/wrath-zirpen
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 65 files 528180 804818 65.6% Jul 12 1997
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