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Short:ST-71 - Sampledisk for Trackerbased Composer Software
Author:a lot people :)
Uploader:Finn Jacobs <fjacobs computerlabor math uni-kiel de>
Download:mods/inst/st-71.lha - View contents

  This Samplesdisk is one of a big sample library. This big library contains
of various contents.

  Most of the samples are saved in the IFF-Format, but have no additional ex-
tension to their filename. The samples not saved in the format mentioned above
are saved in RAW-Format. I think nearly every Tracker can load this both for-
mats, so you don't have to get a headache about that ;-)

  The samples on the disks are not sorted to their contents, so I had a fine
easy job, just copying them to disk, instead of listening and sorting to a
special directory. I most cases I tried to explain the contents in the file-
name, e.g. sx-bdrum, sx-vocal, sx-sdrum etc.  You see, bdrum means the base-
drum and sdrum means the snaredrum. You won't have any probs with that, I
guess, especially when you already composing music. Well, just sampling new
one would be better for profi composers, but receycling is better, even.

Contents of mods/inst/st-71.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 1254    1282  97.8% -lh5- 774d Jun 25  1997 ST-71/242-bass1
[generic]                 2548    2694  94.6% -lh5- bae5 Jun 25  1997 ST-71/abs-brass
[generic]                 7554    8788  86.0% -lh5- 5fa6 Jun 25  1997 ST-71/abs-orchblast
[generic]                 3434    6526  52.6% -lh5- 1d0f Jun 25  1997 ST-71/acbass
[generic]                 5043    6917  72.9% -lh5- 52f7 Jun 25  1997 ST-71/acbdhit
[generic]                 2123    3845  55.2% -lh5- f636 Jun 25  1997 ST-71/acbdrum
[generic]                 3580    5093  70.3% -lh5- 527d Jun 25  1997 ST-71/achhopen
[generic]                 1341    1546  86.7% -lh5- bd8e Jun 25  1997 ST-71/achihat
[generic]                 3654    5093  71.7% -lh5- af64 Jun 25  1997 ST-71/achihatclose
[generic]                 7964    8246  96.6% -lh5- 29a1 Jun 25  1997 ST-71/agony.hstr003
[generic]                 5075    5832  87.0% -lh5- b08f Jun 25  1997 ST-71/agony.orchhit01
[generic]                 7002    7474  93.7% -lh5- 3576 Jun 25  1997 ST-71/agony.orchhit02
[generic]                 5807    6376  91.1% -lh5- 420d Jun 25  1997 ST-71/agony.orchhit03
[generic]                11282   11924  94.6% -lh5- 5725 Jun 25  1997 ST-71/agony.orchhitstr03
[generic]                10106   12824  78.8% -lh5- b256 Jun 25  1997 ST-71/agony.orchhitstr96
[generic]                12571   13296  94.5% -lh5- d4d8 Jun 25  1997 ST-71/am-strangefx
[generic]                 3046    3366  90.5% -lh5- cfc9 Jun 25  1997 ST-71/any-spaceloop
[generic]                12771   16332  78.2% -lh5- f2fb Jun 25  1997 ST-71/axel-strbass
[generic]                 2931    3736  78.5% -lh5- 6c7c Jun 25  1997 ST-71/axelsnare
[generic]                 1324    1430  92.6% -lh5- f58e Jun 25  1997 ST-71/bongoperc01
[generic]                 1576    1742  90.5% -lh5- b553 Jun 25  1997 ST-71/bongoperc03
[generic]                 9012   10022  89.9% -lh5- 2e64 Jun 25  1997 ST-71/choir
[generic]                 2608    2824  92.4% -lh5- 0d45 Jun 25  1997 ST-71/chord
[generic]                16366   18494  88.5% -lh5- 9ca4 Jun 25  1997 ST-71/chord1.arrested
[generic]                16575   18492  89.6% -lh5- b48d Jun 25  1997 ST-71/chord1.major
[generic]                16272   17784  91.5% -lh5- 522e Jun 25  1997 ST-71/chord1.minor
[generic]                 2202    3552  62.0% -lh5- fec4 Jun 25  1997 ST-71/clarinet01
[generic]                 5049    7122  70.9% -lh5- 668b Jun 25  1997 ST-71/cyb-sonar
[generic]                 2966    5514  53.8% -lh5- 75d1 Jun 25  1997 ST-71/df-orch
[generic]                 2698    2978  90.6% -lh5- 1b99 Jun 25  1997 ST-71/drumperc01
[generic]                 4730    5080  93.1% -lh5- bbfb Jun 25  1997 ST-71/ff-minim3.min
[generic]                 1257    1280  98.2% -lh5- c7ba Jun 25  1997 ST-71/ff-smothbeep
[generic]                 1186    1280  92.7% -lh5- a1c9 Jun 25  1997 ST-71/ff-vocall
[generic]                  725     814  89.1% -lh5- c168 Jun 25  1997 ST-71/foster-bd
[generic]                 6994    9962  70.2% -lh5- bd81 Jun 25  1997 ST-71/gtraccmaj01
[generic]                 6228    9788  63.6% -lh5- cd7a Jun 25  1997 ST-71/gtraccmin01
[generic]                 4653    7920  58.8% -lh5- c796 Jun 25  1997 ST-71/gtraccpluck01
[generic]                 2928    3694  79.3% -lh5- c6b4 Jun 25  1997 ST-71/it-tom
[generic]                19479   20332  95.8% -lh5- 729a Jun 25  1997 ST-71/m1-choir.m
[generic]                16343   17152  95.3% -lh5- fc67 Jun 25  1997 ST-71/m1-choir.min
[generic]                35568   42674  83.3% -lh5- add6 Jun 25  1997 ST-71/m1-spacechoir.1
[generic]                37962   46600  81.5% -lh5- 4aa4 Jun 25  1997 ST-71/m1-spacechoir.2
[generic]                35530   43442  81.8% -lh5- 7f69 Jun 25  1997 ST-71/m1-spacechoir.3
[generic]                16551   18766  88.2% -lh5- b135 Jun 25  1997 ST-71/m1-symph.m
[generic]                15963   17470  91.4% -lh5- 4d2e Jun 25  1997 ST-71/m1-symph.min
[generic]                15484   17868  86.7% -lh5- 971a Jun 25  1997 ST-71/m1-symphbass
[generic]                34833   38160  91.3% -lh5- 0b2a Jun 25  1997 ST-71/m1-trumpet
[generic]                 1151    1396  82.4% -lh5- c71c Jun 25  1997 ST-71/m1-zhihat3
[generic]                 6312    8360  75.5% -lh5- 471e Jun 25  1997 ST-71/m1-zhihop3
[generic]                 2994    3840  78.0% -lh5- 204d Jun 25  1997 ST-71/mobybd1+hhat
[generic]                17286   19932  86.7% -lh5- 86a4 Jun 25  1997 ST-71/mobyhardgtr
[generic]                 7408    9380  79.0% -lh5- 03a6 Jun 25  1997 ST-71/mobyreverse
[generic]                 2241    4524  49.5% -lh5- 0938 Jun 25  1997 ST-71/moog1
[generic]                 5870   11108  52.8% -lh5- 8d91 Jun 25  1997 ST-71/mutebass01
[generic]                 1737    1788  97.1% -lh5- 43c3 Jun 25  1997 ST-71/newagogo
[generic]                 9735   10964  88.8% -lh5- fece Jun 25  1997 ST-71/odyssey
[generic]                 4283    5160  83.0% -lh5- 4296 Jun 25  1997 ST-71/panflute01
[generic]                  861    1980  43.5% -lh5- c966 Jun 25  1997 ST-71/perc07
[generic]                 2435    2698  90.3% -lh5- f2fc Jun 25  1997 ST-71/peter-bass
[generic]                 5792    7488  77.4% -lh5- 61d5 Jun 25  1997 ST-71/sd1
[generic]                14485   20362  71.1% -lh5- 4d7f Jun 25  1997 ST-71/serraintro
[generic]                27150   40330  67.3% -lh5- 2100 Jun 25  1997 ST-71/serrarythm
[generic]                 3373    4420  76.3% -lh5- d0f5 Jun 25  1997 ST-71/sha-bdrum
[generic]                13327   17785  74.9% -lh5- 8a16 Jun 25  1997 ST-71/sha-crash
[generic]                 2811    4535  62.0% -lh5- 55a8 Jun 25  1997 ST-71/sha-hihat
[generic]                 9651   12981  74.3% -lh5- 644e Jun 25  1997 ST-71/sha-sdrum
[generic]                 2895    4480  64.6% -lh5- 1b01 Jun 25  1997 ST-71/sha-tom
[generic]                18600   22900  81.2% -lh5- 297d Jun 25  1997 ST-71/swischisch
[generic]                 4348    6420  67.7% -lh5- c939 Jun 25  1997 ST-71/symphony-tom
[generic]                29991   53162  56.4% -lh5- fe1a Jun 25  1997 st-71/zeph1
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        70 files  636884  799419  79.7%            Sep 30  1997
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