Gettup Buddy!-
An original mod. By Dark City Productions! (it's also our first mod. too)
"Gettup Buddy" has a little story behind it.
One day I got a keybord, but here is the catch. I don't know how to
play the Piano! So I meesed around with it making up many "meaningless"
little tunes.
About 2 years pass..
And Dark City Productions came into the picture. We wanted to make a mod.
bad, but we had no program... Soon we found one, and now here is our little
song "Gettup buddy" have fun... And don't let it drive you crazy!
Dark Man & Mulder If for some reason you want to write us.. feel
or Tim & Brain free to do it. We love mail!
Dark City Productions
3050 Magnolia Lane
Plymouth, Mn
55441 USA