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Why Red? - The wired fuckedupreconstruction remix
What's this than?.. Black Sista remixing Mono?.. jups..
Somewhere in his space-time continuum Orlingo decided to remix a mod called
Wired by Twilight/Mono.. not with a special reason, but mainly because
somewhere in the mod Twilight asked everybody to remix it..
alrite then.. I'll leave you with it.. just in case you want to contact me
(because you think you should), snailmail me, I don't have a working e-mail
yet.. Meanwhile I'll be working on the Black Sista Homepage.. dope links,
lot's of hiphop/triphop/drum-n-bass/jazz/easytune and mucho more...
Or just try to call Wild Palms +31-(0)30-603-7959 or telnet to
wildpalms.xs4all.nl (only if Radavi tells you to do so!)
Okey.. snailmail bombs/Triphop/hiphop/drum-n-bass/weirdmusic&KoolJunk(tm)
Paul Rietveld
Willem Alexanderstraat 6
3258 BB Den Bommel
The Netherlands
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