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Short:Extra samples set up for use with AlgoMusic v2.3 (Archive 2)
Uploader:djhotcakes hotmail com (Res¡stance)
Download:mods/smpl/AMPlus03.lha - View contents

What is it???  (Or the What the heck has AlgoMusic got to do with the price of
===============                                                eggs section)
AMPlus is an `upgrade' to AlgoMusic v2.3.  It contains extra instruments for
it to use, making AlgoMusic seem even more varied than it allready does.

Why???  (Or the What kind of fool would waste his time doing that section)
I *hated* most of the melody and chords samples provided with AlgoMusic.
Fact:  Some of them were taken from ST-#? disks.  Now that's saying something!

Installation  (Or the What do you expect me to do with it section)
Installation is easy.  Just dearc each lha into it's corresponding directory.
IE  Chords.lha dearcs into Chords/, Acid.lha into Acid/ etc.
I have finetuned the instruments pretty well, but if there's something that
sounds wrong, or that you just don't like, it may have slipped in by accident.
See below for details.

Copyright  (Or the Am I allowed to sell the random songs under my own name to
===============                                make an easy profit section)
All the samples in this archive were taken from various mods I have laying
around on my harddrive.  The authors of these mods (DAX/Ravebusters and
Hotcakes/Res¡stance) retain any copyrights/distribution rules they made when
releasing their tunes.

mod.FantasyHardcore    - DAX
mod.AcidCores          - DAX
MyNameIsSven!          - Hotcakes

If you aren't sure as to whether what you're doing with the use of these
samples and AlgoMusic is or isn't legal, then download the aforementioned
modules and READ THE DOCS!

Or otherwise assume that these samples are for your own private use ONLY!

The Chords originally came from the GMPlay/Tones/Piano/ section and were
mixed using OctaMED SoundStudio.

Updates  (Or the I'm sick of these samples allready section)
I plan to release more of these archives in the future.  If you have any
comments, suggestions or bug fixes (see below) then for god's sakes tell me
about it!  :)

Contact me  (Or the I'm lonely please somebody I need to talk to you, the
===============       voices in my head are telling me to KILL section)
I can contacted via EMail at :
It's also at the top of this doc :)
I am often found in IRC on DALNet in #Miggy or #AmIRC.
If you finetune a sample better than I have, then tell me the filecomment!
I'll include it in the next archive.

That's it I think!  (Or the I want to go and do something more fun than type
=======================                             this doc file section)
Remember, any comments, on ANYTHING! (Be it this archive, somebody elses
archive, whether you've made your own archive, the colour of the sky, or
who likes to eat what on toast) then by all means do so.  Praise and money is
especially welcome :)

See ya'll in another release...

Hotcakes / RES¡STANCE designs

Contents of mods/smpl/AMPlus03.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                23588   23588 100.0% -lh0- 0b5f Sep  2  1992 Bass.lha
[generic]                58127   58127 100.0% -lh0- dc34 Sep  2  1992 Chords.lha
[generic]                31999   31999 100.0% -lh0- db63 Sep  2  1992 Melody.lha
[generic]               320407  320407 100.0% -lh0- 6190 Sep  2  1992 Rhythm.lha
[generic]               154991  154991 100.0% -lh0- 1664 Sep  2  1992 Speech.lha
[generic]                 1498    3085  48.6% -lh5- c7a5 Sep  2  1992 AMPlus03.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total         6 files  590610  592197  99.7%            Dec 13  1997
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