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Short:Multitrack audio application (binaries)
Author: info at (Davy Wentzler)
Uploader:mbergmann-sh web de (Michael Bergmann)
Download:mus/edit/AudioEvolution320_bin.lha - View contents

---------- Archive Description (english) ----------------------

                      Audio Evolution v3.20, (full version)
                          (formerly known as PlayHD)
                                written by
                               Davy Wentzler
             compiled/optimized from source tree v3.20 (April 2001)
                             by Michael Bergmann

Davy Wentzler released full source to AudioEvolution v3.20 to the public
in August 2011. Unfortunately, his source didn't compile AOTB under
OS 3.x - so I fixed it.
Davy kindly gave me permission to release updated source and
binaries. This is the binary release.

I didn't really do much work on it:
- fixed some dependencies for compilation with SAS/C v6.58
- some smaller source fixes
- added optimizing makefiles for MC680x0 with and without 
  fpu support
- added interims installer script for '040 program versions
  - Michael Bergmann, August 2023 -


   Audio Evolution is an audio harddisk recording system primarily aimed at
   musicians who want an easy-to-use multitrack recorder for home-studio
   applications. It's based on the AHI system by Martin Blom, which makes
   it possible to run Audio Evolution on every modern soundcard designed for
   Amiga computers. Because of the efficient mixing routines of AHI, it's
   possible to play up to 30 tracks at the same time on expanded systems,
   even without PowerPC technology. But that's not what makes it a good
   harddisk recording system: Audio Evolution also offers a versatile mixing
   desk including channel volume per display, mute, solo, panning, subgroups
   and realtime effects. Besides that, full mixer automation gives you mixing
   possibilities only limited by your imagination. Also take a look at the
   timeline display with its marker system for fast positioning in the song,
   locators and punch in/out features which saves you precious time in your
   recording session.

   Features of Audio Evolution:
   - Up to 30 (stereo) samples simultaneously. 
     The amount of samples you can actually play depends on:

        * Processor power: since all the mixing is done by the processor,
          more channels can be mixed at higher frequencies on faster
        * Speed of your harddisk and harddisk-controller. SCSI is
        * The AHI-mode you have selected. Is it a stereo mode, stereo++
          mode with panning, fast mode etcetera?

   - Full duplex playback and record: if your soundcard allows it, you can play
     back samples while recording.
   - A mixing desk provides you with realtime control over volume, panning, solo
     and mute per channel. Every channel has a separate volume PPM display.
     Also three realtime effects can be plugged in and the channel can be 
     assigned to one of four subgroups.
     A mastervolume slider and a stereo master volume indicator are present too.
   - Separate window for 4 subgroups with solo and mute per group.
   - Full mixer-automation based on event-list: channel faders, panning,
     mutes, master volume, subgroup volumes and subgroup mutes can be automated.
     Automation events can be edited directly on the timeline.
   - Realtime effects with the following runtime (near real-time) possibilities:

        * Parameter change
        * On/off state switch
        * Removal of effects
     Also, possible CPU overload is detected, preventing lock-ups during playback.
   - A Time Line Display provides you with an overview of the loaded samples and
     their durations. Samples can be moved along the timeline.
   - A marker mechanism on top of the timeline lets you place locators, punch in/out
     markers and the time marker easily, giving quick and accurate access to
     these items.
   - Sample-editing with the usual features like cut,paste,copy,erase range. Direct
     to disk, not limited by memory.
   - Effects like Delay, Noise Gate, Chorus, Comp/Limiter, Amplifier, Frequency filters
     and FIR-filters can be applied.
   - MIDI synchronisation: by sending a MIDI start-command and a Song Position
     Pointer, you can synchronize audio with an external MIDI sequencer. You
     can also receive MIDI start-commands, synchronize to Bars&Pipes or to the
   - etc.

You should first install Audio Evolution with the installer that came with the
package. No assigns are needed.

Please select a 'fast stereo++' mode for your soundcard.
Preferably not Hifi and non-realtime modes.
Delfina users should check if they have the latest versions of the Delfina
libraries and shouldn't use the 'AnyFreq' modes because the AHI driver
can give some troubles.

Contents of mus/edit/AudioEvolution320_bin.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[unknown]                 2339    5211  44.9% -lh5- fe33 Aug  8 07:10 AudioEvolution320_bin/AudioEvolution320_bin.readme
[unknown]                 1087    1376  79.0% -lh5- 304a Aug  8 07:15 AudioEvolution320_bin/
[unknown]                 1383    1656  83.5% -lh5- f5da Aug  8 07:14 AudioEvolution320_bin/
[unknown]               180569  412152  43.8% -lh5- 59cd Aug  6 12:07 AudioEvolution320_bin/Install_AE3/AudioEvolution
[unknown]               178567  407408  43.8% -lh5- d8a7 Aug  6 12:18 AudioEvolution320_bin/Install_AE3/AudioEvolution.020
[unknown]                  488    3962  12.3% -lh5- 9985 Aug  6 12:41 AudioEvolution320_bin/Install_AE3/
[unknown]               171770  387088  44.4% -lh5- 9804 Aug  6 12:20 AudioEvolution320_bin/Install_AE3/AudioEvolution.020fpu
[unknown]                  489    3962  12.3% -lh5- 0ae6 Aug  6 12:41 AudioEvolution320_bin/Install_AE3/
[unknown]               178138  406796  43.8% -lh5- 4c7d Aug  6 12:22 AudioEvolution320_bin/Install_AE3/AudioEvolution.040
[unknown]                  488    3962  12.3% -lh5- 77b3 Aug  6 12:41 AudioEvolution320_bin/Install_AE3/
[unknown]               171405  386468  44.4% -lh5- fa86 Aug  6 12:23 AudioEvolution320_bin/Install_AE3/AudioEvolution.040fpu
[unknown]                  490    3962  12.4% -lh5- 90f5 Aug  6 12:41 AudioEvolution320_bin/Install_AE3/
[unknown]                  489    3962  12.3% -lh5- 7d8e Aug  6 12:41 AudioEvolution320_bin/Install_AE3/
[unknown]                25030   72294  34.6% -lh5- ed3a May 20  1999 AudioEvolution320_bin/Install_AE3/
[unknown]                  326     841  38.8% -lh5- fb35 Aug  6 12:41 AudioEvolution320_bin/Install_AE3/
[unknown]                 2028    4564  44.4% -lh5- f0eb May 20  1999 AudioEvolution320_bin/Install_AE3/AudioEvolution.readme
[unknown]                  316     835  37.8% -lh5- 43b3 Aug  6 12:41 AudioEvolution320_bin/Install_AE3/
[unknown]                  619    1292  47.9% -lh5- 9fee May 20  1999 AudioEvolution320_bin/Install_AE3/AudioEvolutionTool.ptool
[unknown]                  967    3308  29.2% -lh5- c58a May 20  1999 AudioEvolution320_bin/Install_AE3/filters/Bandpass.FIR
[unknown]                   37      37 100.0% -lh0- 4ca3 May 20  1999 AudioEvolution320_bin/Install_AE3/filters/FIRexample.FIR
[unknown]                  510    1447  35.2% -lh5- 4085 May 20  1999 AudioEvolution320_bin/Install_AE3/filters/HighPass.FIR
[unknown]                  557    1653  33.7% -lh5- be9e May 20  1999 AudioEvolution320_bin/Install_AE3/filters/LowPass.FIR
[unknown]                  393    1084  36.3% -lh5- d101 May 20  1999 AudioEvolution320_bin/Install_AE3/filters/Multi.FIR
[unknown]                  718    2234  32.1% -lh5- 6823 May 20  1999 AudioEvolution320_bin/Install_AE3/filters/Notch.FIR
[unknown]                 1945    8960  21.7% -lh5- 6118 May 20  1999 AudioEvolution320_bin/Install_AE3/fonts/AudioEvolutionDigital/20
[unknown]                   42     264  15.9% -lh5- f484 May 20  1999 AudioEvolution320_bin/Install_AE3/fonts/AudioEvolutionDigital.font
[unknown]                   30     264  11.4% -lh5- 4d23 May 20  1999 AudioEvolution320_bin/Install_AE3/fonts/Trinomic.font
[unknown]                  590    1440  41.0% -lh5- 0312 May 20  1999 AudioEvolution320_bin/Install_AE3/fonts/Trinomic/6
[unknown]                 1356    5490  24.7% -lh5- f414 May 20  1999 AudioEvolution320_bin/Install_AE3/InstallAudioEvolution
[unknown]                  659    5164  12.8% -lh5- 9db6 Aug  6 12:41 AudioEvolution320_bin/Install_AE3/
[unknown]                22367   49104  45.6% -lh5- e531 Jan 27  2001 AudioEvolution320_bin/Install_AE3/libs/popupmenu.library
[unknown]                22197   48748  45.5% -lh5- f742 Jan 27  2001 AudioEvolution320_bin/Install_AE3/libs/popupmenu.library.020
[unknown]                22157   48748  45.5% -lh5- 79cd Jan 27  2001 AudioEvolution320_bin/Install_AE3/libs/popupmenu.library.040
[unknown]                22160   48736  45.5% -lh5- 7a47 Jan 27  2001 AudioEvolution320_bin/Install_AE3/libs/popupmenu.library.060
[unknown]                75786   75786 100.0% -lh0- 1c52 May 20  1999 AudioEvolution320_bin/Install_AE3/SnapShot.GIF
[unknown]                  261     436  59.9% -lh5- 3cf7 Aug  6 12:41 AudioEvolution320_bin/Install_AE3/
[unknown]                 8552   23832  35.9% -lh5- 25b5 May 20  1999 AudioEvolution320_bin/Install_AE3/VersionInfo
[unknown]                  313     835  37.5% -lh5- b9be Aug  6 12:41 AudioEvolution320_bin/Install_AE3/
[unknown]                 1380    1656  83.3% -lh5- d57d Aug  8 07:14
[unknown]               177979  406844  43.7% -lh5- 1d7e Aug  6 12:25 AudioEvolution320_bin/Install_AE3/AudioEvolution.060
[unknown]                 1352    5461  24.8% -lh5- 8272 Aug  6 12:46 AudioEvolution320_bin/Install_AE3/InstallAE3_680x0
[unknown]                  657    5164  12.7% -lh5- 726d Aug  6 12:41 AudioEvolution320_bin/Install_AE3/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total        42 files 1278986 2854486  44.8%            Aug  8 23:48
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