ProTracker V3.15
Note: Please do not replace this package since 3.15 is one of the most popular versions of ProTracker, thank you.
ProTracker is a music composing program.
V3.15 (Nov 1993) - Bugfix version
* Bugfixes
V3.14 BETA - DYN samples version
* For the first time in Amiga history: Improved sound quality! Actual 14 bit sound dynamics using a new and revolutionary algorithm. No additional add-ons required, furthermore, no extra storage usage. Fully compatible with traditional 8-bit Amiga sounds.
* Reads and converts Maestro MONO 16-bit samples.
* Info requester when reading IFF samples.
* The "BlankZero" now also blanks empty effect commands and the extended command byte.
V3.10 BETA (May 1993) - Amiga Format version
* A new improved 7-note chord editor, recalculates loops.
* Full compatibility with all existing OS versions including OS3.0
* Better multitasking capabilities
* New sample edit options, includes Invert, Maximize, NormalDC, Normalize.
* Mouse controlled editing made possible.
* Added real VU-meters.
* New configurable options: - Screen positioning. - Lace on/off for genlock users. - Multicached disk directories.
V3.01 AM/FM release
* Reads the devices mounted in the system instead of hardcoded ones.
* "Free" gadget fixed.
* Sample read/write fixed.
* Now gets the directory automagically when one is entered in the pathgadget.
* Fixed bug in chord editor. Sometimes caused division by zero.
* Added adjust to chord editor; boosts the volume of the resulting sample to fit the original sample.
* Screen adjust gadget is now working. :)
* Bug in runback fixed.
* CIA allocation failures are now displayed.
* Tools gadget removed.
* Short keys for setup-items caused the switches to be displayed on the main screen. Not anymore :)
* Drumpad likewise.
* Several smaller bugs fixed.
* Added a gadget on the dirscreen for fast browsing through the file type options.
* New icon on the out-of-memory requesters :o
* Some new gadgets are working!
* Minor graphical changes
* Decimal numbers on samplelength and loops
V3.00 BETA (January 1993) - Hires version
Made by Cryptoburners, and based upon V1.3, and does therefore not contain the features of V1.8A - V2.3A.
* PowerPacker support. Powerpacker.library must be present in the "sys:libs/" directory. Version needed: 35.000 or higher. It is however recommended that you have at least 1MB to use this feature with large modules.
* Protracker rearranged to HIRES 640x256x3.
* Format now works with dfx. Remember to specify which drive to format in the "path" string-gadget.
* Midi has been kicked out (temporarily?).
* "SpectrumAnalyzer" has been kicked out.
* Protracker now works on Kickstart 2.04 and higher (SCS/ECS).
* Memory display now displays all memorytypes.
* Improved input handler. PT will now live peacefully with Commodities. We hope.
* Invented new fileformat based on Interchanged File Format (IFF) chunks. See docs elsewhere on this disk for a discussion of this format.
* Hold record mode; waits for keypress before starting to record.
* New filerequester.
* Screen to back gadgets. You may also use Left Amiga + M/N.
* Standalone playroutine supporting Finetune etc. Not fast though :(
* Some speedups in the SampleEd. It was awfully slow at marking in HIRES!
* Scroll bars added here and there (but not everywhere ;)
* New pointer! The old one was simply too big for the new resolution.. :)
* Setupscreen revised and merged into one.
* Date and time online at mainscreen.
* Task interferance problems fixed (Improved multitasking). No busy waits.
* The dragging routine in the sampler draws pixels instead of lines when dragging.
* Major rearranging on mainscreen; editor centered and some new buttons for editing, such as cut/paste, up/down octave etc.
* You may now click into the different tracks with the left mousebutton! :o
* Audio.device channel allocation, to ensure that other programs doesn't mess with your tunes in a multitasking environment.
* Chords editor with up to 7 notes. (Hi JanneS :)
* PT now hopefully works on KS3.0 in AGA mode too (Hi Vishnu).
* The sampler works again! ;)
V2.3A, V2.2A, V2.1A, V2.0, V1.8
V3.00 BETA is based upon V1.3, and does therefore not contain any features from V1.8 - V2.3A.
V1.3A was accidentally released and contained many bugs.
* Save module bugfix.
* Not case sensitive on 'MOD.'
* 'MOD.' bug when switching to and from modules dir.
* Inputhandler bugs fixed.
* Single Step forward and backward works properly.
* The Sample function works with OS2.0
* No hang when a R/W-error occurs in OS2.0
* No crash when loading a non-module file.
* MIDI In works as it should!!!
* PT on Pseudo system screen (?)
* [LEFT Amiga] M and [LEFT Amiga] N works within ProTracker.
* Improved multitasking!
* Screen Adjust (for A3000).
* No slowmode necessary for turbo Amigas. Auto init of DMAWait.
* System requesters ON/OFF function.
* Finds volumes and diskdrives in filerequester.
V1.2C Parallel communication version
Made by Raul Sobon. He did also make V1.2D, V1.2E and V1.2F.
* Made real 8 channels possible through parallel communication between two Amigas.
V1.2 (July 1991?) - Kickstart V2.0 version
Information could not be obtained.
V1.1 BETA (August 1991) - Most known version.
* Many major bugfixes.
* Changed layout for quadrascope.
* Load gadget no longer hangs the program when trying to load a file that doesn't exist.
* Better filehandling with error messages.
* Repeat and replen check installed (Rel. A hanged when replen accidentally got the value zero).
* Repeat and replen were swapped when loading an IFF sample.
* Only RepLen values in IFF samples were added in the preset-editor.
* Tune memory wasn't always updated when editing samples.
* Swap Buffer debugged.
* The arpeggio sounded weird because the pitch wasn't set back at the right time.
* Shift speeds up the scrolling in the PLST and preset-editor.
V1.1 ALPHA (December 1990) - Party release with bugs
* Read input in a more system-friendly way.
* Detached from CLI.
* Loaded IFF samples correctly.
* Used sprites to show loop in sampler.
* Several directory paths in disk operations screen.
* Protracker will now run if you have Kickstart 2.0 installed! (A500, A1000, A2000, A3000 etc...)
* Keyboard buffer. Wow!!! Now you can play really fast, and PT won't miss a single key (...well, not as many as it used to before...).
* The vertical blank interrupt no longer patches the vector itself, but uses the AddIntServer function.
* The playroutine creates it's own CIA or VBLANK interrupt, and it will not be removed if a song is playing when you go to CLI/Workbench.
* Improved "Out of memory" handling (hopefully no more gurus...).
* Only the first 2 bytes of a sample will be zeroed (were the first 4).
* Lots of new keyboard commands/shortcuts using the Alt key.
* Vibrato depth changed to be compatible with NT2.0.
* Funk Repeat changed to Invert Loop (may trash your samples though).
* Play samples from the keypad (dot mode) when pressing backslash.
* Quadrascope. Four channel oscilloscope that displays the samples in real- time, even when playing from keyboard. The good old spectrum analyzer is still there, just click on the scope to toggle.
* Tempo gadget. Default is 125 BPM (normal vblank speed), but that can be changed if you select CIA timing on Setup2. Range is 32-255 BPM, and can also be changed with the 'F' effect command (speed/tempo).
* Repeat and replen will be updated in the samples when you change them. You no longer have to press a key to hear the new loop.
* Protracker should now be able to show up to 10/16 megs of freemem.
* Error messages when PLST or Config not found.
* Click to enter position, pattern and length with the keyboard.
* Choose RAW or IFF when saving samples.
* Samples can be saved with IFF-loops.
* Change path without reading directory.
* All 30 characters in filename/directory stored (was 24).
* Shows directories, just click to add directory to path.
* Parent directory gadget.
* One preset and several default paths for modules/songs/samples.
* PT will now read an "unlimited" number of directory entries (was 200).
* Two setup-screens.
* Override: Load/save sample from samplepath even if there's a path in the samplename. ST-37:bigbadbass with override will be loaded from DF0: (or whatever) instead of ST-37:. You may want to put all your samples in one big directory on your harddisk...
* NoSamples: Will load a song without asking for the samples.
* BlankZero: This will show the samplenumbers in the pattern in the same way as Noisetracker 1.2 (Zeros are blanked out).
* Show Dirs: If on, directories will be shown in Disk Op.
* Show Publ: If on, PT will show all free Public memory, otherwise just free Chip memory.
* CutToBuff: If on, the part of the sample cut away in the sample editor will be saved in the copybuffer.
* Load Loop: Will load loops from an IFF file when loading a sample, or adding a path in the sampleeditor.
* Slow Mode: Use this toggle if you have a 25 Mhz A3000 where everything is faster. Turning it on might help.
* Set Default paths. * You can set the maximum number of presets (used to be 2500).
* DMA wait. Use this on 25MHz Amigas (normally 300, use 900 on A3000).
* Set tuning tone (note and volume).
* Select CIA or VBlank timing.
* Set default CIA tempo.
* Spectrum Analyzer/VU-meter copper color editor!
* Use Preset removed, inserted Delete Disk instead.
* You can now save Finetune instead of Volume in the PLST.
* ST-disk number changed to hex (ST-00> ST-FF)!
* Adding samples with IFF-loops to the presetlist is possible.
* Proper PLST allocation. Protracker will no longer allocate any memory if there's no PLST.
* ST-disk number changed to HEX. This means you can have up to $FF, or 255 ST-disks (used to be 99).
* Sample Graphing like Audiomaster. With Show Range, Show All, Zoom Out, Range All, etc...
* Play either Waveform, Display or Range.
* Repeat points are shown, and can be dragged around.
* Loop on/off toggle.
* A line shows current position when playing back a sample.
* A sampler just like on NT2.0.
* Resample function w/tuning tone.
* Cut, Copy and Paste functions.
* Cursor to beginning/end.
* Swap current sample with copybuffer.
* Transpose All bug removed.
* Move changed to Copy (use this to copy samples too).
* Upsample changed a tiny bit (allocation).
* Most functions will now work with marked ranges
V1.0C (October 1990) - Bugfix version
* Error in Finetune-table2 (note B-2)
* Abort Load sometimes caused a guru!
* Toneportamento (cmd 3) didn't work correctly with finetune.
* PLST screen was one pixel off. * MIDI screen was removed.
V1.0 BETA (September 1990) - Bugfix version
* PatternLoop (It always jumped to the start of the pattern, not the loop)
* FineTune AND Glissando-Control were in the same command! (E3)
* Fade Up / Down caused shit and even a few gurus!
* Delete Pos inserted pattern 77 (!) at position 127 in the song, causing it to be longer than 80k!
* Filter All Samples was slow as hell because it tried to filter nonexistant samples.
* If you selected sample 0 from the keypad, it always played the last sample played as sample 0!
* A590 harddisk owners couldn't use the keyboard because of the way Mahoney & Kaktus set up the keyboard interrupt (their NT1.1 routine was used).
* Entering the help screen when in the midi screen fucked up the display.
* Escaping from Mix exited from the whole edit op.!
* CutBeg no longer fucks up the Sample length and Pos.
* The help file was FULL of bugs / misspellings.
V1.0 ALPHA (August 1990) - First public release
Many functions not operational in V0.89 were now implemented.
V0.89 BETA (May 1990) - Exclusively for Crusaders
This is the first known release of ProTracker. It was based on SoundTracker V2.5 by MnemoTroN and made by The Amiga Freelancers.
* Retrig note, note delay, pattern delay and funk repeat didn't work.
* inetune were introduced.
* Online help. =")"