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Short:ProTracker support archive
Author: havardp at
Uploader:HÃ¥vard Pedersen (havardp mail stud ingok hitos no)
Version:Release 3
Download:mus/edit/ptsupp.lha - View contents

The ProTracker support achive is an archive stuffed with extras for
ProTracker, the most popular music program ever on the Amiga. I've put it
together because there haven't been released any versions of ProTracker for
a while and I think the Amiga community deserves better support for PT.

The disclaimer in the AmigaGuide documentation still yields. =)

Please spread this archive to all of your friends and enemies. The scene
really deserves this stuff.

If you want to contact me for anything, please do. My address is found in
the AmigaGuide documentation.

Severe bugs has been fixed in the sources from the previous relese.

This archive contains:

  * Complete AmigaGuide documentation for ProTracker. The documentation has
    been polished since the last release and should be easier for
    beginners. In addition to all stuff present in earlier helpfiles it
      - Replyaddress with people listening to you. =)
      - Actual description of what PT is for.
      - In-depth discussion and light explanation on how to actually
        make music using ProTracker.
      - Description of all new PT-features including the DYN-system and
        the new chord-editor.
      - Version history from V0.89 to V3.18.
      - A lot of background history for ProTracker!
      - Known bugs.
      - Frequently asked questions.
      - An updated description of the module-format. (Both the old and
        the planned IFF-format!)
      - Both technical and easy-to-understand DYN explanations.
      - Description on how to use all sources in the archive.
      - Also comes in text-version for guys without the AmigaGuide system
        installed or if you want to print it out.
      - A brief chapter describing how to obtain information from the
        AmigaGuide documentation. (NEW!)
      - A new chapter describing musical theory. (NEW!)
      - A built-in musical dictionary. (NEW!)
      - Example-samples for the sample effects. (NEW!)

  * ProTracker assembler replay with the following features:
      - Mastervolume.
      - Balance.
      - Signal user when module reached end.
      - Rewind/fast forward (skips one pattern at a time).
      - Optional 68020+ optimizations.
      - Complete NoiseTracker compatibility.
      - Faster than original ProTracker replay.
      - Totally bugfree. Works on all Amigas.
      - Plays selectable amount of channels (for games).
      - Completely PC-relative.

  * New modulepacker called ProPruner, based on ProPacker v2.1 by Christian
    Estrup. Contains features such as:
      - Very fast replay.
      - Supports all ProTracker effect commands.
      - Mastervolume.
      - Balance.
      - Possibility to sync programs with the module.
      - Restart flag tells you when the module has reached its end.
      - Separate samplefiles to save chipmem.
      - Selectable amounts of channel to play for games.
      - Delta processing for better samplepacking.
      - Handles VBR register correctly.
      - CIA timing possible.
      - Pause/continue functions.
      - Skip forward/backwards one position at a time.
      - Completely PC-relative.
      - Should work on all assemblers.
      - Macro-based noteplayer interface for fancy replay.
      - All fancy options are fully selectable at assembly time.

  * A soundeffect engine for playing two samples in one Amiga audio
    channel. Features include:
      - Vertical blank mode. Plays soundeffects on a vertical blank basis.
        Easy to use.
      - Audio interrupt. Utilises OS to play sound. Gives neat quality.
      - Fast mixing. (Test yourself!)

  * Several extra sources:
      - A source that calculates the playtime of both CIA and
        VBlank-based ProTracker modules fast!
      - CIA shells for both the ProTracker and the ProPruner replay. Comes
        in both system-friendly AND unfriendly versions! (NEW!)
      - Allocation and freeing of audio channels. (NEW!)
      - A description on how to customize the ProTracker replay to fit your
        needs! (NEW!)

  * The TrackerTool command that repairs damaged modules. Improved from
    previous release.

  * Several example modules that shows the possibilities of ProTracker and 
    effectcommands in use. (NEW!)

  * A fast, yet powerful moduleripper. (NEW!)
      - The only ripper that doesn't use a single byte chip memory if
        fastmemory is present.
      - The only ripper that also searches fastmemory and virtual memory,
        making it able to recover modules after a crash in ProTracker!
      - Sophisticated decrunch engine that allows you to load and decrunch
        files as well as allocate the memory used.
      - Supports redirectable IO, can be launched on a debug terminal.
      - Finds the following formats: Laxity Tracker, NoiseTracker v1.0-2.2,
        Phenomena Packer v1.0, ProPacker v2.0-v2.1, ProRunner v1.0-2.0,
        ProRunner v2.0 preprocessed, ProTracker v1.0-3.18 (also 100-pattern
        modules), QuadraComposer v1.3-2.1, SoundTracker v2.3-2.5,
        StarTrekker v1.0-1.3, UNIC Tracker and Wanton Packer.

-- Howard of Mental Diseases --

Contents of mus/edit/ptsupp.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                65727  189266  34.7% -lh5- 8a4a Feb  7  1996 PT Support archive/Documentation/
[generic]                  883    1676  52.7% -lh5- f63c Sep  8  1995 PT Support archive/Documentation/
[generic]                24731   31774  77.8% -lh5- 509e Nov  7  1995 PT Support archive/Documentation/Samples/mixed.8svx
[generic]                 9680   10728  90.2% -lh5- e23a May 16  1994 PT Support archive/Documentation/Samples/Piano.8svx
[generic]                10413   10728  97.1% -lh5- 146d Nov  7  1995 PT Support archive/Documentation/Samples/PIANO_boost.8SVX
[generic]                 8623   10728  80.4% -lh5- e829 Jan  1  1996 PT Support archive/Documentation/Samples/PIANO_chord.8SVX
[generic]                20478   32872  62.3% -lh5- c232 Nov  7  1995 PT Support archive/Documentation/Samples/PIANO_echo.8SVX
[generic]                 9583   10728  89.3% -lh5- c6e6 Nov  7  1995 PT Support archive/Documentation/Samples/PIANO_filter.8SVX
[generic]                 9685   10728  90.3% -lh5- 1931 Nov  8  1995 PT Support archive/Documentation/Samples/PIANO_mod.8SVX
[generic]                 9294   10728  86.6% -lh5- fb94 Nov  8  1995 PT Support archive/Documentation/Samples/PIANO_vol.8SVX
[generic]                 9418   10728  87.8% -lh5- b092 Nov  7  1995 PT Support archive/Documentation/Samples/PIANO_xfade.8SVX
[generic]                27928   31774  87.9% -lh5- d151 Jan 18  1994 PT Support archive/Documentation/Samples/Seq.8svx
[generic]                27911   31774  87.8% -lh5- 22c2 Nov  7  1995 PT Support archive/Documentation/Samples/SEQ_backw.8SVX
[generic]                14371   15938  90.2% -lh5- 5074 Nov  7  1995 PT Support archive/Documentation/Samples/SEQ_ups.8SVX
[generic]                15488   37785  41.0% -lh5- f387 Jan 30  1996 PT Support archive/Documentation/Speedy
[generic]                 1119    1812  61.8% -lh5- dc83 May 16  1994 PT Support archive/Executables/PPRSampler
[generic]                  860    1412  60.9% -lh5- 5863 May 16  1994 PT Support archive/Executables/PPRStrip
[generic]                 2066    3220  64.2% -lh5- e030 Dec 19  1994 PT Support archive/Executables/ProPacker
[generic]                12340   24540  50.3% -lh5- 9561 Jan 30  1996 PT Support archive/Executables/SG
[generic]                 1145    4223  27.1% -lh5- 2965 Jan 30  1996 PT Support archive/Executables/
[generic]                 2202    4296  51.3% -lh5- ccd1 Nov  1  1995 PT Support archive/Executables/TrackerTool
[generic]                12165   18436  66.0% -lh5- 963f Oct  3  1994 PT Support archive/Libs/req.library
[generic]                 6730   22680  29.7% -lh5- c48b Jan  1  1996 PT Support archive/Modules/mod.chipper i
[generic]               157490  223518  70.5% -lh5- 5a34 Jan  1  1996 PT Support archive/Modules/mod.cucumber boogie+
[generic]                21804   31260  69.8% -lh5- 940a Jun 16  1995 PT Support archive/Modules/mod.oh susanna
[generic]                 3129   10198  30.7% -lh5- 432b Jan  1  1996 PT Support archive/Modules/mod.silent night
[generic]                66191  104822  63.1% -lh5- 0c06 Jan  1  1996 PT Support archive/Modules/mod.the realm of love
[generic]                91709  163736  56.0% -lh5- be84 Jan  1  1996 PT Support archive/Modules/mod.warm pleasures+
[generic]                 2289    5387  42.5% -lh5- 0d7c Jan 30  1996 PT Support archive/Readme.txt
[generic]                 1255    3442  36.5% -lh5- 21c0 Jan 30  1996 PT Support archive/Sources/AudioAlloc.s
[generic]                 1430    4201  34.0% -lh5- 65d2 Jan 30  1996 PT Support archive/Sources/CIAShell_HW.S
[generic]                 1534    4567  33.6% -lh5- d89a Jan 30  1996 PT Support archive/Sources/CIAShell_OS.S
[generic]                17908   69974  25.6% -lh5- 3191 Jan 30  1996 PT Support archive/Sources/ProPrunerRep.S
[generic]                 8417   32805  25.7% -lh5- f1e3 Jan 30  1996 PT Support archive/Sources/ProTrackerRep.S
[generic]                 1981    5614  35.3% -lh5- b156 Jan 30  1996 PT Support archive/Sources/PTCalcTime.S
[generic]                 1179    2417  48.8% -lh5- b8e2 Jan 30  1996 PT Support archive/Sources/PTCustomize.S
[generic]                 4301   14757  29.1% -lh5- 4070 Jan 30  1996 PT Support archive/Sources/SoundFX.S
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        37 files  683457 1205272  56.7%            Feb  9  1996
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