This document is an short overview of some errors I found while
trying to compile tracker with SAS/C 6.3. I also changed some
smaller other things. Sourcecodes are all included.
NOTE: The tracker is only the second one who I found which works
properly on my A4000. All the other one had timing problems.
In this Version i've only included the amiga_support.c-file.
All other find should be found in the same directory in
the archive tracker-3_19.lzh
Errors found while trying to compile tracker
- the amiga_support.c-file had and still has many warnings.
I didn't look for all of them. (all other corrections only on this file)
- There was one error with the in the NewGadget structure in
the same file. I set &topaz to NULL and it worked just fine.
- there was no read.c but a st_read.c, so I renamed it to read.c
- you need to copy _main.c in the same directory like tracker
Other things I tried to correct (concerning the control panel):
- Added the topaz-Font while initialising of the gadgets
- Fixed left, top, width and height of gadgets and the window:
Gadgettext is inside of the gadgets, gadgets are adaptet to the
size of the textwidth
Some bugs i found, but didn't look for
- When pressing forward pattern, or back pattern, the speed does change
incorrectly, sometimes even pressing NTSC/PAL doesn't help to it
- the actual patternnumber isn't shown on the Intuition window, but on
the console window (bug or feature ? ;-)
- idea: How about starting as a background task (SAS/C: cback) ans/or
as a workbench process
Reinhard Katzmann
(EMAIL write to zxmrd01@studserv.zdv.uni-tuebingen.de or
katzmann@samba,informatik.uni-tuebingen.de or
System Configuration:
- A4000/040, 8 MB 32 Bit Fastram, 2 MB Chipram, 125 MB Harddisk
- Advanced Nexus Controller (Zorro II), 2MB 16 Bit Fastram, 100 MB Harddisk
- Toccata Zorro II Soundcard (yes I am a proud owner of it :-)
- Running programs: PatchPointer1.02, AssignWedge, Yak1.55, Arq1.77,
ForceMonitor3.10, Garshneblanker, Magic Menu1.27,
ToolManager 2.1, CSH5.31, MegaView1.2, StatRam1.3
- Kickstart 40.55 (MapROM), Workbench 40.23