84782 packages online
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Short: | MPEG audio player with GUI (68k/PPC) |
Author: | Thomas Wenzel (www.toms-home.de) |
Uploader: | toms aminet upload toms-home de see note below |
Type: | mus/play |
Version: | 2.25 |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 2011-04-12 |
Download: | mus/play/AmigaAMP.lha - View contents | Readme: | mus/play/AmigaAMP.readme |
Downloads: | 15125 |
Aminet admins only: Use address from [Uploader] field to contact me
All others: Use the email address stated on my homepage www.toms-home.de
You want an audio player that really makes use of your high spec Amiga?
Here it is!
AmigaAMP is a GUI based MPEG audio player using mpega.library on the 68k
processor or the amp decoding engine in the PPC version. Additionally it
can make use of sndfile.library to play AIFF, WAV and 8SVX files. Playback
is done through the AHI audio system.
If you've got problems not related to the user interface but with AHI,
AsyncIO or mpega.library, PLEASE contact the corresponding author directly.
I wouldn't be able to help you in this case.
Important: AmigaAMP is optimized for visual appearance and accuracy, not
for extremely low cpu load!
What does that mean? Well...if there's a percussion hit, you see it on the
analyzer immediately. Not half a second later, not half a second earlier.
People who say "I don't care about this, I just want to see some movement in
the display" should use another player :-)
However, if anyone has a fast PowerPC and a fast graphics card which ain't
got nothing to do but run the PPC version of Heretic-II, AmigaAMP is just
right :)
Requirements (not included in this archive!)
AmigaOS 3.0 or higher
68030-50MHz processor or better
AHI audio system
For most of the skins:
- picture.datatype v43
- ilbm.datatype v44
- bmp.datatype v40
For the guigfx loading routines (optional)
- guigfx.library v16
- render.library v30
For popup menus (optional)
- popupmenu.library v9
For compressed (wsz) skins (optional)
- xadmaster.library v12
For MP2/MP3 support on 68k systems (optional)
- mpega.library (Aminet:util/libs/mpega_library.lha)
For AIFF, WAV and 8SVX support (optional)
- sndfile.library v1
v2.25 - Fixed call to xadmaster.library
- Fixed potential bugs in loading of complete directories
- Fixed mouse button message handling
- Improved playlist keyboard navigation
- Fixed UTF support in ID2v3
- Implemented basic ID2v4 support
- Added 68000 version
v2.24 - Fixed race condition during preloading/seeking.
- Improved DrawTask stability for Iconify().
- Implemented NoOS4 keyword/tooltype to skip
OS4-style UserPort sharing for MorphOS.
v2.23 - Cleaned up window handling routines.
Fixes playlist window resizing bug in OS4.
Known issues: Sometimes the window docking feature
doesn't work under OS4. Closing and re-opening
the Equalizer/Playlist window usually helps.
v2.22 - Added AREXX commands to get title, artist, etc.
v2.21 - Fixed a couple of bugs in GadTools interface
v2.20 - Improved GadTools GUI OS4 compatibility
- Support for OS4 mouse wheel events
- Improved loading of M3U playlists
- Included latest AmigaAMP-Prefs release
Contents of mus/play/AmigaAMP.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[unknown] 1505 2128 70.7% -lh5- aaf6 Jan 11 2004 AmigaAMP.info
[unknown] 139650 288820 48.4% -lh5- 5899 Apr 6 15:07 AmigaAMP/AmigaAMP
[unknown] 20468 68320 30.0% -lh5- e357 Jun 10 2006 AmigaAMP/AmigaAMP-Prefs
[unknown] 2832 5597 50.6% -lh5- a6cf Dec 10 2000 AmigaAMP/AmigaAMP-Prefs.info
[unknown] 145587 302188 48.2% -lh5- 2158 Apr 6 15:50 AmigaAMP/AmigaAMP.68000
[unknown] 12423 30503 40.7% -lh5- f07f Apr 6 13:37 AmigaAMP/AmigaAMP.doc
[unknown] 1674 2124 78.8% -lh5- fdb4 Dec 10 2000 AmigaAMP/AmigaAMP.doc.info
[unknown] 13190 31229 42.2% -lh5- 6927 Apr 6 13:38 AmigaAMP/AmigaAMP.dok
[unknown] 1641 2106 77.9% -lh5- 8a2c Dec 10 2000 AmigaAMP/AmigaAMP.dok.info
[unknown] 2634 5547 47.5% -lh5- 8f68 May 6 2001 AmigaAMP/AmigaAMP.info
[unknown] 143691 296176 48.5% -lh5- 5c9e Apr 6 15:26 AmigaAMP/AmigaAMP.NoFPU
[unknown] 998 1907 52.3% -lh5- c416 Apr 5 11:48 AmigaAMP/AmigaAMP.readme
[unknown] 758 1695 44.7% -lh5- 4a48 Jul 30 2009 AmigaAMP/AREXX.readme
[unknown] 1675 2124 78.9% -lh5- 1767 Dec 10 2000 AmigaAMP/AREXX.readme.info
[unknown] 27 27 100.0% -lh0- d1c8 Feb 25 2009 AmigaAMP/Engines/readme.txt
[unknown] 1774 3496 50.7% -lh5- 7bbb Mar 15 2009 AmigaAMP/FAQ.readme
[unknown] 1675 2124 78.9% -lh5- 2c33 Dec 10 2000 AmigaAMP/FAQ.readme.info
[unknown] 1506 2128 70.8% -lh5- 2294 Dec 10 2000 AmigaAMP/Plugins.info
[unknown] 8081 13308 60.7% -lh5- 4ac0 Oct 6 2003 AmigaAMP/Plugins/FullSpectrum
[unknown] 1231 4810 25.6% -lh5- f8da Jan 21 1999 AmigaAMP/Plugins/FullSpectrum.info
[unknown] 698 1219 57.3% -lh5- b3b0 Oct 6 2003 AmigaAMP/Plugins/ReadMe
[unknown] 495 3080 16.1% -lh5- d182 Jan 21 1999 AmigaAMP/Plugins/ReadMe.info
[unknown] 6819 10864 62.8% -lh5- 2b51 Oct 6 2003 AmigaAMP/Plugins/WideSpectrum
[unknown] 129 399 32.3% -lh5- 1c8c Jan 21 1999 AmigaAMP/Plugins/WideSpectrum.info
[unknown] 1506 2128 70.8% -lh5- 810b Sep 6 2000 AmigaAMP/Skins.info
[unknown] 7350 8506 86.4% -lh5- 3477 Oct 31 1998 AmigaAMP/Skins/base/anim.iff
[unknown] 2202 2842 77.5% -lh5- 9a64 Oct 31 1998 AmigaAMP/Skins/base/cbuttons.iff
[unknown] 14345 49966 28.7% -lh5- 0f64 Dec 7 2000 AmigaAMP/Skins/base/eqmain.iff
[unknown] 3741 8626 43.4% -lh5- 6a8d Oct 31 1998 AmigaAMP/Skins/base/main.iff
[unknown] 501 742 67.5% -lh5- ff48 Oct 31 1998 AmigaAMP/Skins/base/monoster.iff
[unknown] 322 558 57.7% -lh5- 3ead Oct 31 1998 AmigaAMP/Skins/base/nums_ex.iff
[unknown] 244 298 81.9% -lh5- 79a1 Oct 31 1998 AmigaAMP/Skins/base/playpaus.iff
[unknown] 12503 32194 38.8% -lh5- 1bdb Dec 7 2000 AmigaAMP/Skins/base/pledit.iff
[unknown] 73 85 85.9% -lh5- 462a Sep 5 1999 AmigaAMP/Skins/base/pledit.txt
[unknown] 594 836 71.1% -lh5- 134d Oct 31 1998 AmigaAMP/Skins/base/posbar.iff
[unknown] 2199 4956 44.4% -lh5- 10ed Oct 31 1998 AmigaAMP/Skins/base/shufrep.iff
[unknown] 455 466 97.6% -lh5- acaf Oct 31 1998 AmigaAMP/Skins/base/text.iff
[unknown] 7177 13780 52.1% -lh5- e952 Dec 7 2000 AmigaAMP/Skins/base/titlebar.iff
[unknown] 286 589 48.6% -lh5- 89ff Oct 31 1998 AmigaAMP/Skins/base/viscolor.txt
[unknown] 1740 15226 11.4% -lh5- d229 Oct 31 1998 AmigaAMP/Skins/base/volbar.iff
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 40 files 566399 1223717 46.3% Apr 11 20:47
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