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Short:Super Audio GUI - Cape Extra
Author: splayer at netcom (Allan Versaevel)
Uploader:splayer netcom (Allan Versaevel)
Download:mus/play/SPlayer_v1.9e.lha - View contents

    SPlayer is a GUI for Mpega, Play16, and SCSI/ATAPI CD Roms. Ease of use
and effortless control over most of the features these two audio players
offer is now yours. Plus with the addition of a SCSI/ATAPI CD Player, you
can't go wrong. SPlayer v1.9e has more features that set it apart from most
CD, Mpega, and Play16 GUIs.

      - Play16/Mpega/CD GUI, All in one.
      - Mpeg Tag Editor
      - Elapsed time Slider
      - CD Player (SCSI/ATAPI)
      - Each GUI has it's own prefs.
      - Controls most features of Mpega 3.5 and Play16 1.9.
      - GUI can be shrunk, iconified or added to the WB Tools Menu.
      - Any 8 point font can be used via the Font Requester.
      - Numeric keypad or the standard number keys can be used for track
        entry. 2 digits allowed.
      - Decode to Disk (Mpega). Lets you decode mpegs to Aiff or Wav files.
        Great for CD recorders or slower systems.
      - Play16 Raw modes re-worked. Easier to use. Usefull for playing raw
        audio files or fooling around with the speed/pitch of samples.
      - Fast. SPlayer uses less CPU power than all other Amiga Mpega GUIs.
        Less power needed for SPlayer, more left for your mpegs!
      - VisualPrefs fix. No more "Unable To Free Mem" Requestors.
      - Many other cool features.
      - Minor bug fixes.

   SPlayer 1.9e is now 3 years in the making. I have spent many hours on
this project. So please send me your comments and suggestions via E-Mail or
mail me a nice postcard from where you live. Since SPlayer is absolutely free,
I don't think I am asking too much.

Besides bug fixes, this will be the last version of SPlayer. Time for something
new. Maybe a better audio player with fresh code ? Time will tell. It all depends
on you, the user. If I get enough e-mail/postcards, I will start developement on
a brand new , fresh, and much improved Audio Gui. It will rock! It all depends on
the response I get from this archive.

Visit www.netcom/~splayer/ for:

- SPlayer updates

- Download the ADoomed v1.x GUI.

- VClock 1.5 - The real sampled speech clock.

- And other usefull programs.

Allan Versaevel

Contents of mus/play/SPlayer_v1.9e.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 2528    3792  66.7% -lh5- 3f6d Nov 30  1996 SPlayer_1.9e/bin/GAIP16
[generic]                21875   40432  54.1% -lh5- e2ba Aug  2  1999 SPlayer_1.9e/Convert_1.9->1.9e
[generic]                  740    1124  65.8% -lh5- 4cdb Feb 23  2000 SPlayer_1.9e/Convert_1.9->
[generic]                  300     622  48.2% -lh5- 1aeb Feb 23  2000 SPlayer_1.9e/Convert_1.9->1.9e.readme
[generic]                  220     428  51.4% -lh5- 9227 Feb 23  2000 SPlayer_1.9e/Convert_1.9->
[generic]                   31     264  11.7% -lh5- dbb7 Dec 12  1999 SPlayer_1.9e/Fonts/SPlayer.font
[generic]                 2567   11198  22.9% -lh5- 361b Feb 23  2000 SPlayer_1.9e/Install_SPlayer
[generic]                  351     700  50.1% -lh5- c31a Feb 23  2000 SPlayer_1.9e/
[generic]                10465   27145  38.6% -lh5- f8fa Feb 22  2000 SPlayer_1.9e/
[generic]                  220     428  51.4% -lh5- edbd Feb 23  2000 SPlayer_1.9e/
[generic]                  959    1514  63.3% -lh5- 0ef1 Feb 23  2000 SPlayer_1.9e/
[generic]                  942    3520  26.8% -lh5- d86d Dec 12  1999 SPlayer_1.9e/Fonts/SPlayer/10
[generic]                   36     264  13.6% -lh5- 8a57 Nov 11  1998 SPlayer_1.9e/Fonts/SPlayerBig.font
[generic]                  226    1580  14.3% -lh5- 3120 Nov 22  1997 SPlayer_1.9e/Fonts/SPlayerBig/16
[generic]                 9298   11492  80.9% -lh5- 7545 Sep 27  1998 SPlayer_1.9e/GuidePics/SAuthor.pic
[generic]                 4830   14330  33.7% -lh5- f859 Feb 19  2000 SPlayer_1.9e/GuidePics/SCD.pic
[generic]                 3103   10216  30.4% -lh5- 79ee Feb 19  2000 SPlayer_1.9e/GuidePics/SDisplay.pic
[generic]                 2848    8008  35.6% -lh5- d434 Feb 19  2000 SPlayer_1.9e/GuidePics/SGui.pic
[generic]                 4703   12666  37.1% -lh5- 13c0 Aug  1  1999 SPlayer_1.9e/GuidePics/SMain.pic
[generic]                 7650   17510  43.7% -lh5- 11e9 Feb 19  2000 SPlayer_1.9e/GuidePics/SMpega.pic
[generic]                 6705   15944  42.1% -lh5- c9ac Feb 19  2000 SPlayer_1.9e/GuidePics/SPlay16.pic
[generic]                 4594   12420  37.0% -lh5- 8dc5 Feb 19  2000 SPlayer_1.9e/GuidePics/SPrefs.pic
[generic]                  771    1618  47.7% -lh5- 0bef Feb 23  2000
[generic]                  726    1300  55.8% -lh5- 667c Dec 10  1999 SPlayer_1.9e/Plugins/GenreList.splug
[generic]                    0       0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Feb 25  2000 SPlayer_1.9e/Discs/
[generic]               110146  309660  35.6% -lh5- 4413 Mar  1  2000 SPlayer_1.9e/SPlayer
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        26 files  196834  508175  38.7%            Mar  1  2000
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