84782 packages online
mus/play/adplaybasic-os4.lha |
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AdPlay (Basic package, no music included, to save space!)
I didn't manage to get the DMO replayer ported, So I removed support for Twin
TrackPlayer (DMO) files.
It's not a widely used format anyway, as far as I know only Benjamin Gerardin
used it.
Also, there is a bug in the Amiga port of SDL, so you can't break the player
with CTRL+C, sorry for that, I hope Evil Rich will manage to fix that.
This player is mainly ported to check that my compiles of libAdPlug and libBinIO
works, and they did, the second goal was to get something working for Curty to
have a look at and get inspired to make a plugin for TuneNet. Watcha waiting for
Curts? Get busy! ;)
This is the Basic package, the huge music archive is left out.
Adplay mymusicfile
AdPlay "Music/Creative Music File/Robert Allen/traffic department 2192 -
* (A2M) AdLib Tracker 2 by subz3ro
* (AMD) AMUSIC Adlib Tracker by Elyssis
* (BAM) Bob's Adlib Music Format by Bob
* (CFF) BoomTracker 4.0 by CUD
* (CMF) Creative Music File Format by Creative Technology
* (D00) EdLib by Vibrants
* (DFM) Digital-FM by R.Verhaag
* (DRO) DOSBox Raw OPL Format
* (DTM) DeFy Adlib Tracker by DeFy
* (HSC) HSC Adlib Composer by Hannes Seifert, HSC-Tracker by Electronic Rats
* (HSP) HSC Packed by Number Six / Aegis Corp.
* (IMF) Apogee IMF File Format by Apogee
* (KSM) Ken Silverman's Adlib Music Format by Ken Silverman
* (LAA) LucasArts AdLib Audio File Format by LucasArts
* (LDS) LOUDNESS Music Format by Andras Molnar
* (M) Ultima 6 Music Format by Origin
* (MAD) Mlat Adlib Tracker
* (MID) MIDI Audio File Format
* (MKJ) MKJamz by M K Productions *(preliminary)*
* (MSC) AdLib MSCplay
* (MTK) MPU-401 Trakker by SuBZeR0
* (RAD) Reality ADlib Tracker by Reality
* (RAW) RdosPlay RAW file format by RDOS
* (RIX) Softstar RIX OPL Music Format
* (ROL) AdLib Visual Composer by AdLib Inc.
* (S3M) Scream Tracker 3 by Future Crew
* (SA2) Surprise! Adlib Tracker 2 by Surprise! Productions
* (SAT) Surprise! Adlib Tracker by Surprise! Productions
* (SCI) Sierra's AdLib Audio File Format by Sierra On-Line Inc.
* (SNG) Faust Music Creator by FAUST
* (SNG) Adlib Tracker 1.0 by TJ
* (XAD) eXotic ADlib Format by Riven the Mage
* (XMS) XMS-Tracker by MaDoKaN/E.S.G
* (XSM) eXtra Simple Music by Davey W Taylor
Main Development:
Simon Peter <dn.tlp()gmx.net>
Additional Credits:
Goetz Waschk <waschk()informatik.uni-rostock.de>:
- Mandrake Linux packages
- Red Hat RPM spec file
Mike Gorchak <mike()malva.ua>:
- QNX Sound Architecture (QSA) output driver
- Simple Directmedia Layer (SDL) output driver
- QNX packages
- QNX qpg file
Michael Guntsche <mike()it-loops.com>:
- libao output driver |
Contents of mus/play/adplaybasic-os4.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 317812 317812 100.0% -lh0- f73e Sep 19 21:38 AdPlay/AdPlay
[generic] 3645 3645 100.0% -lh0- ecb0 Sep 19 21:37 AdPlay/AdPlay.info
[generic] 1552260 4327077 35.9% -lh5- e974 Sep 18 23:36 AdPlay/Data/adplug.db
[generic] 3321 3331 99.7% -lh5- 739d Sep 19 21:37 AdPlay/Docs.info
[generic] 3151 8091 38.9% -lh5- 2d7a Sep 19 21:40 AdPlay/Docs/AdPlay.guide
[generic] 6067 6741 90.0% -lh5- 192d Jun 9 2007 AdPlay/Docs/AdPlay.guide.info
[generic] 262 433 60.5% -lh5- e5c0 May 13 2006 AdPlay/Docs/AUTHORS
[generic] 2217 7663 28.9% -lh5- 23ca Apr 9 2007 AdPlay/Docs/ChangeLog
[generic] 7014 17992 39.0% -lh5- 4902 May 13 2006 AdPlay/Docs/COPYING
[generic] 451 1121 40.2% -lh5- bfe5 May 13 2006 AdPlay/Docs/NEWS
[generic] 606 1113 54.4% -lh5- 1084 Apr 9 2007 AdPlay/Docs/README
[generic] 44 48 91.7% -lh5- 9f47 May 13 2006 AdPlay/Docs/TODO
[generic] 3321 3331 99.7% -lh5- 739d Sep 19 21:37 AdPlay/Music.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 13 files 1900171 4698398 40.4% Feb 7 07:57
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