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Short:MysticMiracle-animation by Madbart/Appendix
Author: madbart at
Uploader:madbart optimus wroc pl
Download:pix/3dani/mad-MMiracle.mpg - View contents

  _______   _______   _______    ______   _______      .___    __    __.__
 _\___  /_ _\___  /_ _\___  /_ _(  ___// _\___  /_ ____|_ /_ _(_/_ _(  |  )_ 
.    |    .    /    .    /    .    __/__.    |    .    _/   .     .    |    .
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                    :.. :
               ...::·:::::....         ÷ | a p p e n d i x | ÷
        ....:::···   ·::::···::::...

Mystic Miracle - animation. 
        This is animated version of my "Mystic Miracle" called 
        picture. (aminet/pix/trace/mad-mysticm(?).lha) It's made
        for school reasons... 



 latest news (APR'99)
- 64k intro released at Astrosyn2.
- McR joined as a swapper. - good luck!
- INFORMER rejoined as  coder.
- SUPERFML left the scene.
- BLAZE left.

 complete memberlist: [APPENDIX]
MADBART ............ sysop,raytracer,organizer   (
MADMAN ............. sysop of apx ftp             (
PREFIX.............. trader                 (
CARSON.............. trader                       (
UFOk................ trader
SCOUT............... coder                            (
ALN................. coder                            (
SACHY............... coder                     (
ENTER............... coder                      (
BTA................. coder
INFORMER............ coder                      (
NEUROMANCER ........ graphician 
RAPPID.............. graphician    
COOPER.............. graphician  
JUMA................ graphician                     (
SLAYER.............. graphician
XTRO ............... raytracer
SPEEDIE............. raytracer
SYLWEK.............. raytracer, web masta             (
PSYCHO.............. musician                        (
VOICE .............. musician 
FLAPJACK............ musician, packmaker        (
CERBER.............. writer                 (
JUDAS............... writer                        (
MCR................. swapper                           (
 complete memberlist: [PIC SAINT LOUP^APPENDIX]

ADAMSOFT............ musician, organizer        (
GROGON.............. musician                       (
TRACKER............. musician
CLOO................ musician                           (
REVISQ.............. musician                         (
BFA................. musician                  (
JAZZCAT............. musician                (
MAGIEL.aka.SICKMAN.. musician                  (
QIX................. swapper                       (

 already released productions:
 AGONY            - slide show - 1992                                 
 WAVE SOUNDS      - music disk - 1992                                 
 FIREHOSE         - intro      - 1993    6th at POLISH AUTUMN'93                             
 UNJUST SENTENCE  - trackmo    - 1994    4th at PRIMAVERA'94 
 40K INTRO        - intro      - 1994    INTEL OUTSIDE 1
 PRIMAVERA PARTRO - partro     - 1994                               
 CONTAGION        - trackmo    - 1995    3rd at COMPUTER ART FESTIVAL'95  
 FA! PACK 01-19   - pack       - 1995/96                              
 INTEL INSIDE     - intro      - 1996                               
 OOPS!            - intro      - 1996    1st at GRAVITY'96           
 ZERO GRAVITY     - demo       - 1996    1st at GRAVITY'96                         
 UFU-S            - video demo - 1996    1st at GRAVITY'96                                                                            
 GRAVITY          - 4k intro   - 1996    7th at GRAVITY'96
 NAVEL            - intro      - 1997    1st at RUSH'97 
 MYSTIQUE         - demo       - 1997    2nd at INTEL OUTSIDE 4
 UFU-S v1.99      - video demo - 1996/97 2nd at INTEL OUTSIDE 4
 INTROKO          - 4k intro   - 1997    
 SPAWN            - intro      - 1997    1st at GRAVITY'97
 PSYCHOL 09-13    - chip pack  - 1997     
 CAPSULE          - demo       - 1997    2nd at ASTROSYN
 UPN X            - intro      - 1997    4th at ASTROSYN  
 USELESS          - 4k intro   - 1997    2nd at ASTROSYN     
 DOLPHINARY       - music disk - 1998    
 FLEA             - demo       - 1998    3rd at RUSHHOURS'98
 MIDGE            - 256b intro - 1998    1st at RUSHHOURS'98
 RIOT             - demo       - 1998    2nd at GRAViTY'98
 SATELLiTE Inv.   - invitation - 1998                
 INDYGO Live!     - live act!  - 1998    LiveAct by Voice/Apx
 TOWER            - intro      - 1999    7th at ASTROSYN2
 and lots of pictures, modules.

 get linked with one of the best boards on the world:
 THE SECT        · WHQ · +48-91-879493   · MADBART   

 and get linked with our web site:
 APPENDIX on web · WWW ·

           | //               T
 appendix  |/                 |
 da jormas |  t h e s e c t.  |      ___         node 0 .... +48-91-48794393
 teklords  |         ___      |  _   \ _\        node 1 ............. telnet
 psl  ___  |        /_ / _    |  \----\/ \       node 2 ............. telnet
     /_ /  |_      / \/--/    |  _\ _____/__
    / \/----/     _\    /____ | /  ____/    \    mastered by:
   _\      /__   /     _     \ /   \\        \              madbart/appendix
  /           \ /      /      X_______________\  powered by:
 /      _______X------/________\                      a1240t/603e/240mhz/5gb
/__________|        ___       .                  supported by:
           .     _  \ _\      |      ___             ufok + prefix + madbart
 floppy    |   __/---\/ \     |  _   \ _\           ___
 kore      |   \  ______/____ |  \----\/ \      _   \ _\          ___
 linear    |  / \_______     \   _\ _____/__    \----\/ \        /_ /   _
 old bulls | /        [/      \ /  ____/    \   _\ _____/__     / \/----/
 sative mea|/__________________X   \]        \ /   \]      \   _\      /__
 dinx p.   |                  /_______________X             \ /           \
 mawi      | second  in  the  .              /_______________X      _______\
           |      world!      | a(id/k0re.                  /__________|
           | [tsp'01 charts] /|

-----------------[  m a d b a r t   .o.   a p p e n d i x  ]----------------
 . ______   ______ .   . ______   ______ .   . ______   . ______   ______ .
 |/     T   T     \|   |/     T   T ___ \|   |/     T   |/     T   T     \|
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   .    | Y    ____  Y     \|   Y   ____   Y    ____  Y    [/__| Y
   |____| _      \]  _      |   _     [/   _      \]  _   __     _      ____

-----------------[  m a d b a r t   .o.   a p p e n d i x  ]----------------

                    a.p.p.e.n.d.i.x  world  head quarters
    for appendix joinin', other reasons write to

-----------------[  m a d b a r t   .o.   a p p e n d i x  ]----------------

Contents of pix/3dani/mad-MMiracle.mpg
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