84782 packages online
No screenshot available
Short: | 3D Animation (MPEG) with sound, produced with Amiga |
Author: | jet netti.fi (Jan-Erik Tervo) |
Uploader: | jet netti fi |
Type: | pix/3dani |
Version: | 1.34 (PAL) |
Architecture: | generic |
Date: | 1999-12-02 |
Distribution: | Copyright but Freely Redistributable, read the included |
Download: | pix/3dani/tchoicem.lha - View contents | Readme: | pix/3dani/tchoicem.readme |
Downloads: | 272 |
TC134PAL.DOC for more info.
Listing of archive 'TCHOICEM.LHA':
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
819 487 40.5% 31-May-96 00:00:00 tc134pal/mpeg/Product-Info
6680 3112 53.4% 06-Jun-96 00:00:00 tc134pal/mpeg/TC134PAL.DOC
1856 744 59.9% 06-Jun-96 00:00:00 tc134pal/mpeg/TC134PAL.DOC.info
30134346 26351476 12.5% 31-May-96 00:00:00 tc134pal/mpeg/TC134PAL.MPG
1856 259 86.0% 31-May-96 00:00:00 tc134pal/mpeg/TC134PAL.MPG.info
2140028 1040143 51.3% 31-May-96 00:00:00 tc134pal/mpeg/TC134PAL.WAV
1855 401 78.3% 31-May-96 00:00:00 tc134pal/mpeg/TC134PAL.WAV.info
5235 1696 67.6% 29-May-96 03:42:02 TC134PAL.info
5235 1693 67.6% 03-Jun-96 22:53:22 tc134pal/MPEG.info
32297910 27400011 15.1% 30-Nov-99 00:47:54 9 files
Contents of pix/3dani/tchoicem.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 487 819 59.5% -lh5- 919a May 31 1996 tc134pal/mpeg/Product-Info
[generic] 3112 6680 46.6% -lh5- 0f04 Jun 6 1996 tc134pal/mpeg/TC134PAL.DOC
[generic] 744 1856 40.1% -lh5- e18c Jun 6 1996 tc134pal/mpeg/TC134PAL.DOC.info
[generic] 26351476 30134346 87.4% -lh5- ca50 May 31 1996 tc134pal/mpeg/TC134PAL.MPG
[generic] 259 1856 14.0% -lh5- 0dba May 31 1996 tc134pal/mpeg/TC134PAL.MPG.info
[generic] 1040143 2140028 48.6% -lh5- 7ad4 May 31 1996 tc134pal/mpeg/TC134PAL.WAV
[generic] 401 1855 21.6% -lh5- a55f May 31 1996 tc134pal/mpeg/TC134PAL.WAV.info
[generic] 1696 5235 32.4% -lh5- fbb6 May 29 1996 TC134PAL.info
[generic] 1693 5235 32.3% -lh5- e5d0 Jun 3 1996 tc134pal/MPEG.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 9 files 27400011 32297910 84.8% Dec 1 1999
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