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Short:Reflections Object: Vorlons Ship
Author: dscott at
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Download:pix/3dobj/R-VOR2.lha - View contents


                *   Babylon 5 Vorlon Ship #1  Version 2   *


                               June 10, 1994


  Thanks for downloading this archive of a version 2  Babylon 5 Vorlon

  fighter ship model in the  Reflections format,  hand

  modeled by the author and originally uploaded  to

  Ron Kramer's OBSTACLE ILLUSION BBS, Grand Rapids, MI (619) 791-2109.

  This archive contains ALL the model elements needed to construct the

  smaller  of  the  3 or 4 Vorlon ships as seen on the BABYLON 5 space

  adventure series.  Included is a fully assembled ship  and  most  of

  the elements used to construct it as well as a surface detailing IFF

  image map.

  The following original and unaltered files are contained herein:

  VlonShip.doc         - This document.

  ClosedPetal#1        - Closed petal object positioned at 12 o-clock.

  ClosedPetal#2        - Closed petal positioned at 9 o-clock.

  ClosedPetal#3        - Closed petal positioned at 6 o-clock.

  ClosedPetal#4        - Closed petal positioned at 3 o-clock.

  OpenedPetal#1        - Opened petal object positioned at 12 o-clock.

  OpenedPetal#2        - Opened petal positioned at 9 o-clock.

  OpenedPetal#3        - Opened petal positioned at 6 o-clock.

  OpenedPetal#4        - Opened petal positioned at 3 o-clock.

  VorlonBulb           - Main base shape of hull on which elements are


  VorlonPods           - Pods and tentacle attachment assembly.

  VorlonEngine         - Engine assembly.

  VorlonTentacles      - Tentacle weapon arms (4).

  VorlonShipComplete   - The complete Vorlon Ship minus petals.

  VorlonShips.jpg      - Composited 24-bit JPEG'd IFF showing 2 Vorlon

                         ships, one with open petals, the other closed.

  HullPanel.brs        - IFF diffusion image map of panel and  weather


  I  modeled  this  complex  object  as a self-teaching tutorial and a

  challenge to achieve by trial and error the same object used in this

  Emmy award wining movie pilot and TV series.

  The ship is composed of 9 parts:  the main hull (including the tent-

  acles, 8 surrounding pods, 4 tentacle  supports, and engine) and the

  petals  (4 in the closed position,  4 in the opened position).   The

  petals, when loaded into Reflections, will automatically be arranged in their

  proper positions relative the the main hull and each other.

  This updated archive now contains some of  the  individual  elements

  that make up this ship.  These include:  the revised and more accur-

  ate pods and tentacle support structures combined into  one  object,

  the  revised  tentacles using half the number of polygons as before,

  and the Vorlon ship's engine assembly.   The 2 sets of 4 petals have

  been rebuilt from scratch and optimized to save memory.  The origin-

  al version 1 petals were archived with 1,000's of duplicate points.

  Depending  on  how  you  want the petals to move,  either opening or

  closing,  set  both  sets of 4 to have as their PARENT the main ship

  object and make one set of 4 petals  100% DISSOLVED while setting up

  the other set to MORPH into the dissloved set using a MORPH ENVELOPE

  for each one of the 4 petals.  A  3 to 4 second (90-120 frame) morph

  is a good speed used to open and close the petals.  Be sure to use a

  tension of 1 at the start and end of the morph key frames. Of course

  all these parameters have been defined in the included scene.


  Users of this model can contact me by writing:

  Dean A. Scott

  2043 Hillsdale Dr.

  Davison,  MI  48423

  ... or via FidoNet e-mail at:

  Dean Scott, 1:2240/130.1



  This archive is being distributed as FREEWARE,  meaning  I  hold  the

  copyright to my work, but am allowing others to use it without charge

  so  long as ownership CREDIT is noted in productions/animations using

  the contents of this archive.

  None  of  the  contents of this archive have originated nor have been

  obatined from Babylonian Productions, Inc., Foundation Imaging, Para-

  mount,  or  Warner  Bros.   They are thus released from liability for

  damages, real or consequential, arising from the use and distribution

  of this archive.

  This document  MUST  accompany  the  distribution  of  this  archive.

  Users are free to modify for personal/corporate use, but are not per-

  mitted  to  alter  this archive with such modified models/images with

  intent to redistribute such altered archive contents.


  B5 JumpGate Freeware Copyright 1994, Dean A. Scott.

  "Babylon 5" Copyright 1992-1994, Babylonian Productions, Inc.

Contents of pix/3dobj/R-VOR2.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  715    1352  52.9% -lh5- b814 Dec 20  1997 fom/r-objects/
[generic]                 5234   12856  40.7% -lh5- beb9 Dec 13  1980 FOM/r-objects/RefVorlon/ENGINE.LW.ref
[generic]                   55     142  38.7% -lh5- 0181 Dec 13  1980 FOM/r-objects/RefVorlon/ENGINE.LW.ref.mat
[generic]                14897   32196  46.3% -lh5- 1586 Dec 13  1980 FOM/r-objects/RefVorlon/OPPEDAL2.LW.ref
[generic]                  310     954  32.5% -lh5- 9037 Dec 13  1980 FOM/r-objects/RefVorlon/OPPEDAL2.LW.ref.mat
[generic]                15347   32196  47.7% -lh5- 0b43 Dec 13  1980 FOM/r-objects/RefVorlon/OPPEDAL3.LW.ref
[generic]                  310     954  32.5% -lh5- 9037 Dec 13  1980 FOM/r-objects/RefVorlon/OPPEDAL3.LW.ref.mat
[generic]                14938   32196  46.4% -lh5- 022b Dec 13  1980 FOM/r-objects/RefVorlon/OPPEDAL4.LW.ref
[generic]                  310     954  32.5% -lh5- 9037 Dec 13  1980 FOM/r-objects/RefVorlon/OPPEDAL4.LW.ref.mat
[generic]                15354   32196  47.7% -lh5- 9cd4 Dec 13  1980 FOM/r-objects/RefVorlon/OPPETAL1.LW.ref
[generic]                  310     954  32.5% -lh5- 9037 Dec 13  1980 FOM/r-objects/RefVorlon/OPPETAL1.LW.ref.mat
[generic]                16798   32196  52.2% -lh5- d6d1 Dec 13  1980 FOM/r-objects/RefVorlon/PETAL1.LW.ref
[generic]                  310     954  32.5% -lh5- 9037 Dec 13  1980 FOM/r-objects/RefVorlon/PETAL1.LW.ref.mat
[generic]                15880   32196  49.3% -lh5- d4ec Dec 13  1980 FOM/r-objects/RefVorlon/PETAL2.LW.ref
[generic]                  310     954  32.5% -lh5- 9037 Dec 13  1980 FOM/r-objects/RefVorlon/PETAL2.LW.ref.mat
[generic]                16752   32196  52.0% -lh5- 4096 Dec 13  1980 FOM/r-objects/RefVorlon/PETAL3.LW.ref
[generic]                  310     954  32.5% -lh5- 9037 Dec 13  1980 FOM/r-objects/RefVorlon/PETAL3.LW.ref.mat
[generic]                15916   32196  49.4% -lh5- c985 Dec 13  1980 FOM/r-objects/RefVorlon/PETAL4.LW.ref
[generic]                  310     954  32.5% -lh5- 9037 Dec 13  1980 FOM/r-objects/RefVorlon/PETAL4.LW.ref.mat
[generic]                 2152    5229  41.2% -lh5- 3ef3 Jan 31  1998 FOM/r-objects/RefVorlon/ReadMe.asc
[generic]                  896    1473  60.8% -lh5- 073c Jan 31  1998 FOM/r-objects/RefVorlon/
[generic]                93685  243353  38.5% -lh5- 8344 Dec 20  1997 FOM/r-objects/RefVorlon/SHIPBULB.LW.r3
[generic]                 5760   13166  43.7% -lh5- d402 Dec 13  1980 FOM/r-objects/RefVorlon/SHIPBULB.LW.ref
[generic]                  188     554  33.9% -lh5- 0ba5 Dec 13  1980 FOM/r-objects/RefVorlon/SHIPBULB.LW.ref.mat
[generic]                10607   24006  44.2% -lh5- e931 Dec 13  1980 FOM/r-objects/RefVorlon/SHIPPODS.LW.ref
[generic]                  202     470  43.0% -lh5- 0718 Dec 13  1980 FOM/r-objects/RefVorlon/SHIPPODS.LW.ref.mat
[generic]                 5933   14840  40.0% -lh5- c35d Dec 13  1980 FOM/r-objects/RefVorlon/TENTACLE.LW.ref
[generic]                   55     142  38.7% -lh5- 0181 Dec 13  1980 FOM/r-objects/RefVorlon/TENTACLE.LW.ref.mat
[generic]                29251   64094  45.6% -lh5- 014b Dec 13  1980 FOM/r-objects/RefVorlon/VLONSHP2.LW.ref
[generic]                  361    1366  26.4% -lh5- f87b Dec 13  1980 FOM/r-objects/RefVorlon/VLONSHP2.LW.ref.mat
[generic]               112312  287246  39.1% -lh5- 35f3 Dec 20  1997 FOM/r-objects/RefVorlon/VorlonCLOSED.r3
[generic]               115447  304398  37.9% -lh5- 2b14 Dec 20  1997 FOM/r-objects/RefVorlon/VorlonFULL.r3
[generic]               110849  303926  36.5% -lh5- 657f Dec 20  1997 FOM/r-objects/RefVorlon/VorlonOPEN.r3
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        33 files  622064 1543813  40.3%            Feb  4  1998
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